Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in older people in the developed world while Stargardt's disease (SD) is a juvenile macular degeneration and an orphan disease. Both diseases are untreatable and are marked by accumulation of lipofuscin advancing to progressive deterioration of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and retina and subsequent vision loss till blindness. We discovered that a small molecule belonging to the tetrahydropyridoether class of compounds, soraprazan renamed remofuscin, is able to remove existing lipofuscin from the RPE. This study investigated the drug penetration, distribution, and elimination into the eyes of a mouse model for increased lipofuscinogenesis, following a single intravitreal injection. We measured the time course of concentrations of remofuscin in different eye tissues using high-performance liquid chromatography combined with mass spectroscopy (HPLC-MS). We also visualized the penetration and distribution of 3 H-remofuscin in eye sections up to 20 weeks post-injection using transmission electron microscopic (TEM) autoradiography. The distribution of silver grains revealed that remofuscin accumulated specifically in the RPE by binding to the RPE pigments (melanin, lipofuscin and melanolipofuscin) and that it was still detected after 20 weeks. Importantly, the melanosomes in choroidal melanocytes only rarely bind remofuscin emphasizing its potential to serve as an active ingredient in the RPE for the treatment of SD and dry AMD. In addition, our study highlights the importance of electron microscopic autoradiography as it is the only method able to show drug binding with a high intracellular resolution.We report the synthesis of the first transplatin-BODIPY conjugates for application in photodynamic therapy (PDT). The distyryl BODIPYs containing two iodine atoms were designed to absorb in the red region, easily undergo intersystem crossing for efficient singlet oxygen generation, and additionally offer the possibility for coordination with mono-activated transplatin. We were able to demonstrate that coordination of the BODIPYs with a mono-activated transplatin increases the phototoxic index of the photosensitizers significantly, giving rise to highly phototoxic distyryl BODIPY derivatives, of which one was shown to have the highest ever reported phototoxic index against any cell line. Furthermore, the photophysical mechanism of singlet oxygen generation in distyryl BODIPYs undergoing intramolecular charge transfer was studied experimentally and using time-dependent density functional theory.Trichinellosis is a zoonotic disease due to the ingestion of raw or undercooked meat from animals infected with the larvae of nematodes belonging to the genus Trichinella. In January-February 2015, an outbreak of trichinellosis occurred in Genoa, Northern Italy. The epidemiological link was traced back to a dinner served at an agritourism farm on 31 December 2014, where a majority of the 52 guests had consumed the 'beef' steak tartare. The source of infection was not traced; however, it was noted that the amount of beef purchased officially for providing at the dinner did not correspond with that served, suggesting that meat of a different origin had been added to the beef to prepare the steak tartare. Clinical and laboratory data of 30 individuals out of the 52 (57.7%), of which four were hospitalized, were consistent with that of the case definition of trichinellosis. Western blot patterns of the sera from patients with confirmed trichinellosis were similar to the diagnostic pattern identified for the reference sera of Trichinella pseudospiralis but different from those of the control sera tested for patients infected with Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella britovi. Identification of T. pseudospiralis as the aetiological agent responsible for the outbreak of trichinellosis using an indirect tool represents an advancement in the epidemiological investigation of this zoonotic disease.Selective editing of the benzenoid C-H bonds (C4-C7) in indoles/indolines has received great interest because functionalized indoles/indolines are featured in many marketed drugs and natural products. Transition-metal-catalyzed directed C-H functionalization has thus been developed to manipulate the benzenoid core through C-C and C-heteroatom bond formation. This review covers the recent advances in selective C-C bond forming reactions, alkylation, alkenylation and alkynylation, over the benzenoid ring (C4-C7) of indoles/indolines using metal catalysis.Physically associated hydrogels (PHs) capable of reversible transitions between solid and liquid-like states have enabled novel strategies for 3D printing, therapeutic drug and cell delivery, and regenerative medicine. Among the many design criteria (e.g., viscoelasticity, cargo diffusivity, biocompatibility) for these applications, engineering PHs for extrudability is a necessary and critical design criterion for the successful application of these materials. As the development of many distinct PH material systems continues, a strategy to determine the extrudability of PHs a priori will be exceedingly useful for reducing costly and time-consuming trial-and-error experimentation. Here, a strategy to determine the property-function relationships for PHs in injectable drug delivery applications at clinically relevant flow rates is presented. This strategy-validated with two chemically and physically distinct PHs-reveals material design spaces in the form of Ashby-style plots that highlight acceptable, application-specific material properties. It is shown that the flow behavior of PHs does not obey a single shear-thinning power law and the implications for injectable drug delivery are discussed. This approach for generating design criteria has potential for streamlining the screening of PHs and their utility in applications with varying geometrical (i.e., needle diameter) and process (i.e., flow rate) constraints.Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CARP), a rare dermatologic disorder characterized by hyperpigmented papules that subsequently develop into plaques with reticulated margins, is frequently confused with acanthosis nigricans. The aetiology and pathogenesis of CARP is not yet fully understood, but it is often present in individuals with obesity and PCOS. This case report describes an African American adolescent female with obesity with a rash diagnosed as CARP after unsuccessful treatment with antifungals and corticosteroids. Her dermatosis proved recalcitrant to antibiotics and metformin but started to resolve immediately after bariatric surgery. This case report supports insulin resistance as a contributor to CARP's pathogenesis and as well as its association with obesity. Clinically significant weight reduction should be considered in the management of this challenging skin condition.