This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.The complement system represents one of the evolutionary oldest arms of our immune system and is commonly recognized as a liver-derived and serum-active system critical for providing protection against invading pathogens. Recent unexpected findings, however, have defined novel and rather "uncommon" locations and activities of complement. Specifically, the discovery of an intracellularly active complement system-the complosome-and its key role in the regulation of cell metabolic pathways that underly normal human T cell responses have taught us that there is still much to be discovered about this system. Here, we summarize the current knowledge about the emerging functions of the complosome in T cell metabolism. We further place complosome activities among the non-canonical roles of other intracellular innate danger sensing systems and argue that a "location-centric" view of complement evolution could logically justify its close connection with the regulation of basic cell physiology. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.OBJECTIVE To determine the ability of cell salvage washing and leukoreduction filtration to remove bacterial contamination from canine whole blood. STUDY DESIGN Ex vivo nested cohort study. SAMPLE POPULATION Commercially purchased fresh canine whole blood (n = 33 units). METHODS Commercially obtained canine whole blood was inoculated with known concentrations of one of three species of bacteria, Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (quality control strain; Texas A&M University), or Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853). Negative controls were inoculated with sterile saline. The inoculated blood was processed through a cell salvage system and filtered through a series of two leukocyte reduction filters. Samples were aseptically collected at five points during processing (inoculum, prewash, postwash, post-first filtration, and post-second filtration) for bacterial enumeration. RESULTS Bacterial concentrations were reduced by 85.2%, 91.5%, and 93.9% for E coli, S pseudintermedius, and P aeruginosa, respectively, after washing (P  less then  .0001), and bacterial concentrations were reduced by 99.9%, 100%, and 100%, respectively, after the first filtration (P  less then  .0001). After the second filtration, none of the three species of bacteria could be isolated (100% reduction). No bacterial growth was obtained from negative controls throughout the study. The type of bacteria (P = .29) did not allow prediction of bacterial reduction. CONCLUSION Cell salvage washing combined with leukoreduction filtration eliminated bacterial contamination of whole dog blood (P  less then  .0001). CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Cell salvage washing and leukoreduction filtration could be applied to intraoperative autotransfusion in clinical animals, especially those treated for trauma or hemorrhage with concurrent bacterial contamination. © 2020 The American College of Veterinary Surgeons.Helminthiasis is one of the gravest problems worldwide. There is a growing concern on less available anthelmintics and the emergence of resistance creating a major threat to human and livestock health resources. Novel and broad-spectrum anthelmintics are urgently needed. The free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans could address this issue through automated high-throughput technologies for the screening of large chemical libraries. This review discusses the strong advantages and limitations for using C elegans as a screening method for anthelmintic drug discovery. C elegans is the best model available for the validation of novel effective drugs in treating most, if not all, helminth infections, and for the elucidation the mode of action of anthelmintic candidates. This review also focuses on available technologies in the discovery of anthelmintics published over the last 15 years with particular attention to high-throughput technologies over conventional screens. On the other hand, this review highlights how combinatorial and nanomedicine strategies could prolong the use of anthelmintics and control resistance problems. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Capacity development has become embedded as part of the aid package offered by international organisations in response to humanitarian crises. However, the effectiveness of such capacity development efforts is rarely monitored or examined. Further, the local context and learning preferences of trainees appear to be often overlooked. Globally, the informal construction sector is thriving hence, using a case study of Nepal, where construction and post-earthquake reconstruction efforts are largely delivered by the informal construction sector, this paper examines how and whether informal construction workers effectively develop capacity and utilise trainings to develop more disaster resilient buildings. This paper explores how learning preferences of Nepalese construction workers could be drawn on to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of capacity development efforts. Finally, this paper highlights that training programmes informed by the context and preferred learning style of disaster affected communities, promote and sustain capacity development efforts. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.With regards to health, chromium (Cr) is an ambiguous chemical element. Although it is considered to be an important micronutrient, it also is connected with several pathologies, including carcinogenicity. The mechanism of action of Cr and its compounds in humans is not yet fully understood. Currently, three possible mechanisms have been proposed for carcinogenesis Cr(VI)-induced multistage carcinogenesis, genomic instability, and epigenetic modification. Therefore, in addition to the toxicity of this metal and its ions, human susceptibility to Cr-induced pathologies depends on external factors and individual characteristics, such as enzymatic polymorphisms, carriers, endogenous reducing system, adduct formation and stability, and efficiency of DNA repair mechanisms, among other factors. In fact, the variability of individual molecular constitutive factors, such as individual polymorphisms, creates an individualized environment for Cr toxicity. This mini-review contemplates the essential variables in this process.