Three lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains identified as Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillusbrevis, and Lactobacillussakei isolated from meat products were tested for their ability to utilize and grow on xylooligosaccharides (XOSs). The extent of carbohydrate utilization by the studied strains was analyzed by HPLC. All three strains showed preferences for the degree of polymerization (DP). The added oligosaccharides induced the LAB to form end-products of typical mixed-acid fermentation. The utilization of XOSs by the microorganisms requires the action of three important enzymes β-xylosidase (EC exo-oligoxylanase (EC and α-L-arabinofuranosidase (EC The presence of intracellular β-D-xylosidase in Lb. brevis, Lb. plantarum, and Lb.sakei suggest that XOSs might be the first imported into the cell by oligosaccharide transporters, followed by their degradation to xylose. The studies on the influence of XOS intake on the lipids of rat liver plasma membranes showed that oligosaccharides display various beneficial effects for the host organism, which are probably specific for each type of prebiotic used. The utilization of different types of oligosaccharides may help to explain the ability of Lactobacillus strains to compete with other bacteria in the ecosystem of the human gastrointestinal tract.Urethane-acrylate thermoset resins (UATR) are a new type of polymeric matrix that have recently made a strong breakthrough in the composites sector. This is because of their properties, which make them an advantageous alternative to epoxy resins, especially if they are reinforced with high-performance fibers such as aramids. Graphene-based nanocomposites are one of the most dynamic research fields in nanotechnology, because graphenic materials greatly improve the properties of traditional composites. This work represents a comparative study of the effect of adding three types of graphenic materials on the mechanical properties of UATR/aramid composites. Several UATR polymeric matrices were doped at 2% w/w with graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs), reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and pristine few-layer graphene (FLG), and reinforced with Twaron CT709 para-aramid fibers. The obtained laminates showed low density (1.38 g·cm-3), a high volumetric fiber-resin ratio (8020), homogeneous dispersion of the nanoreinforcement, high reproducibility, and easy scalability. The tensile, flexural and impact strength properties of the undoped composite and the graphene-doped nanocomposites were determined. FLG-doped nanocomposites showed the highest increase in all the mentioned mechanical properties and attained a very significant relative improvement over the undoped laminate (up to 134.4% in aCU).Much research suggests that Mediterranean eating habits and lifestyle contribute to counteract the risk of chronic diseases while promoting longevity, but little information is available on the effects of the Mediterranean diet (Med-Diet) on thyroid function, particularly among overweight/obese subjects. Nevertheless, consistent data reported a slight increase in serum levels of the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and a higher rate of conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3) in obesity. This cross-sectional study was aimed at investigating the relationship between adherence to the Med-Diet and circulating thyroid hormones in a cohort of overweight/obese subjects from Apulia (Southern Italy). Methods We studied 324 consecutive outpatient subjects (228 women and 96 men, age range 14-72 years) taking no drug therapy and showing normal levels of thyroid hormones, but complicated by overweight and obesity (body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 Kg/m2). The PREDIMED (PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea) questionnain the reference range for free T3 and T4 serum levels. This first finding in this field opens up a research line on any underlying biological interplay.Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a non-invasive treatment modality for acute and chronic pain. However, little information for muscle activity is available on the immediate effects of TENS in masticatory muscle pain related to temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). The present study aimed to evaluate the immediate effects of TENS treatment on TMD-related muscle pain. Thirty-six patients with TMD-related muscle pain and 39 healthy subjects served as TMD and control groups, respectively. For objective evaluations, maximum mouth opening, and maximum bite force were measured before and after TENS. The pain intensity was assessed according to a 100-mm visual analog scale (VAS). TENS was applied to painful muscles for 20 min with frequencies of 100-200 Hz. The treatment outcome was evaluated using Global Rating of Change (GRC) scales. In the TMD group, VAS values significantly decreased after TENS. Although there was significant increase in the maximum mouth opening after TENS for only TMD group, the maximum bite force of both groups was significantly greater after TENS. According to GRC scales, one patient with TMD-related muscle pain expressed negative feelings after TENS. Conclusively, TENS treatment might quickly relieve pain in masticatory muscles and improve masticatory functions in patients with TMD-related muscle pain.The term organizational health literacy (OHL) is a new concept that emerged to address the challenge of predominantly in patients with limited health literacy (HL). There is no consensus on how OHL can improve HL activities and health outcomes in healthcare organizations. In this study, a systematic review of the literature was conducted to understand the evidence for the effectiveness of OHL and its health outcome, and the facilitators and barriers that influence the implementation of OHL. A literature search was done using six databases, the gray literature method and reference hand searches. Thirteen potentially articles with data on 1254 health organizations were included. Eight self-assessment tools and ten OHL attributes have been identified. Eleven quality-improvement characteristics and 15 key barriers were reviewed. Evidence on the effectiveness of HL tools provides best practices and recommendations to enhance OHL capacities. Results indicated that shifting to a comprehensive OHL would likely be a complex process because HL is not usually integrated into the healthcare organization's vision and strategic planning.