Conclusion/Application to Practice The development of a safety culture starts with leadership behavior, establishment of clear safety processes, and hazard mitigation activities. Workplace safety is a shared responsibility between frontline staff managers and leadership within an organization. Senior leaders must serve as role models to promote a speak-up culture to support safe work practices.The aim was to determine whether operating a feedforward schema for generating movement pattern parameters was more successful than an open loop strategy for coping with uncertain initial conditions. A computer simulation model was used to determine the optimal solutions that maximised the likelihood of performing a successful upstart. Feedforward schema were established between movement pattern parameters and initial angular velocity. The success of modifying a pre-planned movement pattern based on the parameter relationships (feedforward) was compared with optimal solutions unable to adapt (open loop) to initial angular velocity. The open loop solution was successful 28% and 20% of the time for a full strength (elite) and weaker gymnast. The feedforward strategy had success rates of 99% and 96% respectively.Background There are a limited number of studies that address non-neutropenic fever episodes in children with cancer, and no standard approach exists. Method We opt to retrospectively analyze the efficacy of the current clinical approach for management of non-neutropenic fever episodes and the associated risk factors among children with cancer at the Princess Noorah Oncology Center from May 2016 through December 2017. Results A total of 480 non-neutropenic fever episodes were identified in 131 children, of which 62 episodes were triaged as high-risk non-neutropenic fever and 418 as low-risk non-neutropenic fever. Of those 480 non-neutropenic fever, 361 episodes (75.2%) were associated with the presence of central venous catheters. The overall failure rate of ceftriaxone mono-therapy was observed in 75.6% (11.7% in high-risk non-neutropenic fever with a mean C-reactive protein level of 21.1 (±23.2) mmol/L and 63.9% in low-risk non-neutropenic fever with a mean C-reactive protein level of 17.6 (±53.9) mmol/L). The overall bacteremia rate was 14.4%. The type of organisms isolated was mainly high-risk organisms in 59 non-neutropenic fever episodes (85.5%), OR 1.78 (95% CI 0.45-7.04) p = 0.41. Of note, all bacteremia were associated with the presence of central venous catheter (100%). Of all the examined risk factors of outpatient treatment failure in low-risk non-neutropenic fever, only prolonged fever of more than three days were significantly associated with bacteremia OR 8.107 [95% CI 1.744-37.691], p = 0.008. Noteworthy is that almost 43% of non-neutropenic fever episodes were associated with respiratory symptoms. This study provides a baseline for future prospective research assessing the pattern of non-neutropenic fever by focusing on associated risk factors.Introduction Literature shows upcoming allergy to chlorhexidine due to the widespread use of the disinfectant within and outside surgical settings. Only a few case reports have been published regarding the use of topical chlorhexidine disinfectant outside surgery and only a minority of these within the pediatric population. Case report We present a case-report of a teenager, treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia who developed an anaphylactic shock after repeated chlorhexidine use for skin disinfection at the insertion of a central venous catheter during his chemotherapy treatment. Preceding minor symptoms such as local swelling and pruritus were not recognized as possible allergy to chlorhexidine. Management and outcome He was treated with two doses of intramuscular adrenaline and transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit where he fully recovered. Specific IgE testing was positive for chlorhexidine. A total avoidance of chlorhexidine was instructed. Discussion A similar case was published regarding an anaphylaxis after use of chlorhexidine disinfectant for a dialysis catheter. Almost all other case reports of anaphylactic shock were found within surgical settings or after insertion of an impregnated central venous catheter/urine catheter. We suggest that some of the disinfectant might have been flushed in the catheter and then caused an anaphylactic reaction. The link between symptoms and chlorhexidine was not made until an anaphylactic reaction occurred. Literature data show that chlorhexidine often causes mild preceding symptoms before an anaphylaxis occurs. So let awareness arise around this 'hidden allergen' of which warning reactions often are being missed.Introduction Alectinib is an oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor currently recommended by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) as the preferred first-line treatment option for the treatment of metastatic anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene rearrangement-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Skin toxicity is a known adverse effect of this medication, yet current recommendations are unclear regarding how to best manage patients who develop severe skin toxicity while taking alectinib. Case report Here, we describe a case of successful rechallenge with alectinib by utilizing a desensitization procedure in a patient who had developed severe alectinib-induced skin toxicity about two weeks into treatment. Management and outcome Upon resolution of the initial skin toxicity symptoms, the patient was rechallenged with alectinib using a modified version of a previously published desensitization procedure. The patient tolerated the rechallenge with no recurrence of skin toxicity or other adverse effects and was able to continue treatment with alectinib. Discussion Alectinib is currently recommended as the preferred first-line treatment option for the treatment of metastatic anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene rearrangement-positive NSCLC due to improved progression-free survival when compared to crizotinib. The development of skin toxicity can lead to early discontinuation of alectinib treatment, forcing providers and patients to select alternative, potentially less effective options. This case report provides evidence that patients who have experienced severe skin toxicity due to alectinib may be able to continue this first-line treatment option by rechallenging them using a desensitization procedure.