Corollary 2. The pericardial space has direct communication to the epicardium, the outer most layer of cardiac muscle, spatial proximity may allow for effective therapeutic options in electrical storm. We present experimental and clinical evidence in support of these hypothesis. Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is an autoimmune-inflammatory CNS disease affecting spinal cord and optic nerves, mediated by autoantibodies against aquaporin-4 (AQP4) and myelin-oligodendrocyte-glycoprotein (MOG). Effects of those immunoglobulins (Ig) on retina and optic nerve are incompletely understood. We investigated AQP4-IgG and MOG-IgG sera on retina and optic nerve ex vivo and in 2D2 mice, which harbor a transgenic MOG-specific T-cell receptor. Some sera reacted with murine retina and optic nerve showing distinct binding patterns, suggesting different epitopes being targeted in both subgroups. Transfer of total IgG from a MOG-IgG positive patient to 2D2 mice did neither enhance disability nor induce functional or histological alterations in the retina. SPECIFIC AIMS This study explored feasibility and fidelity of an education program for parents with intellectual disability. The Australian Parenting Young Children intervention was translated and adapted for support workers in the Swedish social services. METHOD Fidelity was examined using implementation diaries tracking frequency of implementation of program activities and teaching approaches ((over 14 months, completed by 27 support workers from 15 municipalities). Eighteen of these support workers and their managers (nā€‰=ā€‰12) completed questionnaires examining feasibility using Roger's concepts of program compatibility and complexity. FINDINGS Results showed that implementation of Parenting Young Children was feasible, with overall positive attitudes to Evidence Based Practice, good program compatibility, low perceived program complexity, and high satisfaction with implementation support. The fidelity measures suggest problems in how the program is used by some support workers parents received less than the recommended number of sessions and activities such as observation of parents and follow up, were infrequently used by support workers. DISCUSSION The findings raise questions about how program support and education should be provided. Difficulties in defining fidelity within the flexibility of the Parenting Young Children program are also discussed. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors modulate acetylcholine hydrolysis and hence play a key role in determining the cholinergic tone and in implementing its impact on the cholinergic blockade of inflammatory processes. Such inhibitors may include rapidly acting small molecule AChE-blocking drugs and poisonous anti-AChE insecticides or war agent inhibitors which penetrate both body and brain. Notably, traumatized patients may be hyper-sensitized to anti-AChEs due to their impaired cholinergic tone, higher levels of circulation pro-inflammatory cytokines and exacerbated peripheral inflammatory responses. Those largely depend on the innate-immune system yet reach the brain via vagus pathways and/or disrupted blood-brain-barrier. Other regulators of the neuro-inflammatory cascade are AChE-targeted microRNAs (miRs) and synthetic chemically protected oligonucleotide blockers thereof, whose size prevents direct brain penetrance. Nevertheless, these larger molecules may exert parallel albeit slower inflammatory regulating effects on brain and body tissues. Additionally, oligonucleotide aptamers interacting with innate immune Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) may control inflammation through diverse routes and in different rates. Such aptamers may compete with the action of both small molecule inhibitors and AChE-inhibiting miRs in peripheral tissues including muscle and intestine. However, rapid adaptation processes, visualized in neuromuscular junctions enable murine survival under otherwise lethal anti-cholinesterase exposure; and both miR inhibitors and TLR-modulating aptamers may exert body-brain signals protecting experimental mice from acute inflammation. The complex variety of AChE inhibiting molecules identifies diverse body-brain communication pathways which may rapidly induce long-lasting central reactions to peripheral stressful and inflammatory insults in both mice and men. This article is part of the special issue entitled 'Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors From Bench to Bedside to Battlefield'. Vergence eye movements are movements of both eyes in opposite directions. Vergence is known to have a role in binocular vision. However recent studies link vergence eye movements also to attention and attention disorders. As attention may be involved in dyslexia, it is sensible to guess that the presence of reading difficulties can be associated with specific patterns in vergence responses. Data from school children performing a word-reading task have been analysed. In the task, children had to distinguish words from non-words (scrambled words or row of X's), while their eye positions were recorded. Our findings show that after stimulus presentation eyes briefly converge. These vergence responses depend on the stimulus type and age of the child, and are different for children with reading difficulties. Our findings support the idea of a role of attention in word reading and offer an explanation of altered attention in dyslexia. Numerous examples of meaningful inter-individual differences in visual processing have been documented in low- and high-level vision. For mid-level vision or perceptual organization, vision scientists have only recently started to study the inter-individual differences structure. In this study, we focus on orientation and proximity as emergent features and combine a quantitative information processing approach with an individual differences approach. We first replicated the results reported in Hawkins, Houpt, Eidels, and Townsend (2016) in a set of 52 observers. That is, observers showed higher processing capacity for detecting a change in a stimulus configuration when the emergent features orientation or proximity were changed. Next, we asked whether individual differences processing capacities were similar across emergent features. The capacity to detect any type of change correlated moderately across individuals, whereas the capacity to detect changes in either emergent feature alone was not strongly correlated.