This paper investigates the dependence of the supercapacitor Peukert constant on its terminal voltage, aging condition, and operating temperature. Recent studies show that the charge delivered by a supercapacitor during a constant current discharge process increases when the discharge current decreases if the discharge current is above a certain threshold, i.e., Peukert's law applies. By conducting extensive experiments using three supercapacitor samples with different rated capacitances from different manufacturers, this paper reveals that the Peukert constant increases when the initial voltage of the constant current discharge process is lower, the supercapacitor is more heavily aged, or the operating temperature is lower. The physical mechanisms accounting for the Peukert constant dependence are illustrated by analyzing an RC ladder circuit model. When the supercapacitor terminal voltage is higher, the aging condition is lighter, or the operating temperature is higher, more charge is stored in the supercapacitor. Consequently, when the same discharge current is applied, the discharge time is longer and the branch capacitors are more deeply discharged. Therefore, the relaxation effects of the slow branches are reduced and the supercapacitor behaves more like a single capacitor rather than a distributed capacitor network, which ultimately leads to a lower Peukert constant.Intimate partner violence (IPV) remains a pressing public health issue. Nationally, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men have sustained severe physical violence from an intimate partner. Intimate partner homicides (IPH) are the most serious IPV outcome. This study examined documented IPH in Los Angeles County during 2017, analyzing if precipitating circumstances, victim demographics, victim/suspect relationship, and weapon type were related to how often a homicide was reported in online media stories. Cases were identified from the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS), and standardized internet searches identified media articles associated with each case. Victim demographics from NVDRS and media articles were compared using Chi Square tests. Media report frequency, within different categorical predictor values, were examined using ANOVA models. 44 incidents were identified; averaging 5.2 articles per decedent. Univariate analyses showed significant difference in media reporting by poverty level (low versus high socioeconomic status) and presence of preceding argument. Multivariate analyses found significantly more media reports (p = 0.002) for incidents in which a preceding argument is reported, the victim was 30-39 years old and from a low socioeconomic status zip code. From our results certain characteristics of IPH are associated with greater media reporting. Promotion of consistent and responsible IPH media reporting guidelines is an opportunity to reinforce public health messaging and dispel myths. In turn, this will encourage the development of future policies and funding streams across the spectrum of preventing and stopping IPV.During COVID-19, social media has played an important role for public health agencies and government stakeholders (i.e. actors) to disseminate information regarding situations, risks, and personal protective action inhibiting disease spread. However, there have been notable insufficient, incongruent, and inconsistent communications regarding the pandemic and its risks, which was especially salient at the early stages of the outbreak. Sufficiency, congruence and consistency in health risk communication have important implications for effective health safety instruction as well as critical content interpretability and recall. It also impacts individual- and community-level responses to information. This research employs text mining techniques and dynamic network analysis to investigate the actors' risk and crisis communication on Twitter regarding message types, communication sufficiency, timeliness, congruence, consistency and coordination. We studied 13,598 pandemic-relevant tweets posted over January to April from 67 federal and state-level agencies and stakeholders in the U.S. The study annotates 16 categories of message types, analyzes their appearances and evolutions. The research then identifies inconsistencies and incongruencies on four critical topics and examines spatial disparities, timeliness, and sufficiency across actors and message types in communicating COVID-19. The network analysis also reveals increased communication coordination over time. The findings provide unprecedented insight of Twitter COVID-19 information dissemination which may help to inform public health agencies and governmental stakeholders future risk and crisis communication strategies related to global hazards in digital environments.This study tested and validated the factor structure of the abbreviated Sociopolitical Control Scale for Youth (SPCS-Y) among a sample of urban girls of color. Participants include (N = 830) urban girls of color from a northeastern United States community. Confirmatory Factor analyses (CFA) were conducted using AMOS Structural Equation Modeling Software. Cluster groups were created using Latent Class Cluster Analysis (LCA) and tested using Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) with conceptually related variables. CFA results supported the two-factor structure of the abbreviated SPCS-Y among the sample. Following the creation of cluster groups, MANCOVA analyses revealed significant heterogeneity among cluster groups of participants on neighborhood sense of community, social support, ethnic identity, and lower levels of drug use. Findings support the factor structure of the SPCS-Y and its use to measure empowerment among girls of color. Results contribute significantly to the field of social work and encourages the importance of promoting strengths-based approaches among girls of color. Implications for social work practice with girls of color are conveyed in light of the need for reliable measurement tools for practitioners.Growth in the presence of Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) in our society has recently garnered a substantial amount of attention, both in the popular media and the professional literature. Public media abounds with stories focusing on the increasing number of animals claimed as ESAs, the impact of this growth on society, the industry claiming to certify ESAs, and the various types of animals described as "certified." The authors propose an assessment model for ESAs certification comprising a four-pronged approach for conducting these types of assessments (1) understanding, recognizing, and applying the laws regulating ESAs, (2) a thorough valid assessment of the individual requesting an ESA certification, (3) an assessment of the animal in question to ensure it actually performs the valid functions of an ESA, and (4) an assessment of the interaction between the animal and the individual to determine whether the animal's presence has a demonstrably beneficial effect on that individual. This model aligns with professional ethics, standards of professional practice, and the law and seeks to provide clear guidelines for mental health professionals conducting ESA evaluations.