Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, major shortcomings in the way mental health care systems were organized were impairing the delivery of effective care. The mental health impacts of the pandemic, the recession, and the resulting social dislocation will depend on the extent to which care systems will become overwhelmed and on the strategic investments made across the system to effectively respond. This study aimed to explore the impact of strengthening the mental health system through technology-enabled care coordination on mental health and suicide outcomes. A system dynamics model for the regional population catchment of North Coast New South Wales, Australia, was developed that incorporated defined pathways from social determinants of mental health to psychological distress, mental health care, and suicidal behavior. The model reproduced historic time series data across a range of outcomes and was used to evaluate the relative impact of a set of scenarios on attempted suicide (ie, self-harm hospitalizatening the whole system has the greatest impact on patient outcomes. Investments into more of the same types of programs and services alone will not be enough to improve outcomes; instead, new models of care and the digital infrastructure to support them and their integration are needed.The multipoint dynamic aggregation (MPDA) problem of the multirobot system is of great significance for its real-world applications such as bush fire elimination. The problem is to design the optimal plan for a set of heterogeneous robots to complete some geographically distributed tasks collaboratively. In this article, we consider the dynamic version of the problem, where new tasks keep appearing after the robots are dispatched from the depot. The dynamic MPDA problem is a complicated optimization problem due to several characteristics, such as the collaboration of robots, the accumulative task demand, the relationships among robot