a basis for the development of adaptable curricula for a variety of institutions and contexts. We also offer recommendations for the implementation of a navigator training program. A curriculum such as this, with built-in flexibility to meet community and institutional needs, may promote the effective and sustainable use of patient navigation in the postpartum context. In 2016, the Swiss government decided to back the implementation of an interprofessional patient support programme to redefine and extent the pharmacist's role in primary care. The programme, called Siscare, includes regular motivational interviews by pharmacists; medication adherence, patient-reported, and clinical outcomes monitoring; and pharmacist-physician interactions. To assess, from a pharmacy team's perspective, the implementation of Siscare for patients with type 2 diabetes taking at least one oral antidiabetic treatment, followed for 15 months, in a primary care setting of the French-speaking part of Switzerland. This prospective, multicentre, observational, cohort study used a hybrid implementation-effectiveness design and the Framework for the Implementation of Services in Pharmacy (FISpH). Quantitative and qualitative methods assessed outcomes at three levels (process, outcomes and impact) at each stage of the implementation process (exploration, preparation, operation, sustainability). to the inertia inherent in any fundamental change in practices and the economic-political uncertainties influencing the actors in primary care. This implementation evaluation supports the feasibility and acceptability from the pharmacy team's perspective of Siscare. The programme's implementation on a wider scale is still difficult due to the inertia inherent in any fundamental change in practices and the economic-political uncertainties influencing the actors in primary care. An excessive amount of nonurgent pages may disrupt patient care, reduce efficiency, and contribute to burnout. We present detailed paging data to analyze frequency, content, and urgency of pages received by surgery residents to provide recommendations to reduce resident distractions and fatigue. Prospective review of pages received by surgery residents over 15 weeks in 2019. Pages were analyzed by content and urgency (routine, important, emergent) by author consensus and compared among day and night shifts, and page senders' profession. University tertiary-care hospital PARTICIPANTS Seventeen junior surgery residents (PGY-1 and PGY-2) RESULTS Total 1,740 resident-hours yielded 1,871 pages. Residents working day and night shift received a median of 11 (IQR 7-14) and 13 (IQR 6-22) pages, respectively. Pages from nurses were most common for both shifts but constituted a significantly increased proportion at night (71.3% vs 36.7%, p < 0.00005). Most pages during day shift were routine (74.4%) and pertained to plan of care and order request (38.4% and 15.7%, respectively). Emergent and important pages were more common at night (8.9% and 24.7% vs 1.8 and 14.8%, p < 0.00005) which paralleled an increase in pages reporting change in patient condition compared to day shift (19.7 from 6.7%, p < 0.00005). Routine pages pertaining care plan and order requests remained common at night (26.5 and 28%, respectively). Over half of pages received by residents contain routine communications about care plan and request for non-urgent orders, even during night shift. Resident-nurse collaboration and support from technology services might optimizing communication pathways. Over half of pages received by residents contain routine communications about care plan and request for non-urgent orders, even during night shift. Resident-nurse collaboration and support from technology services might optimizing communication pathways. Whether and how music influences the performance of surgical procedures such as laparoscopy is unclear and can be feasibly determined using laparoscopic box training tools under standardized conditions. The aim of this prospective study is to evaluate the effect of different genres of music on the performance of laparoscopic novices. Between May 2018 and December 2018, n = 82 students (38 male, 44 female) from Heidelberg University Medical School performed 3 different laparoscopic exercises (A, B, C) from the "Luebecker Toolbox" with 2 repetitions each under standardized conditions. Time was recorded for each exercise. The students were assigned either to one of four groups, each of which was exposed to a compilation of music from 1 genre (hip hop, classical, rock, or mixed radio music), or to a fifth, control group, without exposure to music. The music was played at a constant sound pressure level of 70 decibels . Each group was compared with the others using a t-test for independent samples. Exposure to music generally led to better performance compared with the control group. Compared with exposure to mixed radio music or to rock, significantly better performance could be demonstrated for exposure to classical music in Exercise B, with an average exposure time of 127 s needed (± 21.4; p < 0.05). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ro5126766-ch5126766.html No significant differences could be demonstrated for Exercise A, though for classical music, best performance was possible with 120 s (±17.3) of exposure. In Exercise C, hip hop triggered significantly better performance than rock or radio music (p < 0.05). At an sound pressure level of 70 decibels, exposure to classical music or hip hop appears to have beneficial effects on training performance for surgical novices under standardized conditions. At an sound pressure level of 70 decibels, exposure to classical music or hip hop appears to have beneficial effects on training performance for surgical novices under standardized conditions.Family and friends caring for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) recipients experience substantial disruptions in daily life as they prepare for transplant. These disruptions may increase their psychological distress, yet little research has described the extent of this distress. The goals of the present study were to characterize rates of anxiety and depression symptoms immediately prior to HCT and their relationship with modifiable caregiving domains. We conducted a secondary analysis of cross-sectional data of caregivers of patients undergoing HCT. Caregivers completed self-report measures to assess 8 domains of caregiving (Caregiver Oncology Quality of Life Questionnaire) and anxiety and depression symptoms (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale [HADS]) prior to transplant. Scores ≥8 on the HADS anxiety and depression subscales signified clinically significant symptoms. We used multivariable regression models adjusting for age, sex, caregiver relationship, and HCT type to examine the associations between caregiving domains and anxiety and depression symptoms.