Together, the two CN genes are unique in their gene structure (particular HcCNA) and distribution in mollusk species and likely function as immune responsive genes along with many other genes that are enhanced in the early phase of V. parahaemolyticus infection in abalone. ©2020 Buddawong et al.Xinjiang, China, is a typical arid and semi-arid region of Central Asia that significantly lacks freshwater resources, and the surface runoff in this region is mainly supplied by mountain glacier and snow cover meltwater. Based on the above background and issues of transnational water resources between Xinjiang and Central Asia along the Silk Road Economic Belt, which were highlighted in the major strategy of "The Belt and Road", this study analysed the spatial and temporal variations in snow cover and snow cover days in the Xinjiang region from 2001 to 2015. The study area includes four subregions Northern Xinjiang, Southern Xinjiang, Eastern Xinjiang and the Ili River Valley. Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 8-day snow cover data were used after removing clouds by combining MOD10A2 and MYD10A2. The results showed that seasonal snow cover occurred from October to April in most regions of Xinjiang and that this snow cover consisted of two processes snow accumulation and snow ablation. Thel topography of Xinjiang greatly influences both snow cover and climate change. ©2020 Chen et al.Climate change and invasive species threaten biodiversity, yet rigorous monitoring of their impact can be costly. Citizen science is increasingly used as a tool for monitoring exotic species, because citizens are geographically and temporally dispersed, whereas scientists tend to cluster in museums and at universities. Here we report on the establishment of the first exotic ant taxon (Tetramorium immigrans) in Denmark, which was discovered by children participating in The Ant Hunt. The Ant Hunt is a citizen science project for children that we ran in 2017 and 2018, with a pilot study in 2015. T. immigrans was discovered in the Botanical Garden of the Natural History Museum of Denmark in 2015 and confirmed as established in 2018. This finding extends the northern range boundary of T. immigrans by almost 460 km. Using climatic niche modelling, we compared the climatic niche of T. immigrans in Europe with that of T. caespitum based on confirmed observations from 2006 to 2019. T. immigrans and T. caespitum had a 13% niche overlap, with T. immigrans showing stronger occurrence in warmer and drier areas compared to T. caespitum. Mapping the environmental niches onto geographic space identified several, currently uninhabited, areas as climatically suitable for the establishment of T. immigrans. Tetramorium immigrans was sampled almost three times as often in areas with artificial surfaces compared to T. caespitum, suggesting that T. immigrans may not be native to all of Europe and is being accidentally introduced by humans. Overall, citizen scientists collected data on ants closer to cities and harbours than scientists did and had a stronger bias towards areas of human disturbance. This increased sampling effort in areas of likely introduction of exotic species naturally increases the likelihood of discovering species sooner, making citizen science an excellent tool for exotic species monitoring, as long as trained scientists are involved in the identification process. © 2020 Sheard et al.Because cancer evolution underlies the therapeutic difficulties of cancer, it is clinically important to understand the evolutionary dynamics of cancer. Thus far, a number of evolutionary processes have been proposed to be working in cancer evolution. However, there exists no simulation model that can describe the different evolutionary processes in a unified manner. In this study, we constructed a unified simulation model for describing the different evolutionary processes and performed sensitivity analysis on the model to determine the conditions in which cancer growth is driven by each of the different evolutionary processes. Our sensitivity analysis has successfully provided a series of novel insights into the evolutionary dynamics of cancer. For example, we found that, while a high neutral mutation rate shapes neutral intratumor heterogeneity (ITH) characterized by a fractal-like pattern, a stem cell hierarchy can also contribute to shaping neutral ITH by apparently increasing the mutation rate. Although It has been reported that the evolutionary principle shaping ITH shifts from selection to accumulation of neutral mutations during colorectal tumorigenesis, our simulation revealed the possibility that this evolutionary shift is triggered by drastic evolutionary events that occur in a short time and confer a marked fitness increase on one or a few cells. This result helps us understand that each process works not separately but simultaneously and continuously as a series of phases of cancer evolution. Collectively, this study serves as a basis to understand in greater depth the diversity of cancer evolution. ©2020 Niida et al.Background Human saliva contains approximately 700 bacterial species. It has been reported that the salivary microbiome of a large family of closely related individuals consisting of multiple households is similar but the relatedness of salivary bacteria between generations of parents and their children has not yet been investigated. The objectives were to investigate the entirety of salivary bacterial DNA profiles and whether and how families share these profiles and also compare these communities between grandparents and their first daughter generations (F1) using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Results The most abundant phyla in two separate families were Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Fusobacteria and Actinobacteria. Family ties explained 13% of the variance between individuals' bacterial communities (R 2 = 0.13; P = 0.001). Mothers shared more OTUs with adult children compared to fathers, but this linkage seemed to be weaker in the nuclear family with older adult children. We identified 29 differentially abundant genus level OTUs (FDR less then 0.05) between families, which accounted for 31% of the total identified genus level OTUs. Conclusions Our results indicate that adult family members share bacterial communities and adult children were more similar to mothers than fathers. The observed similarity in oral microbiome between parent-child pairs seemed to weaken over time. We suggest that our analysis approach is suitable for relatedness study of multigenerational salivary bacteria microbiome. © 2020 Sundström et al.