Currently, food waste is estimated at more than one-third of all food produced, and the primary responsibility for this phenomenon is attributed to households. Therefore, it seems reasonable to take action to limit food waste and to raise awareness about this link in the chain. To develop and implement educational programs addressed at consumers it is necessary to understand the factors determining food waste in households. Segmentation is a tool that can help effectively reach consumers who are to the greatest extent wasting food which identifies homogeneous clusters of consumers. The aim of this study was to perform segmentation to identify consumer groups with similar behaviors in relation to food, with particular emphasis on food wastage. We carried out segmentation on a representative sample of Polish people over 18 years of age and to identified three clusters of consumers. The three consumer segments diagnosed differed in sociodemographic terms, i.e., number of adults, number of children, subjective assessment of the financial situation, and percentage of spending on food. The segment exhibiting a high frequency of discarding food due to too large package size included single and double households.While loss-of-function mutations in the ATRX gene have been implicated as a driving force for a variety of pediatric brain tumors, as well as pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, the role of ATRX in gene regulation and oncogenic development is not well-characterized. The ADD domain of ATRX (ATRXADD) localizes the protein to chromatin by specifically binding to the histone H3 tail. This domain is also a primary region that is mutated in these cancers. The overall goal of our studies was to utilize a variety of techniques (experimental and computational) to probe the H3ATRXADD protein-protein interaction (PPI). We developed two biochemical assays that can be utilized to study the interaction. These assays were utilized to experimentally validate and expand upon our previous computational results. We demonstrated that the three anchor points in the H3 tail (A1, K4, and K9) are all essential for high affinity binding and that disruption of more than one contact region will be required to develop a small molecule that disrupts the PPI. Our approach in this study could be applied to other domains of ATRX, as well as PPIs between other distinct proteins.Protein S-nitrosation is an important consequence of NO●·metabolism with implications in physiology and pathology. The mechanisms responsible for S-nitrosation in vivo remain debatable and kinetic data on protein S-nitrosation by different agents are limited. 2-Cys peroxiredoxins, in particular Prx1 and Prx2, were detected as being S-nitrosated in multiple mammalian cells under a variety of conditions. Here, we investigated the kinetics of Prx1 S-nitrosation by nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), a recognized biological nitrosating agent, and by the dinitrosyl-iron complex of glutathione (DNIC-GS; [Fe(NO)2(GS)2]-), a hypothetical nitrosating agent. Kinetics studies following the intrinsic fluorescence of Prx1 and its mutants (C83SC173S and C52S) were complemented by product analysis; all experiments were performed at pH 7.4 and 25 ℃. The results show GSNO-mediated nitrosation of Prx1 peroxidatic residue ( k + N O C y s 52 = 15.4 ± 0.4 M-1. s-1) and of Prx1 Cys83 residue ( k + N O C y s 83 = 1.7 ± 0.4 M-1. s-1). The reaction of nitrosated Prx1 with GSH was also monitored and provided a second-order rate constant for Prx1Cys52NO denitrosation of k - N O C y s 52 = 14.4 ± 0.3 M-1. s-1. In contrast, the reaction of DNIC-GS with Prx1 did not nitrosate the enzyme but formed DNIC-Prx1 complexes. The peroxidatic Prx1 Cys was identified as the residue that more rapidly replaces the GS ligand from DNIC-GS ( k D N I C C y s 52 = 7.0 ± 0.4 M-1. s-1) to produce DNIC-Prx1 ([Fe(NO)2(GS)(Cys52-Prx1)]-). Altogether, the data showed that in addition to S-nitrosation, the Prx1 peroxidatic residue can replace the GS ligand from DNIC-GS, forming stable DNIC-Prx1, and both modifications disrupt important redox switches.Interfacial properties such as interfacial profiles, surface activity, wetting transitions, and interfacial tensions along the three-phase line are described for a Type IIIa binary mixture. The methodological approach combines the square gradient theory coupled to the statistical associating fluid theory for Mie potentials of variable range, and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations using the same underlying potential. The water + n-hexane mixture at three-phase equilibrium is chosen as a benchmark test case. The results show that the use of the same molecular representation for both the theory and the simulations provides a complementary picture of the aforementioned mixture, with an excellent agreement between the molecular models and the available experimental data. Interfacial tension calculations are extended to temperatures where experimental data are not available. From these extrapolations, it is possible to infer a first order wetting transition at 347.2 K, where hexane starts to completely wet the water/vapor interface. Similarly, the upper critical end point is estimated at 486.3 K. Both results show a very good agreement to the available experimental information. The concentration profiles confirm the wetting behavior of n-hexane along with a strong positive surface activity that increases with temperature, contrasting the weak positive surface activity of water that decreases with temperature.The high-speed three-dimensional (3-D) shape measurement technique has become more and more popular recently, because of the strong demand for dynamic scene measurement. The single-shot nature of Fourier Transform Profilometry (FTP) makes it highly suitable for the 3-D shape measurement of dynamic scenes. However, due to the band-pass filter, FTP method has limitations for measuring objects with sharp edges, abrupt change or non-uniform reflectivity. In this paper, an improved Temporal Fourier Transform Profilometry (TFTP) algorithm combined with the 3-D phase unwrapping algorithm based on a reference plane is presented, and the measurement of one deformed fringe pattern producing a new 3-D shape of an isolated abrupt objects has been achieved. Improved TFTP method avoids band-pass filter in spatial domain and unwraps 3-D phase distribution along the temporal axis based on the reference plane. The high-frequency information of the measured object can be well preserved, and each pixel is processed separately. Experiments verify that our method can be well applied to a dynamic 3-D shape measurement with isolated, sharp edges or abrupt change.