It also adds to the impressive early bloom of arboreal communities in the Jurassic of China, shedding light on the history of forest environments.Animals learn not only what is potentially useful but also what is meaningless and should be disregarded. How this is accomplished is a key but seldom explored question in psychology and neuroscience. Learning to ignore irrelevant cues is evident in latent inhibition-the ubiquitous phenomenon where presenting a cue several times without consequences leads to retardation of subsequent conditioning to that cue.1,2 Does learning to ignore these cues, because they predict nothing, involve the same neural circuits that are critical to learning to make predictions about other "real world" impending events? If so, the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), as a key node in such networks, should be important.3 Specifically, the OFC has been hypothesized to participate in the recognition of hidden task states, which are not directly signaled by explicit outcomes.4 Evaluating its involvement in pre-exposure learning during latent inhibition would be an acid test for this hypothesis. Here, we report that selective chemogenetic inactivation of rat orbitofrontal cortex principal neurons during stimulus pre-exposure markedly reduces latent inhibition in subsequent conditioning. Inactivation only during pre-exposure ensured that the observed effects were due to an impact on the acquisition of information prior to its use in any sort of behavior, i.e., during latent learning. Further behavioral tests confirmed this, showing that the impact of OFC inactivation during pre-exposure was limited to the latent inhibition effect. These results demonstrate that the OFC is important for latent learning and the formation of associations even in the absence of explicit outcomes.Leopards are the only big cats still widely distributed across the continents of Africa and Asia. They occur in a wide range