What You Should Know Before Making a Macaw Purchase Macaws are expensive, so it's crucial to budget for their upfront cost of setup and years of care. It is also worth considering the possibility of rescuing a bird instead buying one from a pet shop or breeder. You can save money on monthly supplies by buying items in bulk. Also look for second-hand items, such as cages and toys. Purchase from a trusted breeder Macaws are beautiful and intelligent animals that can bring a lot of happiness into your life. But they are also a responsibility, and you should be prepared to dedicate yourself to them throughout their lives. To make sure that you are able to care for your new pet, it's recommended to buy a macaw from an established breeder or adopt from a rescue group. You will have a greater likelihood of getting an animal that is healthy and well-adapted to living with humans and other animals. Furthermore, a reliable breeder will have a good track record and will be confident in the quality of their birds. If you are looking for a reputable breeder to purchase Macaws, be looking for one that will take care of the health and wellbeing of their birds. They'll give you more precise information regarding the temperament and personality of the bird, as well as its overall quality. They may also provide enrichment activities to keep your bird mentally and physically active. They'll also provide you with a starter kit that includes all the essential items for your new bird, which includes the travel carrier. The age of the bird you are looking to purchase is also important. Younger birds are easier and faster to train and tame and are able to adapt to new environments. that are younger tend to be more energetic and playful than older birds, and may be more susceptible to depression and stress. A reputable company for breeding macaws will also be focused on creating a stimulating and natural en