for extending conflict monitoring accounts.The parcellation of the brain's cortical surface into anatomically and/or functionally distinct areas is a topic of ongoing investigation and interest. We provide digital versions of six classical human brain atlases in common MRI space. The cortical atlases represent a range of modalities, including cyto- and myeloarchitecture (Campbell, Smith, Brodmann and Von Economo), myelogenesis (Flechsig), and mappings of symptomatic information in relation to the spatial location of brain lesions (Kleist). Digital reconstructions of these important cortical atlases widen the range of modalities for which cortex-wide imaging atlases are currently available and offer the opportunity to compare and combine microstructural and lesion-based functional atlases with in-vivo imaging-based atlases. To examine associations between universal pre-school childcare use and later behaviors among children at age 6 years. Using annual follow-up data of a birth cohort (N=1450), we estimated differences in behavioral scores by primary childcare arrangement between ages 2-5 years - universal subsidized childcare program (CPE care), non-CPE childcare, and parental or family care (no regular care) - using propensity score inverse probability weights. Teachers reported slightly higher levels of hyperactivity (0.73, 95% CI 0.32, 1.1) and indirect aggression (0.58, 95%CI 0.24, 0.91) among children who attended a CPE than children in non-CPE care. However, these patterns were not observed from either maternal or paternal reports. Similarly, teachers' assessments of slightly higher physical aggression (0.50, 95% CI 0.11, 0.88) and opposition (0.63, 95% CI 0.21, 1.05) scores among children in CPE care than children who did not have a regular childcare were not observed in parental assessments. Behavioral scores by childcare arrangement were similar between girls and boys and across family socioeconomic position