The results presented here suggest that a complex of Tif1 family members, each of which possesses different specificity and efficiency, contributes to the silencing of retroviral sequences in ESC.Evidence from women working night shifts during pregnancy indicates that circadian rhythm disruption has the potential to adversely influence pregnancy outcomes. In the general population, chronodisruption with the potential to affect pregnancy outcomes may also be seen in those with high energy intakes in the evening or at night. However, maternal night eating during pregnancy remains understudied. This narrative review provides an overview of the prevalence, contributing factors, nutritional aspects and health implications of night eating during pregnancy. We derived evidence based on cross-sectional studies and longitudinal cohorts. Overall, night eating is common during pregnancy, with the estimated prevalence in different populations ranging from 15% to 45%. The modern lifestyle and the presence of pregnancy symptoms contribute to night eating during pregnancy, which is likely to coexist and may interact with multiple undesirable lifestyle behaviors. Unfavorable nutritional characteristics associated with night eating have the potential to induce aberrant circadian rhythms in pregnant women, resulting in adverse metabolic and pregnancy outcomes. More research, particularly intervention studies, are needed to provide more definite information on the implications of night eating for mother-offspring health.In this work, the influences of moisture intruded into the asphalt-aggregate interface have been investigated at the atomistic scale. The molecular interactions of asphalt with limestone and granite were studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and the mineral surface components of limestone and granite were detected using the hyperspectral image technique. Relative concentration and radial distribution function (RDF) were employed for the characterization of asphalt component aggregations on aggregates surface. Adhesion work and debonding energy were also evaluated to investigate interface energy variations in asphalt-aggregate systems. MD results showed that the presence of interfacial moisture modified asphalt nanostructure and affected the aggregation state and distribution characteristics of asphalt components near aggregate surface. The study also demonstrated that the external moisture that intruded into the interface of the asphalt-aggregate system can decrease the concentration distribution of the asphalt components with powerful polarity on aggregate surface, reduce the adhesion works of the asphalt-aggregate interface, and decline the water damage resistance of asphalt mixture.The potential applications of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) and intraoral scanning exceed the delivery of standard prosthodontic interventions. The aim of this study was to clinically present a developed assessment technique, that relies on the use of sequential intraoral scanning, three-dimensional superimposition, and 2D and 3D deviation analyses based on a standardised protocol, as an auxiliary tool in monitoring dimensional changes of residual ridge post-extraction with a follow-up period of four months.Background and Objective Participation in organised out-of-school leisure-time activities (OLTAs) has been shown to have a positive impact on community health practices and to lessen inequities in social and environmental opportunities among youths. According to the social capital theory, OLTAs foster bridging ties that allow individuals to forge new, wider-ranging social connections, increasing social integration and opportunities for identity-related exploration. This study aimed to describe participation in different types of OLTAs and its association with perceived life satisfaction, physical activity, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and drunkenness in a representative sample of youths. Methods A representative sample of 11-, 13- and 15-year-old students (n = 47,799) was recruited throughout all Italian regions within the Italian 2013/2014 Health Behaviours in School-aged Children (HBSC) study. Data were collected according to the HBSC study protocol. Participants were compared on outcomes according to OLTA participation type (i.e., non-sport, sport-only, and mixed vs. no-OLTA). In accordance with the study sampling procedures, hierarchical logistic regression models were used. Results Participation in OLTAs was significantly associated with high life satisfaction in all ages (sport-only odds ratio (OR) = 1.67, 1.48 and 1.55 for 11- 13- and 15-year-olds; mixed OR = 1.95, 1.60 and 1.45, respectively). Youths participating in OLTAs were more likely to meet physical activity recommendations and report lower rates of tobacco use and drunkenness. Conclusions Participation in OLTAs showed a favourable impact on health behaviours. Thus, community organisations and clubs, whether supported by public investments, could contribute to the enhancement of beneficial health practices, by engaging and serving the community as a whole and further reducing inequities in both social and environmental opportunities.Chronic kidney disease (CKD) afflicts more than 500 million people worldwide and is one of the fastest growing global causes of mortality. When glomerular filtration rate begins to fall, uremic toxins accumulate in the serum and significantly increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and other causes. Several of the most harmful uremic toxins are produced by the gut microbiota. Furthermore, many such toxins are protein-bound and are therefore recalcitrant to removal by dialysis. We review the derivation and pathological mechanisms of gut-derived, protein-bound uremic toxins (PBUTs). We further outline the emerging relationship between kidney disease and gut dysbiosis, including the bacterial taxa altered, the regulation of microbial uremic toxin-producing genes, and their downstream physiological and neurological consequences. Finally, we discuss gut-targeted therapeutic strategies employed to reduce PBUTs. We conclude that targeting the gut microbiota is a promising approach for the treatment of CKD by blocking the serum accumulation of PBUTs that cannot be eliminated by dialysis.