05 [0.02], CAI 0.12 [0.11]). Moderate effect sizes were identified in the no target condition for SD of Y (healthy 0.04 [0.03], CAI 0.11 [0.15]) and the moving target condition for average velocity of X (healthy 1.56 [0.73], CAI 2.27 [1.15]) and Y (healthy 1.07 [0.51], CAI 1.47 [0.52]). Although no significant differences were found between groups, it is possible that the role of vision in individuals with CAI may be altered with a more difficult task. Although no significant differences were found between groups, it is possible that the role of vision in individuals with CAI may be altered with a more difficult task.Dual-task (DT) consists of the performance of two tasks simultaneously. An index of DT difficulty has been linked to decreased postural control. Because a wide range of DT is employed, this study aimed to evaluate its effects in static balance in older adults. PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus were screened, and the secondary tasks were grouped as manual, reaction time, discrimination and decision making, mental tracking, verbal fluency, working memory, or "other" tasks. A total of 66 studies have been included. The meta-analysis was conducted on 28 effects and showed a significant mean effect size of d = 0.24 (p = .02, SE = 0.10; confidence interval [0.04, 0.44]), indicating a worsening in stability during DT. In conclusion, postural control was worsened by the Stroop test and the arithmetic tasks improved it. The results do not underpin any conclusive statement on the impact of DT, and a standard operating procedure was created. Endogenous antioxidants are critical to limiting cellular oxidative damage. The authors determined if habitual physical activity (PA) and cardiorespiratory fitness were associated with skeletal muscle expression of endogenous antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase) and circulating oxidative stress markers (serum 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine [8-OHdG]; oxidized low-density lipoprotein [LDL]) in older adults. Moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) was estimated using a validated PA questionnaire in 26 older adults (mean [SD]; M/F = 9/17, age = 68 [4] y, body mass index = 26 [3] kg·m-2). Maximal oxygen consumption was estimated using the YMCA submaximal cycle test. Skeletal muscle endogenous antioxidants and serum 8-OHdG and oxidized LDL were measured. Bivariate and partial correlations (controlling for body mass index) were utilized to determine associations among variables. MVPA (1640 [1176]kcal·wk-1) was correlated with superoxide dismutase 2 (r = .55), catalase (r = .55), glutathione peroxidase 1 (r = .48), and 8-OHdG (r = -.41) (all Ps < .05), but not oxidized LDL. MVPA and 8-OHdG were not significantly correlated when controlling for body mass index (r = -.29). Estimated maximal oxygen consumption was correlated with glutathione peroxidase 1 (r = .48; P < .05). These data show that skeletal muscle endogenous antioxidant expression and circulating oxidative damage are associated with habitual MVPA in older adults. Thus, MVPA in older adults may be protective against reactive oxygen species damage due to higher expression of endogenous antioxidants. These data show that skeletal muscle endogenous antioxidant expression and circulating oxidative damage are associated with habitual MVPA in older adults. Thus, MVPA in older adults may be protective against reactive oxygen species damage due to higher expression of endogenous antioxidants.Older adults are challenged with aging-related declines in skeletal muscle mass and function. Although exercise interventions of longer duration typically yield larger changes, shorter-term interventions may kick-start positive effects, allowing participants to begin engaging in more activity. This study aimed to determine whether 8 weeks of a resistance training program (Stay Strong, Stay Healthy [SSSH]) improved dynamic muscle strength, balance, flexibility, and sleep. Inactive adults aged ≥60 years were randomized into SSSH (n = 15), walking (WALK; n = 17), or control (CON; n = 14) groups. The SSSH and WALK groups met 2 times per week for 60 min. The participants completed pre/post general health, activity, and sleep questionnaires; DXA scans; and functional tasks. One-way repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance was used to determine interactions and decomposed using repeated-measures analysis of variance. SSSH improved sit-to-stand performance, back scratch distance, and sleep quality and reported more auxiliary physical activity than WALK or CON (p less then .05). Resistance training interventions in sedentary older adults can improve physical function and encourage additional activity in 8 weeks.New therapies are necessary to combat increasingly antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens. We have developed a technology platform of computational, molecular biology, and microbiology tools which together enable on-demand production of phages that target virtually any given bacterial isolate. Two complementary computational tools that identify and precisely map prophages and other integrative genetic elements in bacterial genomes are used to identify prophage-laden bacteria that are close relatives of the target strain. Phage genomes are engineered to disable lysogeny, through use of long amplicon PCR and Gibson assembly. Finally, the engineered phage genomes are introduced into host bacteria for phage production. As an initial demonstration, we used this approach to produce a phage cocktail against the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Two prophage-laden P. aeruginosa strains closely related to PAO1 were identified, ATCC 39324 and ATCC 27853. Deep sequencing revealed that mitomycin C treens, a foundational advance for use of phage in treating infectious disease.Codon usage bias exerts control over a wide variety of molecular processes. The positioning of synonymous codons within coding sequences (CDSs) dictates protein expression by mechanisms such as local translation efficiency, mRNA Gibbs free energy, and protein cotranslational folding. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ins018-055-ism001-055.html In this work, we explore how codon usage affects the position-dependent content of hydrogen bonding, which in turn influences energy requirements for unwinding double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). We categorized codons according to their hydrogen bond content and found differential effects on hydrogen bonding encoded by codon variants. The specific positional disposition of codon variants within CDSs creates a ramp of hydrogen bonding at the 5' end of the ORFeome in Escherichia coli CDSs occupying the first position of operons are subjected to selective pressure that reduces their hydrogen bonding compared to internal CDSs, and highly transcribed CDSs demand a lower maximum capacity of hydrogen bonds per codon, suggesting that the energetic requirement for unwinding the dsDNA in highly transcribed CDSs has evolved to be minimized in E.