Regardless of strain, sex, and age, M11 (M1/M0), M9 (M3/M2), and M4 had the highest correlation to WB score (rs ≥ 0.65; P less then 0.01). Overall, the best validated model (Gen. R2 = 0.61) to predict WB included M1, M2, and M3. Using this model, 91% of broiler carcasses were properly classified as normal or WB along with a sensitivity of 71% to detect affected carcasses. Although the predictive performance of models for detecting the WB condition using these measurements was associated with the broiler strain, sex, and age or live weight, these data also support the feasibility of using image analysis to predict WB defect in broiler carcasses. The possible integration of these image measurements into commercial noncontact, nondestructive, and fast in-line vision grading systems would allow processors to identify broilers with WB and potentially sort, provide large-scale information downstream to further processing operations and upstream to live production.This statement explores the ethical considerations surrounding the provision of fertility services to transgender individuals and concludes that the denial of access to fertility services is not justified.Protein kinases use ATP to phosphorylate other proteins. Phosphorylation (p) universally orchestrates a fine-tuned network modulating a multitude of biological processes. Moreover, the start of networks, ATP-binding site, has been recognized dual roles to impact protein kinases function (i) orthosteric inhibition, via being blocked to interference ATP occupying and (ii) allosteric regulation, via being altered first to induce further conformational changes. The above two terminologies are widely used in drug design, which has acquired quite a significant progress in the protein kinases field over the past 2 decades. Most small molecular inhibitors directly compete with ATP to implement orthosteric inhibition, still exhibiting irreplaceable and promising therapeutic effects. Additionally, numerous inhibitors can paradoxically lead protein kinases to hyperphosphorylation, even activation, indicative of the allosteric regulation role of the ATP-binding site. Here, we review the quintessential examples that apply for the dual roles in diverse ways. Our work provides an insight into the molecular mechanisms under the dual roles and will be promisingly instructive for future drug development.Diabetes mellitus has emerged as a severe burden on the medical health system across the globe. Presently, around 422 million people are suffering from diabetes which is speculated to be expanded to about 600 million by 2035. Patients with type 2 diabetes are at increased risk of developing detrimental metabolic and cardiovascular complications. The scientific understanding of this chronic disease and its underlying root cause is not yet fully unraveled. Protein kinases are well known to regulate almost every cellular process through phosphorylation of target protein in diverse signaling pathways. The important role of several protein kinases including AMP-activated protein kinase, IκB kinase and protein kinase C have been well demonstrated in various animal models. They modulate glucose tolerance, inflammation and insulin resistance in the cells via acting on diverse downstream targets and signaling pathways. Thus, modulating the activity of potential human kinases which are significantly involved in diabetes by targeting with small molecule inhibitors could be an attractive therapeutic strategy to tackle diabetes. In this chapter, we have discussed the potential role of protein kinases in glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, and in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, the small molecules reported in the literature that can be potentially used for the treatment of diabetes have been discussed in detail.Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are important drug targets for cancer and immunological disorders. Crystal structures of individual RTK domains have contributed greatly to the structure-based drug design of clinically used drugs. Low-resolution structures from electron microscopy are now available for the RTKs, EGFR, PDGFR, and Kit. However, there are still no high-resolution structures of full-length RTKs due to the technical challenges of working with these complex, membrane proteins. Here, we review what has been learned from structural studies of these three RTKs regarding their mechanisms of ligand binding, activation, oligomerization, and inhibition. We discuss the implications for drug design. More structural data on full-length RTKs may facilitate the discovery of druggable sites and drugs with improved specificity and effectiveness against resistant mutants.The discovery and development of a new drug is a complex, time consuming and costly process that typically takes over 10 years and costs around 1 billion dollars from bench to market. This scenario makes the discovery of novel drugs targeting neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), which afflict in particular people in low-income countries, prohibitive. Despite the intensive use of High-Throughput Screening (HTS) in the past decades, the speed with which new drugs come to the market has remained constant, generating doubts about the efficacy of this approach. Here we review a few of the yeast-based high-throughput approaches that can work synergistically with parasite-based, in vitro, or in silico methods to identify and optimize novel antiparasitic compounds. These yeast-based methods range from HTP screens to identify novel hits against promising parasite kinase targets to the identification of potential antiparasitic kinase inhibitors extracted from databases of yeast chemical genetic screens.CK2 is a constitutively active Ser/Thr protein kinase which phosphorylates hundreds of substrates. Since they are primarily related to survival and proliferation pathways, the best-known pathological roles of CK2 are in cancer, where its targeting is currently being considered as a possible therapy. However, CK2 activity has been found instrumental in many other human pathologies, and its inhibition will expectably be extended to different purposes in the near future. Here, after a description of CK2 features and implications in diseases, we analyze the different inhibitors and strategies available to target CK2, and update the results so far obtained by their in vivo application.