It is crucial to provide updated knowledge about blood (non-)donors, as it is necessary to design targeted interventions with the aim of retaining blood donors and thus contributing to a functioning health system. This study investigates the prevalence and socio-demographic patterning of lifetime blood donation, assessing blood donation intention within the next 12 months and exploring personal motives and deterrents of blood donation qualitatively in the German population. A face-to-face cross-sectional survey with 2531 respondents was conducted, representative of the German population in terms of age, gender, and residency. Closed as well as open questions were asked. Qualitative content analysis was used for coding the qualitative material. Basic descriptive statistics were conducted to address our research questions. More than one-third of the participants reported that they have donated blood at least once in their lifetime. Motives and deterrents were assigned to 10 domains with 50 main categories and 65 sub-categories. The most frequently stated motives for blood donation were "altruism", "social responsibility", and "charity", whereas the most frequently stated deterrents were "health status", "age", and "lack of time". This study provides information to tailor recruitment and reactivation strategies to address donors at different career steps-from non-donor to loyal donor.Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is caused by the chronic and gradual oxidative degeneration of the retina. Unfortunately, the general purpose of current treatments is to slow AMD progression, as the retina cannot be restored to its pre-AMD condition. We aimed to identify natural products that can be potential treatments that prevent AMD and can delay the development of late-AMD and selected Centella asiatica extract (CA-HE50), which shows excellent efficacy in cytoprotection. In animal experiments using N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), CA-HE50 dramatically increased the thickness of photoreceptors and the outer nuclear layer (ONL) and the number of nuclei in the ONL (p less then 0.05). Using retinal epithelial ARPE-19 cells showed that CA-HE50 inhibited apoptosis through inhibition of the intrinsic apoptosis signaling pathway and cell cycle regulation (p less then 0.05). The anti-apoptotic efficacy was confirmed to be due to activation of the Nrf2/HO-1 antioxidation pathway (p less then 0.05). These results were also observed with asiaticoside, a functional substance of CA-HE50. In addition, the accumulation of oxidized-N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine (A2E), which induces AMD, was inhibited by CA-HE50, resulting in increased ARPE-19 cell viability (p less then 0.05). This study demonstrates that CA-HE50 is worth further research and human application tests, to develop it as a raw material for treatment or dietary supplement for the prevention of AMD. Hallucinations involve sensing things such as visions, sounds, or smells that seem real but are not. These things are created by the mind. However, little is known about the distribution of incident hallucinations in the community. This paper aims to examine manifestation and frequency of the hallucinatory experiences within the general Croatian population. The instrument of the survey is Chicago Hallucination Assessment Tool (CHAT). The study included 521 examinees; 284 females (54.5%) and males 237 (45.5%). There was a manifestation of all types of hallucinatory experiences determined. Out of all of the participants 17% listed that they experienced acoustic hallucinations during their lifetime, 15% said that they have experienced visual hallucinations, 12% olfactory hallucinations, 10% gustatory and 12% tactile/cenesthetic hallucinations. The results of this research have indicated that simple hallucinations were mostly represented among the general Croatian population and those more complex were reise awareness of a topic that needs to acquire more attention.Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney (MESTK), a benign rare tumor with malignant transformation potential, is thought to be derived from fetal or immature cells originating from the mesonephric and Müllerian ducts. However, due to its rarity, little is known about the anti-tumor immune responses in MESTK. Herein, we present five cases of MESTK and evaluate the population of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) using a freshly obtained MESTK sample. Microscopically, TILs were scattered or clustered in large aggregates in the stroma in all five cases; furthermore, three cases exhibited heavy, large lymphocytic aggregates with no well-organized tertiary lymphoid structures with germinal centers. Flow cytometric analysis of TILs in one freshly obtained MESTK sample revealed that >40% of CD3+ T cells were effector memory Fas+CD28- γδ T cells expressing high levels of programmed cell death protein 1 and inducible T-cell co-stimulator, but low levels of CD44 and CD27. Most αß T cells exhibited a naïve phenotype. Additionally, we detected many activated class-switched CD21+CD27+ B cells as well as CD11chighIgMhigh marginal zone B-like and CD27-CD21-CD23- immunoglobulin (Ig)DhighIgMlow age-associated B-like cells. Collectively, for the first time, we report the immune microenvironment pattern of MESTK to oncogenic stress.Equine-assisted activities and therapies (EAAT) have been suggested to improve adaptive behavior, and possibly motor function, in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study investigated the effects of EAAT on adaptive behavior and motor function in 15 children with ASD (13 males) aged 7-15 years as well as the impact of EAAT on the magnitude of stress in the parent-child system and the evolution in the child interaction with both the trained therapist and the therapeutic animal through the 20 weekly sessions of EAAT. EAAT were associated with greater adaptive behavior and coordination (all p ≤ 0.01) as well as a progressive improvement in the child's abilities to respond to the increasing complexity of such form of positive behavioral support (all p less then 0.001). However, EAAT did not prove to be effective in reducing parental distress. Collectively, preliminary evidence presented here may have important public health implications and gives reason to hope that EAAT could possibly be an effective option in ASD, warranting further investigation of its potential benefits in clinical trials among larger samples.