Digital farming is a novel agricultural philosophy that aims to maximize a crop yield with the minimal environmental impact. Digital farming requires the development of technologies that can work directly in the field providing information about a plant health. Raman spectroscopy (RS) is an emerging analytical technique that can be used for non-invasive, non-destructive, and confirmatory diagnostics of diseases, as well as the nutrient deficiencies in plants. RS is also capable of probing nutritional content of grains, as well as highly accurate identification plant species and their varieties. This allows for Raman-based phenotyping and digital selection of plants. These pieces of evidence suggest that RS can be used for chemical-free surveillance of plant health directly in the field. High selectivity and specificity of this technique show that RS may transform the agriculture in the US. This review critically discusses the most recent research articles that demonstrate the use of RS in diagnostics of abiotic and abiotic stresses in plants, as well as the identification of plant species and their nutritional analysis.Sensory quality is of increasing importance to consumer decisions in choosing a product, and it is certainly an important factor in repurchasing in terms of meeting the necessary aroma quality and taste properties. To better understand the effects of rootstocks and scions on fruit quality, the sensory profile and volatile aroma composition of the fruits of hydroponically grown tomato plants were evaluated. Experiments were established using the tomato cultivars Clarabella and Estatio as scions during two spring-summer seasons. In both experiments, the scion plants were self-grafted or grafted onto rootstocks of cultivars Arnold, Buffon, Emperador, and Maxifort, with the exception that in experiment 1, the Estatio scion was not grafted onto Buffon. The scions and rootstocks caused differences in observed sensory properties in both experiments. For most of the sensory traits, interaction effects between scion and rootstock were observed. Compared to those obtained from self-grafted Clarabella, the fruits obtainrootstocks reduced (Z)-3-hexenal + (E)-2-hexenal concentrations, from 25 to 74%, compared to those from self-grafted Clarabella. Higher (+)-2-carene and (-)-caryophyllene oxide concentrations were attained in plants in which Clarabella was grafted onto Maxifort (by 56%) and plants in which Estatio was grafted onto Arnold (by 36%) compared to self-grafted plants. This study showed the possibility of altering the composition of volatile aroma compounds and sensory properties of tomato fruits by the use of grafting techniques.Lycoris species have great ornamental and medicinal values; however, their low regeneration efficiency significantly restricts their commercial production. Exogenous hormone application is an effective way to promote bulblet development, but their effect on Lycoris radiata has not been verified to date. In the present study, we examined the effect of different exogenous hormones on bulblet development in L. radiata, and found that gibberellic acid (GA) significantly inhibited, whereas paclobutrazol (PBZ), abscisic acid (ABA), and ethrel promoted bulblet development, especially PBZ, a GA biosynthesis inhibitor. Furthermore, GA reduced endogenous cytokinin (CK) content, as well as the activities of carbohydrate metabolism enzymes, including sucrose synthase (SUS) and glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase (AGPase), by downregulating the expression levels of LrSUS1, LrSUS2, and genes encoding AGPase large and small subunits. This resulted in the decrease in carbohydrate accumulation in the bulblets, thus hindering their development. PBZ had the opposite effect to GA on carbohydrate metabolism; it decreased endogenous GA15 and GA24, thereby promoting bulblet development. ABA promoted endogenous auxin content and the activities of starch synthesis enzymes, especially soluble starch synthase (SSS) and granule-bound SS (GBSS), through the up-regulation of the expression levels of LrSS1, LrSS2, and LrGBSS1 genes, which could also result in the accumulation of carbohydrates in the bulblets and promote their development. In addition, ethrel application partly promoted bulblet development by promoting endogenous CK content. Although the accumulation of carbohydrates and the activity of starch enzymes were increased by ethrel treatment, we hypothesized that the effect of ethrel on regulating carbohydrate metabolism may be indirect. Our results could provide a basis for improving the propagation efficiency of L. radiata for production, as well as propose some directions for future research.Plants and phytophagous arthropods have co-evolved for millions of years. During this long coexistence, plants have developed defense mechanisms including constitutive and inducible defenses. In an effort to survive upon herbivore attack, plants suffer a resource reallocation to facilitate the prioritization of defense toward growth. These rearrangements usually end up with a penalty in plant growth, development or reproduction directly linked to crop losses. Achieving the balance to maximize crop yield requires a fine tune regulation specific for each host-arthropod combination, which remains to be fully elucidated. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the effects of induced plant defenses produced upon pest feeding on plant fitness and surrogate parameters. The majority of the studies are focused on specific plant-pest interactions based on artificial herbivory damage or simulated defoliation on specific plant hosts. In this meta-analysis, the relevance of the variables mediating plant-pest interactions de of the infestation, and the final negative effect on plant fitness. Among the parameters used to estimate the cost, growth and photosynthesis revealed more differences among subgroups than reproduction parameters. Altogether, this information on defense-growth trade-offs should be of great help for the scientific community to design pest management strategies reducing costs.Floral volatiles and reward traits are major drivers for the behavior of mutualistic as well as antagonistic flower visitors, i.e., pollinators and florivores. These floral traits differ tremendously between species, but intraspecific differences and their consequences on organism interactions remain largely unknown. Floral volatile compounds, such as terpenoids, function as cues to advertise rewards to pollinators, but should at the same time also repel florivores. The reward composition, e.g., protein and lipid contents in pollen, differs between individuals of distinct plant families. Whether the nutritional value of rewards within the same plant species is linked to their chemotypes, which differ in their pattern of specialized metabolites, has yet not been investigated. In the present study, we compared Tanacetum vulgare plants of five terpenoid chemotypes with regard to flower production, floral headspace volatiles, pollen macronutrient and terpenoid content, and floral attractiveness to florivorous beetles.