.Young adults' heightened vulnerability to substance use disorders (SUD) corresponds with their disproportionate representation in the criminal justice system. It is paramount that the justice system systemically recognize young adults as a group with distinct developmental needs and align reform efforts with advancements made in medical and public health fields to better address the needs of justice-involved young adults with SUD. This article warns against reliance on the justice system for engaging young adults with SUD in treatment and presents 4 principles that were developed by a workgroup participating in a longitudinal meeting of experts sponsored by Boston Medical Center's Grayken Center for Addiction. The goal of the principles is to support and guide policy and practice initiatives for developmentally appropriate justice responses to young adults with SUD. The article also reviews the evidence that underlies these principles and offers policy and practice considerations for their implementation.In summarizing the proceedings of a longitudinal meeting of experts on substance use disorders among adolescents and young adults, we review 2 principles of care related to harm reduction for young adults with substance use disorders. The first is that harm reduction services are critical to keeping young adults alive and healthy and can offer opportunities for future engagement in treatment. Such services therefore should be offered at every opportunity, regardless of an individual's interest or ability to minimize use of substances. The second is that all evidence-based harm reduction strategies available to older adults should be available to young adults and that whenever possible, harm reduction programs should be tailored to young adults and be developmentally appropriate.In summarizing the proceedings of a longitudinal meeting of experts in substance use disorders (SUDs) among young adults, this special artic