An increasing number of licensed massage therapists in several countries are providing acupuncture to their clients, but little is known about this practice. To characterize the motivations, training backgrounds, practice patterns, and clinical experiences of licensed massage therapists who perform acupuncture. The study used a cross-sectional, online survey design involving acupuncture-providing registered massage therapists (RMTs) in the province of Ontario, Canada, where acupuncture is explicitly permitted within the massage therapy profession's scope. Analysis involved descriptive statistics and thematic content analysis of qualitative findings. The survey response rate was 33.7% (n=212), representing 25.5% of all Ontario RMTs rostered to practice acupuncture. Participant demographics mirrored the RMT profession as a whole, except that providers were, on average, several years older than other RMTs. Most respondents (72.7%) had completed over 200 hours of training in acupuncture; most training inccount of an emerging global trend that holds promise in enhancing clinical care, professional stability, and provider longevity. Additional research is needed to investigate the practice's use in other jurisdictions, and to establish international standards for safe and effective practice. This study of the use of acupuncture by Ontario's licensed massage therapists represents a first scholarly account of an emerging global trend that holds promise in enhancing clinical care, professional stability, and provider longevity. Additional research is needed to investigate the practice's use in other jurisdictions, and to establish international standards for safe and effective practice. Shift work is a necessary part of many industries; however, it can have detrimental effects on health over time. This study investigated the effect of a massage intervention on the cardiac autonomic activity and blood inflammatory markers of h