Results reported serious airborne arsenic pollution in Murano before the REACH implementation. This work represents an interesting case study on the effectiveness of the European REACH process.Antibiotic resistance has been regarded as a global concern and biological wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are ideal hotbeds for the emergence and propagation of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), one of the primary components of activated sludge, might affect the distribution of extracellular ARGs in supernatant and EPS matrix, and thus alter their uptake potential by microbial cells. Herein, the presence and significance of EPS-associated ARGs in activated sludge from four WWTPs were assessed. Seven typical ARGs (sulI, sulII, blaTEM-1, tetA, tetO, tetQ, tetW) and class I integron (intI1) in EPS-associated, cell-free, and intracellular DNA were quantified. Results show that the absolute abundances of EPS-associated, cell-free, and intracellular ARGs were 5.90 × 106-6.45 × 109, 5.53 × 104-4.58 × 106, and 2.68 × 108-1.79 × 1011 copies/g-volatile suspended solids, respectively. The absolute abundances of EPS-associated ARGs were 0.2-4.6 orders of magnitude higher than those of the corresponding cell-free ARGs. Considering the higher DNA contents in EPS, the transformation abilities of EPS-associated ARGs were 3.3-236.3 folds higher than those of cell-free ARGs. Therefore, EPS-associated ARGs are an important source of extracellular ARGs, and it may play a crucial role in horizontal gene transfer via transformation in WWTPs.Short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs), frequently detected in human tissues or organs, can result in threat to human health by disturbing normal metabolism. However, their metabolism mechanisms and fates are largely unclear. Therefore, to better understand the impacts of SCCPs and their metabolites on the human health, the metabolic mechanism and kinetics of SCCPs by cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) were explored using density functional theory employed 1-chlorodecane as a model SCCPs. The results show that 1-chlorodecane could be readily metabolized by CYPs, and the rate constant reaches up 42.3 s-1 in human body. Dechlorination of 1-chlorodecane is unlikely to occur and hydroxylation is dominated via H-abstraction pathways, especially from the intermediate C atom of 1-chlorodecane. The toxicity assessments suggest that the two metabolites, 10-chloro-decan-5-ol and 1-chlorodecanol could exhibit higher bioaccumulation, carcinogenicity and more serious damage on cardiovascular system after the metabolism of 1-chlorodecane. To our knowledge, this is the first study from the viewpoint of theoretical analysis to explore the metabolism of typical SCCPs in human body. It may provide deep insight into the metabolic transformation mechanism of SCCPs and cause the concerns about the adverse effects of their metabolites in human body.Viable but non-culturable (VBNC) bacteria have attracted widespread attention since they are inherently undetected by traditional culture-dependent methods. Importantly, VBNC bacteria could resuscitate under favorable conditions leading to significant public health concerns. Although the total number of viable bacteria has been theorized to be far greater than those that can be cultured, there have been no reports quantifying VBNC pathogenic bacteria in full-scale drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs). In this work, we used both culture-dependent and quantitative PCR combination with propidium monoazide (PMA) dye approaches to characterize cellular viability. Further, we established a method to quantify viable pathogens by relating specific gene copies to viable cell numbers. Ratios of culturable bacteria to viable 16S rRNA gene copies in water and biological activated carbon (BAC) biofilms were 0-4.75% and 0.04-56.24%, respectively. The VBNC E. coli, E. faecalis, P. aeruginosa, Salmonella sp., and Shigella sp. were detected at levels of 0-103 cells/100 mL in source water, 0-102 cells/100 mL in chlorinated water, and 0-103 cells/g in BAC biofilms. In addition, differences between the total and viable community structures after ozonation and chlorination were investigated. The relative abundance of opportunistic pathogens such as Mycobacterium, Sphingomonas, etc. increased in final water, likely due to their chlorine resistance. In summary, we detected significant quantities of viable/VBNC opportunistic pathogens in full-scale DWTPs, confirming that traditional, culture-dependent methods are inadequate for detecting VBNC bacteria. These findings suggest a need to develop and implement rapid, accurate methods for the detection of VBNC pathogenic bacteria in DWTPs to ensure the safety of drinking water.Antibiotic residues in the environment may negatively affect biological communities in the natural ecosystems. However, their influence on environmental bacterial strains has not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, two representatives of 5-nitrofuran antibiotics (nitrofurantoin and furaltadone) were investigated in terms of their long-term influence on the cell envelopes of newly isolated environmental bacterial strains (Sphingobacterium caeni FTD2, Achromobacter xylosoxidans NFZ2 and Pseudomonas hibiscicola FZD2). A 12-month exposure of bacterial cells to nitrofurans at a concentration of 20 mg L-1 induced changes in the cell structure and texture (bacteria under stress conditions showed a loss of their original shape and seemed to be vastly inflated, the cells increased average surface roughness after exposure to NFT and FTD, respectively). AFM observations allowed the calculation of the bacterial cell nanomechanical properties. Significant increase in adhesion energy of bacteria after prolonged contact with nitrofurantoin was demonstrated. Changes in the permeability of bacterial membrane, fatty acids' composition and bacterial cell surface hydrophobicity were determined. Despite visible bacterial adaptation to nitrofurans, prolonged presence of pharmaceuticals in the environment has led to significant alterations in the cells' structures which was particularly visible in P. hibiscicola.