Water is key to protein structure and stability, yet the relationship between protein-water interactions and structure is poorly understood, in part because there are few techniques that permit the study of dehydrated protein structure at high resolution. Here, we describe liquid-observed vapor exchange (LOVE) NMR, a solution NMR-based method that provides residue-level information about the structure of dehydrated proteins. Using the model protein GB1, we show that LOVE NMR measurements reflect the fraction of the dried protein population trapped in a conformation where a given residue is protected from exchange with D2O vapor. Comparisons to solution hydrogen-deuterium exchange data affirm that the dried protein structure is strongly influenced by local solution stability and that the mechanism of dehydration protection exerted by the widely used protectant trehalose differs from its mechanism of stabilization in solution. Our results highlight the need for refined models of cosolute-mediated dehydration protection and demonstrate the ability of LOVE NMR to inform such models.Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is one of the most prevalent polymers in the world due to its combined thermal, mechanical, and gas barrier attributes. Blending PET with other polymers is an appealing strategy to further tailor properties to meet the needs of an even more diverse range of applications. Most blends with PET are macrophase-separated; only a few miscible systems have been reported. Here, the miscibility of the aromatic polyesters poly(salicylic glycolide) (PSG) and poly(salicylic methyl glycolide) (PSMG) with PET is described. Both PSG and PSMG have similar chemical structures to PET but are derived from sustainable resources and readily degradable. This study suggests that they are fully miscible with PET over the entire composition range, which is attributed to favorable interactions with PET. Negative polymer-polymer interaction parameters (χ) were determined using Flory-Huggins theory to describe melting temperature variations in the blends. In addition, the PET blends showed mechanical properties that are intermediate between the two homopolymers.Direct extraction and ionization techniques using minute amounts of solvent can be employed for the rapid analysis of chemical components in a sample without any sample preparation steps. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/gyy4137.html This type of approach is important for mass spectrometry imaging of samples with multiple chemical components that have different spatial distributions (i.e., biological tissues). To improve the spatial resolution of such imaging, it is necessary to reduce the solvent volume for extraction and deliver it to the sample surface. This report describes a feedback control system applied to tapping-mode scanning probe electrospray ionization. By combining the measurement technique of capillary probe vibration with the dynamic distance control system between the probe and the sample, the vibration amplitude of the probe is maintained while the probe scans over uneven samples. This method allows simultaneous high-resolution imaging of molecular distribution, surface topography, and amplitude/phase changes in the probe vibration. Such multimodal imaging is demonstrated on rhodamine B thin films in microwells and on a mouse brain tissue section. This technique can generally be applied to examine the multidimensional molecular distribution and the surface profiles of various objects.Ionic surfactants are known to build up higher interfacial pressures at oil/water interfaces than at air/water interfaces for the same surfactant bulk concentration. Here, we systematically investigate this effect through atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of surfactant-loaded air/water and oil/water interfaces. Two prototypical ionic surfactants, C12TAB and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), are studied and found to give consistent results, which are also robust with respect to variations in the simulation force field. The simulations reproduce the experimental interfacial pressure data on a semiquantitative level and reveal that the influence of oil on the surfactants' in-plane distribution is a major contribution to the observed effect, albeit insufficient to be the sole reason. The simulations are further analyzed with regard to surfactant/oil cooperative/competitive effects that have been invoked recently as an explanation. However, the interfacial orientation of oil molecules, a presumable indicator for such behavior, is found to display changes only for high levels of surfactant coverage.Plastic costume masks regularly exhibit unpleasant odors that may be associated with the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Upon inhalation, VOCs might adversely affect the wearer's health if the exposure exceeds regulatory threshold values. The VOCs emitted from a selection of costume masks (n = 12) were characterized semiquantitatively with a screening method based on GC/MS measurements in dynamic headspace sampling mode. Furthermore, odors associated with the masks were evaluated by a sensory panel. Two masks emitted particularly high concentrations of ethylbenzene, xylenes, and cyclohexanone and exhibited the most intense and unpleasant odors, which were described as rubber-like, pungent, and leather-like. To simulate and assess the inhalation exposures for wearers of these masks, an innovative experimental setup based on a doll's head was developed, with sampling of emitted volatiles on adsorption material and subsequent analysis by thermal desorption-GC/MS. The measured inhalable concentrations of cyclohexanone exceeded the derived no-effect level (DNEL) for systemic effects on the general population over several hours of wearing, and also after repeated use. Importantly, the cyclohexanone DNEL was reevaluated in relation to a recent study on inhalation toxicity in rodents and was found to be significantly lower (1.4 mg·m-3) compared to the industry-derived values (10-20 mg·m-3), thus aggravating the health risks associated with inhalation exposure from some of the costume masks tested. Finally, a comparison of the inhalable concentrations derived from the simulated exposure assessments with those derived from measurements in miniaturized emission test chambers indicate that microchambers represent a useful tool for high-throughput analysis. The influences of temperature and inhalation/exhalation flow rates on VOC exposures were also studied.