{25 items "Title":"Dark Phoenix" "Year":"2019" "Rated":"PG-13" "Released":"05 Jun 2019" "Runtime":"113 min" "Genre":"Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi" "Director":"Simon Kinberg" "Writer":"John Byrne (story "The Dark Phoenix Saga"), Chris Claremont (story "The Dark Phoenix Saga"), Dave Cockrum (story "The Dark Phoenix Saga"), Simon Kinberg, Jack Kirby (comic book created by), Stan Lee (comic book created by)" "Actors":"Sophie Turner, Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, Jessica Chastain" "Plot":"Jean Grey begins to develop incredible powers that corrupt and turn her into a Dark Phoenix. Now the X-Men will have to decide if the life of a team member is worth more than all the people living in the world." "Language":"English" "Country":"USA" "Awards":"N/A" "Poster":"https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjAwNDgxNTI0M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTY4MDI1NzM@._V1_SX300.jpg" "Ratings":[1 item 0:{2 items "Source":"Rotten Tomatoes" "Value":"22%" } ] "Metascore":"N/A" "imdbRating":"N/A" "imdbVotes":"N/A" "imdbID":"tt6565702" "Type":"movie" "DVD":"N/A" "BoxOffice":"N/A" "Production":"20th Century Fox" "Website":"https://movies.disney.com/dark-phoenix" "Response":"True"