Penile plethysmography (PPG) is an objective measure of male sexual arousal in response to the presentation of a series of erotic and neutral stimuli. This measure is now widely recognized as the most reliable means of objectively measuring male sexual arousal to specific stimuli. Many clinicians and researchers consider PPG to be a vital contribution to the assessment and treatment of adult men with paraphilic interests and men who have committed sex crimes. PPG contributes to the clinical assessment of paraphilic interests, appraisal of risk of recidivism, and provides an objective measurement of changes in sexual arousal in response to treatment. There is strong support for the utility of PPG within clinical and legal contexts. This article addresses ways in which PPG has been utilized in the courts as part of expert clinical opinion. History of its use, details regarding admissibility in court, and case law are explored within the legal systems of Canada, the UK and the USA. Support for the inclusion of PPG as expert evidence is provided and judicial misunderstandings on the rationale for PPG use and its clinical utility in forensic assessments are discussed. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.The osteogenic differentiation of human aortic valve interstitial cells (hVICs) is the key cellular mechanism of calcified aortic valve disease (CAVD). This study aimed to explore how curcumin (CCM) inhibits the osteogenic differentiation of hVICs and elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved. In this study, CCM inhibited the osteogenic differentiation of hVICs under osteogenic medium (OM) conditions by reversing the OM-induced increase in calcified nodule formation and osteogenesis-specific markers (ALP and Runx2). RNA sequencing identified 475 common differentially expressed genes with Venn diagrams of the different groups. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes enrichment revealed that the CCM inhibition of hVIC osteogenic differentiation was enriched in the NF-κB, PI3K-AKT, TNF, Jak-STAT, and MAPK signaling pathways. In addition, CCM suppressed the phosphorylation of ERK, IκBα, AKT, and interfered with the translocation of P65 into the cell nucleus in hVICs under OM culture conditions. In conclusion, CCM inhibited the osteogenic differentiation of hVICs via interfering with the activation of NF-κB/AKT/ERK signaling pathways. Our findings provide novel insights into a critical role for CCM in CAVD progression and shed new light on CCM-directed therapeutics for CAVD. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Dimeric [CrL] 2 , where L is the conjugate base of bis -pyrazolyl pyridine, is evaluated for its ability to undergo inner sphere and outer sphere redox chemistry. It reacts with Cp 2 Fe + to give the surprising [Cr 4 (HL) 4 (μ 4 -O)] 2+ , still containing divalent Cr. Reduction (KC 8 ) of [CrL] 2 by 2 electrons gives [K 2 (THF) 3 Cr 3 L 3 (μ 3 -O)], and by 4 electrons gives [K 4 (THF) 10 Cr 2 L 2 (μ-O)], each of which has scavenged (hydr)oxide from glass surface because of the electrophilicity of the underligated Cr. The remarkable [K 4 (THF) 10 Cr 2 L 2 (μ-O)], is shown by comprehensive DFT calculations and analysis of intra-ligand bond lengths to contain a pyridyl radical L 3- and Cr II , illustrating that this pincer is proton-responsive, redox active, and a versatile donor to associated K + ions here. The K + electrophiles interact with electron rich oxo, but do not significantly (> 5 kcal/mol) alter spin state energies. Inner sphere oxidation of [CrL] 2 with a quinone gives [Cr 2 L 2 (semiquinone) 2 ], while pre-reduced [CrL] 2 2- reacts with quinone to give [K 3 (THF) 3 Cr 2 L 2 (catecholate) 2 (μ-OH)], a product of capture of two undercoordinated LCr(catecholate) 1- by hydroxide. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Spx is a major regulator of stress responses in Firmicutes. In Streptococcus mutans, two Spx homologues, SpxA1 and SpxA2, were identified as mediators of oxidative stress responses but the regulatory circuits controlling their levels and activity are presently unknown. Comparison of SpxA1 and SpxA2 protein sequences revealed differences at the C-terminal end, with SpxA1 containing an unusual number of acidic residues. Here, we showed that a GFP reporter becomes unstable when fused to the last 10 amino acids of SpxA2 but remained stable when fused to the C-terminal acidic tail of SpxA1. Inactivation of clpP or simultaneous inactivation of clpC and clpE stabilized the GFPSpxA2tail fusion protein. Addition of acidic amino acids to the GFPSpxA2tail chimera stabilized GFP while deletion of the acidic residues destabilized GFPSpxA1tail . Promoter reporter fusions revealed that spxA1 transcription is co-repressed by the metalloregulators PerR and SloR while spxA2 transcription is largely dependent on the envelope stress regulator LiaFSR. In agreement with spxA2 being part of the LiaR regulon, SpxA2 was found to be critical for the growth of S. mutans under envelope stress conditions. Finally, we showed that redox-sensing is essential for SpxA1-dependent activation of oxidative stress responses but dispensable for SpxA2-mediated envelope stress responses. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.We appreciate the comments of Raschi and colleagues.1 We agree that the term for interpreting the reporting odds ratio (ROR) in our study2 should be "lower than expected reporting of suicidal behaviours with anti-TNFα drugs" and not "reduced risk". We recognize 1,2 that the ROR does not offer risk quantification; however, in the spirit of mining for safety signals in the FAERS database, terms that may be interpreted as referring to risk quantification, have been used.3 We thank Raschi and colleagues1 for highlighting our oversight. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.In this study, we aimed to compare changes in cavernosal tissues in rats with antiandrogen treatment and orchiectomy. A total of 42 Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups. Group I, control group, Group II, LH-RH was given for 1 month, Group III-LH-RH + Bicalutamide was given for 1 month, and Group IV was defined as orchiectomy and followed up for 1 month. Measurements of intracavernosal pressure with different electrical stimuli and pathological findings of smooth muscle collagen in cavernosal tissues were examined. While the cavernosal pressure response in all the different electrical stimuli given in the control group and in all other groups was significantly lower than that in the other groups, it was statistically significant at 7.5 and 10 V (p = .005, p  less then  0001). According to the pathologic evaluation, the density of tissue collagen increased significantly in the other groups according to the control group. In groups 3 and 4, the density of 4+ collagen was found to be increased according to Groups 1 and 2.