The actual KSHV ORF20 Protein Reacts using the Popular Processivity Factor ORF59 and also Helps bring about Popular Reactivation. © 2020 Liu et al. Published by IMR press.The endocannabinoid system modulates many brain functions, including episodic memories, which contain memories of time and places. Most studies have focused on the involvement of the endocannabinoid system in spatial memory; however, its role in temporal memory is not well understood. Few studies have tested whether the unilateral endocannabinoid system is sufficient to modulate memory retrieval. Here, we tested whether type 1 cannabinoid receptors in the right hippocampal cornu ammonis area 1 region are enough to modulate the retrieval of episodic memories, specifically their spatial and temporal components. Because rats have innate preferences for displaced or old familiar objects, we changed the locations of "old familiar" and "recent familiar" objects in an open field and measured the rats' exploration times to evaluate spatial and temporal memory. To address the influence of the type 1 cannabinoid receptors on the retrieval of episodic-like memories, two doses of arachidonylcyclopropylamide, a selective type 1 cannabinoid receptor agonist, were infused into the cornu ammonis area 1 of rats ten minutes before the discrimination trials. We observed that rats injected with a low dose of arachidonylcyclopropylamide spent less time investigating displaced objects, suggesting spatial memory impairment, whereas those receiving a high dose explored old familiar objects less frequently, suggesting temporal memory impairment. This indicates that unilateral activation of type 1 cannabinoid receptors in the cornu ammonis area 1 impairs the spatial and temporal aspects of episodic memories. This research mimics the influence of marijuana intoxication effects in humans, such as spatial and temporal disintegration. © 2020 Chiang and Hsiao Published by IMR press.Electroencephalography is the recording of brain electrical activities that can be used to diagnose brain seizure disorders. By identifying brain activity patterns and their correspondence between symptoms and diseases, it is possible to give an accurate diagnosis and appropriate drug therapy to patients. This work aims to categorize electroencephalography signals on different channels' recordings for classifying and predicting epileptic seizures. The collection of the electroencephalography recordings contained in the dataset attributes 179 information and 11,500 instances. Instances are of five categories, where one is the symptoms of epilepsy seizure. We have used traditional, ensemble methods and deep machine learning techniques highlighting their performance for the epilepsy seizure detection task. One dimensional convolutional neural network, ensemble machine learning techniques like bagging, boosting (AdaBoost, gradient boosting, and XG boosting), and stacking is implemented. Traditional machine learning techniques such as decision tree, random forest, extra tree, ridge classifier, logistic regression, K-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes (gaussian), and Kernel Support Vector Machine (polynomial, gaussian) are used for classifying and predicting epilepsy seizure. Before using ensemble and traditional techniques, we have preprocessed the data set using the Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation to eliminate irrelevant attributes. Further accuracy of classification and prediction of the classifiers are manipulated using k-fold cross-validation methods and represent the Receiver Operating Characteristic Area Under the Curve for each classifier. After sorting and comparing algorithms, we have found the convolutional neural network and extra tree bagging classifiers to have better performance than all other ensemble and traditional classifiers. © 2020 Sahu et al. Published by IMR press.T-DNA insertional mutations in Arabidopsis genes have conferred huge benefits to the research community, greatly facilitating gene function analyses. However, the insertion process can cause chromosomal rearrangements. Here, we show an example of a likely rearrangement following T-DNA insertion in the Anti-Silencing Function 1B (ASF1B) gene locus on Arabidopsis chromosome 5, so that the phenotype was not relevant to the gene of interest, ASF1B. ASF1 is a histone H3/H4 chaperone involved in chromatin remodeling in the sporophyte and during reproduction. Plants that were homozygous for mutant alleles asf1a or asf1b were developmentally normal. However, following self-fertilization of double heterozygotes (ASF1A/asf1a ASF1B/asf1b, hereafter AaBb), defects were visible in both male and female gametes. Half of the AaBb and aaBb ovules displayed arrested embryo sacs with functional megaspore identity. Similarly, half of the AaBb and aaBb pollen grains showed centromere defects, resulting in pollen abortion at the bi-cellular stage of the male gametophyte. However, inheritance of the mutant allele in a given gamete did not solely determine the abortion phenotype. Introducing functional ASF1B failed to rescue the AaBb- and aaBb-mediated abortion, suggesting that heterozygosity in the ASF1B gene causes gametophytic defects, rather than the loss of ASF1. The presence of reproductive defects in heterozygous mutants but not in homozygotes, and the characteristic all-or-nothing pollen viability within tetrads, were both indicative of commonly-observed T-DNA-mediated translocation activity for this allele. Our observations reinforce the importance of complementation tests in assigning gene function using reverse genetics.Acne vulgaris is a common adolescent disorder but the data related to acne vulgaris is insufficient in Albania. The aim of this study was to assess the epidemiologic features of acne vulgaris and to identify lifestyle and constitutional factors in formulating a proper management protocol. A cross-sectional study conducted on a representative sample of 2036 adolescents from 10 high schools located in Tirana. A self-administered questionnaire was administered to collect the data. The binary logistic regression was applied to assess the factors linked to the presence of acne vulgaris in adolescents. The mean age in the study population was 16.2 ± 0.9 years. The self-reported prevalence of acne was 50.3% (52.1% in females and 47.9% in males). Lifetime prevalence was 68.5%. The factors significantly associated with an increased likelihood over time were frequent consumption of sweets, frequent endurance of stress, poor quality of sleep, positive family history of acne, oily and combination skin, menstrual disorders.