their own, and 19% of respondents reported actively viewing a subject through another's perspective. Of the 33 students who responded to the free text question regarding any differences between discussion at this program versus other conversations around race, 48% noted an increased comfort level discussing race during the program. A common theme in responses to the question regarding suggested changes to the program was a more explicit connection to medicine in the discussion around race. Student responses to CWTAR suggest that the program is effective in engaging students in discussions of racial issues. More investigation is needed to determine whether this methodology increases empathy among medical students for racial minorities specifically. Student responses to CWTAR suggest that the program is effective in engaging students in discussions of racial issues. More investigation is needed to determine whether this methodology increases empathy among medical students for racial minorities specifically.Lockdowns and social distancing measures due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have forced the delivery and assessment of educational material to be performed via online and virtual educational tools. Such disruption has greatly affected hands-on training programs essential to acquire clinical competencies, particularly modes requiring physical patient encounters. While most educational content has successfully been shifted to predominantly web-conferencing platforms, the essential clinical teaching at affiliated hospitals for undergraduate medicine clerkship years has been severely disrupted due to barring of students from hospital premises to minimise spread of COVID-19, presenting a problem requiring unique solutions to ensure that quality of education and subsequent healthcare is kept sufficiently high. To this degree, technological advances increasingly present several elegant solutions which may provide the required leve