Schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) both feature social cognitive deficits; however, these disorders historically have been examined separately using a range of tests and subdomain focus and at different time points in the life span. Moving beyond diagnostic categories and characterizing social cognitive deficits can enhance understanding of shared pathways across these disorders. To investigate how deficits in social cognitive domains diverge or overlap between SSDs and ASD based on the extant literature. Literature searches were conducted in MEDLINE, PsycInfo, Embase, and Web of Science from database inception until July 26, 2020. Original research articles were selected that reported performance-based measures of social cognition in both SSDs and ASD samples. Selected articles also had to be published in English and use International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision, DSM-IV, or more recent diagnostic criteria. ognitive impairment were present, on average, in individuals with SSDs and ASD. Cross-disorder studies of social cognition, including larger samples, consensus batteries, and consistent reporting of measures, as well as data across multiple levels of analysis, are needed to help identify subgroups within and across disorders that may be more homogeneous in etiology and treatment response. In this analysis, similar levels of social cognitive impairment were present, on average, in individuals with SSDs and ASD. Cross-disorder studies of social cognition, including larger samples, consensus batteries, and consistent reporting of measures, as well as data across multiple levels of analysis, are needed to help identify subgroups within and across disorders that may be more homogeneous in etiology and treatment response.Parental genetic relatedness may lead to adverse health and fitness outcomes in the offspring. However, the