SARS-CoV-2 is an international public health emergency; high transmissibility and morbidity and mortality can result in the virus overwhelming health systems. Combinations of social distancing, and test, trace, and isolate strategies can reduce the number of new infections per infected individual below 1, thus driving declines in case numbers, but may be both challenging and costly. These interventions must also be maintained until development and (now likely) mass deployment of a vaccine (or therapeutics), since otherwise, many susceptible individuals are still at risk of infection. We use a simple analytical model to explore how low levels of infection, combined with vaccination, determine the trajectory to community immunity. Understanding the repercussions of the biological characteristics of the viral life cycle in this scenario is of considerable importance. We provide a simple description of this process by modelling the scenario where the effective reproduction number [Formula see text] is maintained at 1. Since the additional complexity imposed by the strength and duration of transmission-blocking immunity is not yet clear, we use our framework to probe the impact of these uncertainties. Through intuitive analytical relations, we explore how the necessary magnitude of vaccination rates and mitigation efforts depends crucially on the durations of natural and vaccinal immunity. We also show that our framework can encompass seasonality or preexisting immunity due to epidemic dynamics prior to strong mitigation measures. Taken together, our simple conceptual model illustrates the importance of individual and vaccinal immunity for community immunity, and that the quantification of individuals immunized against SARS-CoV-2 is paramount.This study aims to estimate the material properties of the porcine vitreous while testing it in close to its natural physiological conditions. Eighteen porcine eyes were tested within 48 h post-mortem. A custom-built computer-controlled test rig was designed to support, load and monitor the behaviour of eye globes while being subjected to dynamic rotation cycles mimicking saccade eye movement. Specimens were glued to the base of a container, surrounded by gelatin, frozen and cut in half to expose the vitreous. After thawing, the container was subjected to concentric dynamic rotations of up to 5°, 10° or 15°, while taking 50 MP photos of the specimen every 2 ms. The images were analysed by a digital image correlation algorithm to trace the movement of marked points on the vitreous surface with different radii from the centre of the posterior chamber. The initial camera image was used in building a finite-element model of the test set-up, which was used in an inverse analysis exercise to estimate the material p4-4002. (doi10.1167/iovs.10-6477)).This special issue covers several important topics related to long-term care (LTC) systems and policy development in China. It provides a good contextual background on the development of the LTC system in China as well as the needs and preferences of LTC from family and older adults' perspectives. In addition, this issue covers the topic of evaluation of a recently developed long-term care nursing insurance and provides an example of family caregiving for persons with dementia within the Chinese context. The authors in this special issue also provided insights into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on older adults' life and LTC quality, and explored potential strategies to handle the challenges during and post-pandemic. Functional food ingredients, such as dietary fiber, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, and high-quality protein, have been shown to help control blood glucose concentration and lower high blood pressure (BP), as well as improving other cardiovascular disease risk factors. However, little research has assessed the impacts of consuming chia seeds, which are rich in these nutrients, on metabolic and physiological outcomes, and results are conflicting. The study aimed to investigate the possible effects of chia seeds on fasting blood glucose, insulin, glycated hemoglobin, BP, lipid profile, body weight, and the inflammatory marker - high-sensitivity C-reactive protein - in people with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Adults with T2DM ( = 42) were randomly assigned equally to the chia seed group, which consumed 40 g/day chia seeds for 12 weeks, or a control group, which did not consume any supplement. Blood samples were collected at baseline and after a 12-week intervention period to assess the study outcomes, such as glycemic control, BP, cardiovascular risk parameters including lipid profile, inflammatory marker, and body weight. Adjusted for gender and baseline values, the chia seed group had systolic BP (SBP) significantly reduced compared to control [ (1) = 2.867, = 0.007, = 0.174]. No differences were observed in any other parameter tested in the chia seed or control group. People with T2DM and hypertension, maintaining usual dietary consumption, physical activity pattern, and medications, had significantly reduced SBP compared to the control group when having consumed 40 g/d of chia seeds for 12 weeks. People with T2DM and hypertension, maintaining usual dietary consumption, physical activity pattern, and medications, had significantly reduced SBP compared to the control group when having consumed 40 g/d of chia seeds for 12 weeks. Existing quality of life questionnaires are either disease specific or generic in their assessment of themes which are perceived important to the quality of life in populations with disabilities. To be able to improve quality of life in a population with diverse disabilities there was a need for a cross-disability instrument. The Electronic Quality of Life (EQOL)-questionnaire was developed to meet this need. It is crucial that such an instrument is validated, easy to use, and interpret by, for example, clinicians and policy planners. This study aims to test the content validity of the EQOL questionnaire and to construct a user-friendly, cross-disability quality of life profile. To further test the content validity of the EQOL-questionnaire, we conducted field test analyses on 318 individuals (aged 16-64) with self-reported disabilities. Comments on the questionnaire were scrutinised and sorted. A profile with six domains of quality of life was developed. Model fit was evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis and content validity was evaluated based on distributions.