Older persons with polypharmacy are at increased risk of harm from medications. Therefore, it is important that physicians and nurses, together with the persons, evaluate medications to avoid hazardous polypharmacy. It remains unclear how healthcare professionals experience such evaluations. This study aimed to explore physicians' and nurses' experiences from evaluations of older persons' medications, and their related actions to manage concerns related to the evaluations. Individual interview data from 29 physicians and nurses were collected and analysed according to the critical incident technique. The medication evaluation for older persons was influenced by the working conditions (e.g. healthcare professionals' clinical knowledge, experiences, and situational conditions) and working in partnership (e.g. cooperating around and with the older person). Actions taken to manage these evaluations were related to working with a plan (e.g. performing day-to-day work and planning for continued treatment) andessionals contributed to the resilience of the healthcare system by its capacity to prevent, notice and mitigate medication problems. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that a joint plan for continued treatment could facilitate such resilience, if it articulates what to observe, when to act, who should act and what actions to take in case of deviations from what is expected. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) frequently suffer from chronic bronchitis (CB) and display steroid-resistant inflammation with increased sputum neutrophils and macrophages. Recently, a causal link between mucus hyper-concentration and disease progression of CB has been suggested. In this study, we have evaluated the steroid sensitivity of purified, patient-derived sputum and alveolar macrophages and used a novel mechanistic cross-talk assay to examine how macrophages and bronchial epithelial cells cross-talk to regulate MUC5B production. We demonstrate that sputum plug macrophages isolated from COPD patients with chronic bronchitis (COPD/CB) are chronically activated and only partially respond to ex vivo corticosteroid treatment compared to alveolar macrophages isolated from lung resections. Further, we show that pseudo-stratified bronchial epithelial cells grown in air-liquid-interface are inert to direct bacterial lipopolysaccharide stimulation and that macrophages are able the steroid resistance frequently seen in this population. Our data pinpoint a critical role for chronically activated sputum macrophages in perpetuating TNFα-dependent signals driving mucus hyper-production. Targeting the chronically activated mucus plug macrophage phenotype and interfering with aberrant macrophage-epithelial cross-talk may provide a novel strategy to resolve chronic inflammatory lung disease. Comorbidities can complicate the management of severe asthma; therefore, the presence of comorbid conditions or traits often need to be considered when considering treatment options for patients with severe asthma. The aim of this analysis is to investigate the efficacy of mepolizumab in patients with severe eosinophilic asthma and comorbidities. This was a post hoc analysis (GSK ID209140) of data from the Phase IIb/III studies DREAM, MENSA, SIRIUS, and MUSCA. Patients aged ≥ 12years with severe eosinophilic asthma were randomized to mepolizumab 750, 250, or 75mg intravenously or placebo (DREAM); mepolizumab 75mg intravenously or 100mg subcutaneously or placebo (MENSA); or mepolizumab 100mg subcutaneously or placebo (SIRIUS and MUSCA) every 4weeks for 24weeks in SIRIUS and MUSCA, 32weeks in MENSA or 52weeks in DREAM. In this analysis the primary endpoint was the annual rate of clinically significant exacerbations; secondary endpoints were Asthma Control Questionnaire-5 score, St George's Respiratory QuestA112997/NCT01000506; MENSA, MEA115588/NCT01691521; SIRIUS, MEA115575/NCT01842607; MUSCA, 200862/NCT02281318. https//clinicaltrials.gov/ DREAM, MEA112997/NCT01000506; MENSA, MEA115588/NCT01691521; SIRIUS, MEA115575/NCT01842607; MUSCA, 200862/NCT02281318. The current shift from a fossil-resource based economy to a more sustainable, bio-based economy requires development of alternative production routes based on utilization of biomass for the many chemicals that are currently produced from petroleum. Muconic acid is an attractive platform chemical for the bio-based economy because it can be converted in chemicals with wide industrial applicability, such as adipic and terephthalic acid, and because its two double bonds offer great versatility for chemical modification. We have constructed a yeast cell factory converting glucose and xylose into muconic acid without formation of ethanol. We consecutively eliminated feedback inhibition in the shikimate pathway, inserted the heterologous pathway for muconic acid biosynthesis from 3-dehydroshikimate (DHS) by co-expression of DHS dehydratase from P. anserina, protocatechuic acid (PCA) decarboxylase (PCAD) from K. pneumoniae and oxygen-consuming catechol 1,2-dioxygenase (CDO) from C. albicans, eliminated ethanol pred conspicuously incomplete. Since this was not due to product inhibition by muconic acid or to loss of viability, an unknown, possibly metabolic bottleneck apparently arises during muconic acid fermentation with high sugar levels and blocks further sugar utilization. This work has developed an industrial yeast strain able to produce muconic acid from glucose and also with great efficiency from xylose, without any ethanol production, minimal production of PCA and reaching the highest titers in batch fermentation reported up to now. Utilization of higher sugar levels remained conspicuously incomplete. Since this was not due to product inhibition by muconic acid or to loss of viability, an unknown, possibly metabolic bottleneck apparently arises during muconic acid fermentation with high sugar levels and blocks further sugar utilization. Clinical placements play an important role in helping nursing students to achieve clinical competence, but these placements can be highly challenging and stressful. It has been shown that stress can be either a trigger or aggravating factor for ill-health in general, but studies have seldom differentiated the impact of general health status on perceived stress. This study examined factors associated with perceived stress of clinical practice among nursing students with a particular focus on the effect of general health status on stress. This was a cross-sectional quantitative study conducted among 724 associate nursing degree students in Southern Taiwan. Health status scores varied from 28 to 139, with an average of 68.40 (SD = 25.75). Health status was reported to be 'good' (scores 28-55) in 35.5% of participants, moderate (scores 56-83) in 24.6%, and poor (Scores ≧ 84) in 39.9% of participants. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/MG132.html Perceived stress scores ranged from 0 to 95 points with an average score of 36.65 (SD ± 15.95). The classification and regression tree (CART) analysis showed health status as the most important factor linked to perceived stress with a Normalized Importance value of 100%.