The optimized SPMD was tested for the collection of toluene and benzene in six chemistry laboratories at Fluminense Federal University and in five nail salons in the city of Niterói, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The developed sampling method was able to identify the analytes in the indoor air of the studied environments, and was easy to operate, with no need to clean up the extracts, allowing their direct injection into the chromatographic system.High water iodine concentration in drinking water can lead to excessive iodine, which will affect normal thyroid function, blood glucose, and blood pressure, especially among pregnant and lactating women. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between iodine, thyroid function, blood pressure, and blood glucose level among adults, and pregnant and lactating women in areas that are iodine-adequate (IA) and iodine-excess (IE) with respect to iodine concentrations in drinking water. A cross-sectional survey was conducted involving 144 pregnant and 237 lactating women in Shanxi Province, and 828 adults in Shandong Province. Water iodine, urinary iodine, thyroid function, blood pressure, and blood glucose were measured. Compared with the IA area, the water iodine concentration (WIC) in the IE area was higher (adults, 325.00 µg/L vs. 71.40 µg/L; pregnant and lactating women, 464.80 µg/L vs. 57.50 µg/L). For adults, and pregnant and lactating women, in the IE area, the urinary iodine concentraegnant and lactating women in the IE area were at lower risk for an association with hyperglycemia. Collectively, our research showed that long-term exposure to high water iodine is a high-risk factor for abnormal blood pressure and a low-risk factor for abnormal blood glucose level, especially for special populations such as pregnant and lactating women. Moreover, enhanced monitoring of blood pressure and blood glucose level in people with abnormal thyroid function in areas with high water iodine is important.The baking industries and disinfection of tap water released a considerable amount of bromate into surface water, which has been reported as a carcinogenic compound to mammals. Rotifers play an important role in freshwater ecosystems and are model organisms to assess environmental contamination. In the present study, the effects of different concentrations (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 and 200 mg/L) of bromate on the life-table and population growth parameters were investigated in the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus. The results showed that the 24-h LC50 of bromate to B. calyciflorus was 365.29 mg/L (95%Cl 290.37-480.24). Treatments with 0.01, 10 and 200 mg/L bromate shorten the reproductive period. High levels of bromate (100 and 200 mg/L) significantly decreased net reproductive rate, intrinsic rate of population increase, life span, mictic rate of B. calyciflorus. To investigate the underlying mechanisms, swimming speed and antioxidative biomarkers were compared between bromate treatments and the control. The results showed that glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents, total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activities decreased significantly in response to bromate exposure and the reasons required further investigation. Treatments with 0.001-200 mg/L bromate all significantly reduced swimming linear speed to rotifer larvae and treatments with 100-200 mg/L bromate significantly suppressed the swimming linear speed of adult rotifer. These changes would reduce filtration of algal food and could explain the decreased survival and reproduction. Overall, bromate may not show acute toxicity to rotifers, but still have potential adverse effects on rotifer behavior, which may then influence the community structure in aquatic ecosystems.Clay minerals can adsorb both microorganisms and heavy metals. In this study, typical soil bacterium, Enterobacter sp. was applied to investigate the potential protection of the bacterial cells from Pb2+ stress by clay minerals. The sorption by two representative types of montmorillonite (Mt) were contrasted, i.e., Mts/Mtw with strong/weak CEC. There was no significant difference between the two clay minerals regarding their adsorption of Pb2+ cations in water (i.e., ~55 mg L-1). However, the sorption of bacterial cells on the two clay minerals showed evident contrasts, which resulted in the different capacity of Pb sorption. Mts with high CEC preferentially adsorbed abundant bacterial cells (rather than Pb2+) on its surface. The residual Pb2+ concentration in solution actually raised by 7.5% after the addition of Enterobacter sp. In addition, both the Pb-contaminated cells and "healthy" cells (with low Pb contamination) could be adsorbed onto Mt surface, whereas the latter dominated the adsorbents on Mts. This was due to that the Mts with high CEC could provide more exchangeable cations, building more cation bridging ligands between the microbial cells (whatever the types of cells) and clay surface. Furthermore, the adsorbed "healthy" bacterial cells might escape from clay surface via "self-liberating" mechanism, i.e., increasing electrostatic repulsion between the bacteria and clay during microbial decomposition of the medium. This study hence elucidated the protection of microorganisms from Pb2+ stress by Mt.Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are widespread persistent pollutants deleterious for environment and very dangerous for human kind. As the bioremediation of PCB polluted sites by model white-rot fungi is still unsatisfactory, the use of efficient native strains which have the natural capacity to develop on polluted sites may constitute a relevant alternative strategy. In this study, we isolated 12 fungal strains from PCB contaminated soil and sediment, improved the screening method to obtain the most efficient ones in biodegradation and detoxification of PCBs and characterized potential underlying enzymatic activities. Four strains Penicillium chrysogenum, P. citreosulfuratum, P. canescens and Aspergillus jensenii, showed remarkable biodegradation capacities, greater than 70%. The remaining PCB-toxicity of their culture, including that of Trametes versicolor and Acremonium sclerotigenum, which present interesting ecological and metabolic properties, was studied. Only P. canescens was able to significantly reduce the toxicity related to PCBs and their metabolites.