Between dream and distress - Setting up and running a cohort ward for COVID-19 Patients at an acute hospital - A case study Abstract. Background In the context of the pandemic, hospitals must be able to care for COVID-19 patients within a very short timeframe. Description of the setting up of a cohort ward for patients with COVID-19 on a surgical ward including the development of the nursing team. The intrinsic retrospective case study describes the situation, identifies special phenomena in a reflective manner and links them to existing knowledge. Data were anecdotal, routine data were collected in the context of nursing practice development. Setting up the cohort ward in a Swiss hospital consisted of structural and technical planning, infection control measures, the establishment of interprofessional structures, and internal communication. During the four-week operation, 71 patients were treated. The use of practice development methodology initiated a cultural change. The reflection describes a field of tension between "dream and distress" As a dream, the lived experience of optimal care, with well-functioning processes, sufficient material, sufficient personnel and a very good interprofessional cooperation was evaluated. Distress in the form of high infection rates as well as psychological and physical stress did not occur. After the cohort ward was closed, there was a risk working back in normal operations based on existing economical and organizational conditions, with the knowledge that a different cooperation and organization is possible. Positive experiences from the "crisis mode" should be used to further develop essential operations during normal times. Positive experiences from the "crisis mode" should be used to further develop essential operations during normal times.Health behaviours and needs of people with COPD during COVID-19 pandemic a document analysis Abstract. Background The government's guidelines affected people with COPD on different levels during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to belonging to a group of particularly vulnerable persons, they had to adapt their health behaviours, in particular physical activity, to recommendations provided in order to prevent negative effects on disease progression. There is little knowledge regarding how this group of patients coped with these challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. To describe the health behaviours and needs people with COPD convey during nursing phone consultations and which nursing interventions have been carried out. A document analysis of 50 nursing phone consultations was performed. The data were summarised descriptively and analysed thematically. The main topics were the adaptation of physical activity, the implementation of the recommendations to the individual life situation, the detection of a COVID-19 infection and questions concerning the planning of medical appointments. The COVID-19 pandemic poses additional challenges to the disease management of people with COPD. The increased need for care brought on by the pandemic was able to be met by the knowledge provided in the nursing phone consultations. What remains to be established is what role the consultations play in a sustainable change in behaviour and in dealing with negative emotions. The COVID-19 pandemic poses additional challenges to the disease management of people with COPD. The increased need for care brought on by the pandemic was able to be met by the knowledge provided in the nursing phone consultations. What remains to be established is what role the consultations play in a sustainable change in behaviour and in dealing with negative emotions.Perceptions of intensive care nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic - A qualitative survey Abstract. Background While at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic the need for intensive care is increasing, the specific care needs of patients are still largely unknown. This is a challenge for the work of intensive care staff. The aim of the study is to understand how intensive care nurses perceive their working conditions and the consequences for patient care. The study is a qualitative survey. Using a web-based questionnaire, narratives of n = 902 nurses were collected. This article reports the perceptions of n = 397 intensive care nurses. The evaluation is based on the qualitative content analysis according to 18-2Mayring (2015). The analysis of the data shows the following six categories "The lack of staff is extremely noticeable" to "Waiting for something", "struggle for PPE (personal protective equipment)", "time to learn", "considerable discrepancy" in patient care, "attempts to compensate" and "constantly a bad feeling". The tension between the lack of knowledge and information on the one hand and the professional demand to do justice to the seriously ill and their relatives on the other hand, brings nurses to their professional limits. Conditions for ethical decision making have to be developed and concepts for a clear attribution of autonomy and responsibility for intensive care nurses must be introduced. Conditions for ethical decision making have to be developed and concepts for a clear attribution of autonomy and responsibility for intensive care nurses must be introduced.Nursing care in times of COVID-19 Online survey of leaders on challenges, burdens, and coping strategies Abstract. Aim In light of the dynamic developments and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for the care of people in need of long-term care the following questions arise How do leaders of care facilities perceive the challenges, how burdened are they and how do they cope with these? Leaders from outpatient and inpatient nursing and hospice care facilities were contacted by e-mail to participate in an online survey. Closed questions were analysed descriptively, open information was analysed by content analysis. From of 4,333 nursing facilities contacted, usable information was available from 525 persons. The greatest pandemic-related, interdependent challenges include concern about infections of patients and employees, procurement of protective equipment, compliance with hygiene regulations, inconsistency and lack of transparency of information and guidelines that are important for work, and loss of income and lead to a cascade of burdens.