Upscaling X-ray nanoimaging to macroscopic specimens has the potential for providing insights across multiple length scales, but its feasibility has long been an open question. By combining the imaging requirements and existing proof-of-principle examples in large-specimen preparation, data acquisition and reconstruction algorithms, the authors provide imaging time estimates for howX-ray nanoimaging can be scaled to macroscopic specimens. To arrive at this estimate, a phase contrast imaging model that includes plural scattering effects is used to calculate the required exposure and corresponding radiation dose. The coherent X-ray flux anticipated from upcoming diffraction-limited light sources is then considered. This imaging time estimation is in particular applied to the case of the connectomes of whole mouse brains. To image the connectome of the whole mouse brain, electron microscopy connectomics might require years, whereas optimized X-ray microscopy connectomics could reduce this to one week. Furthermore, this analysis points to challenges that need to be overcome (such as increased X-ray detector frame rate) and opportunities that advances in artificial-intelligence-based 'smart' scanning might provide. While the technical advances required are daunting, it is shown that X-ray microscopy is indeed potentially applicable to nanoimaging of millimetre- or even centimetre-size specimens. Multiple neurodevelopmental problems affect 7-8% of children and require evaluation by more than one profession, posing a challenge to care systems. The local problem comprised distressed parents, diagnostic processes averaging 36 months and 28 visits with 42% of children >4 years at referral to adequate services, and no routines for patient involvement. The co-design project was developed through a series of workshops using standard quality improvement methodology, where representatives of all services, as well as parents participated.The resulting integrated care model comprises a team of professionals who evaluate the child during an average of 5.4 appointments (N = 95), taking 4.8 weeks. Parents were satisfied with the holistic service model and 70% of children were under 4 at referral (p < 0.05). While 75% of children were referred, 25% required further follow-up by the team. The Optimus model has elements of vertical, clinical and service integration. Reasons for success included leadership support, buy-in from the different organisations, careful process management, a team co-ordinator, and insistent user involvement. Evaluating multiple neurodevelopmental problems in children requires an integrated care approach. The Optimus care model is a relevant showcase for how people-initiated integrated care reforms can make it into usual care. Evaluating multiple neurodevelopmental problems in children requires an integrated care approach. The Optimus care model is a relevant showcase for how people-initiated integrated care reforms can make it into usual care.In February 2021, the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority came out with their risk assessment on formaldehyde exposure from melamine crockery with bamboo fiber to especially young children. In this short commentary, I will critique their assessment of this type of food-contact material (FCM). The main flaws are at least (i) absence of a proper valuation of the available principal scientific literature yielding a biased risk assessment; (ii) discounting the endogenous formaldehyde formation that outweighs background exposure substantially; (iii) ad hoc positing of an unjustifiable and unfounded low background exposure levels to formaldehyde whereby risks of exposure to melamine formaldehyde is grossly exaggerated. This biased assessment has created societal unrest that is wholly uncalled for. Additionally, it has wide-ranging European consequences for the use of all melamine FCM.This paper investigates the decode-and-forward (DF) full-duplex (FD) cooperative relaying system with SWIPT. Specifically, the relay node can harvest energy from the source's RF signal, and then the harvested energy is used for transferring information to the destination. Besides, we consider both direct and two-hop relaying links to transmit data from the source to the destination. In the performance analysis, we derive the exact expressions for outage probability (OP) by applying the receiver's selection combining (SC) technique. Then, the Monte Carlo simulation is performed to verify the correctness of the mathematical analysis. Finally, the simulations show that the mathematic expressions match simulation results, which authenticates the mathematical analysis.This study aims to analyze the effect of the differences in intensity and track of tropical cyclones upon significant wave heights and direction of ocean waves in the southeast Indian Ocean. We used the tropical cyclone data from Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) starting from December 1997 to November 2017. The significant wave height and wave direction data are reanalysis data from Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS), and the mean sea level pressure, surface wind speed, and wind direction data are reanalysis data from European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) from December 1997 to November 2017. The results show that the significant wave height increases with the increasing intensity of tropical cyclones. Meanwhile, the direction of the waves is influenced by the presence of tropical cyclones when tropical cyclones enter the categories of 3, 4, and 5. Tropical cyclones that move far from land tend to have higher significant wave height and wider affected areas compared to tropical cyclones that move near the mainland following the coastline.Sequence determination of peptides is a crucial step in mass spectrometry-based proteomics. Peptide sequences are determined either by database search or by de novo sequencing using tandem mass spectrometry. Determination of all the theoretical expected peptide fragments and eliminating false discoveries remains a challenge in proteomics. Developing standards for evaluating the performance of mass spectrometers and algorithms used for identification of proteins is important for proteomics studies. The current study is focused on these aspects by using synthetic peptides. A total of 599 peptides were designed from in silico tryptic digest with 1 or 2 missed cleavages from 199 human proteins, and synthetic peptides corresponding to these sequences were obtained. The peptides were mixed together, and analysis was carried out using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry on a Q-Exactive HF mass spectrometer. The peptides and proteins were identified with SEQUEST program. The analysis was carried out using the proteomics workflows.