In primary aldosteronism (PA), kidney function impairment could be concealed by relative hyperfiltration and emerge after adrenalectomy. We hypothesized transtubular gradient potassium gradient (TTKG), a kidney aldosterone bioactivity indicator, could correlate to end organ damage and forecast kidney function impairment after adrenalectomy. In the present prospective study, we enrolled lateralized PA patients who underwent adrenalectomy and were followed up 12 months after operation in the Taiwan Primary Aldosteronism Investigation (TAIPAI) registry from 2010 to 2018. The clinical outcome was kidney function impairment, defined as estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 ml/min/1.73 m at 12 months after adrenalectomy. End organ damage is determined by microalbuminuria and left ventricular mass. In total, 323 patients [mean, 50.8 ± 10.9 years old; female 178 (55.1%)] were enrolled. Comparing pre-operation and post-operation data, systolic blood pressure, serum aldosterone, urinary albumin to creatinine ratio and eGFR decreased. TTKG ⩾ 4.9 correlated with pre-operative urinary albumin to creatinine ratio >50 mg/g [odds ratio (OR) = 2.42;  = 0.034] and left ventricular mass (B = 20.10;  = 0.018). Multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that TTKG ⩾ 4.9 could predict concealed chronic kidney disease (OR = 5.42;  = 0.011) and clinical success (OR = 2.90,  = 0.017) at 12 months after adrenalectomy. TTKG could predict concealed kidney function impairment and cure of hypertension in PA patients after adrenalectomy. TTKG more than 4.9 as an adverse surrogate of aldosterone and hypokalaemia correlated with pre-operative end organ damage in terms of high proteinuria and cardiac hypertrophy. TTKG could predict concealed kidney function impairment and cure of hypertension in PA patients after adrenalectomy. TTKG more than 4.9 as an adverse surrogate of aldosterone and hypokalaemia correlated with pre-operative end organ damage in terms of high proteinuria and cardiac hypertrophy.The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic forced the Italian Government to act extreme measures that put the entire country under lockdown. The citizens experimented a radical transformation of their lives while the healthcare system started building a novel COVID-system that quickly dissolved the former organization, included pediatric healthcare network. For a number of reasons COVID-19 pandemic is polite with children; however, the fear of this unknown disease drove to develop dedicated pathways in the Pediatric Emergency Departments for the suspected and diagnosed cases of COVID-19, together with their relatives. The combination of conflicting feelings resulted in an unexpected scenario the number of accesses to the pediatric Hospital or Unit(s) sharply dropped to less than half. How do we explain this phenomenon? The authors believe that our health care system may learn a lesson from the catastrophe of COVID, if we will be able to redesign our way of providing our cares to children. Nothing should be taken for granted, because this might be a real "time for a change".The main congenital pulmonary airways malformations in newborns and infants requiring surgery are cystic adenoid malformation, congenital lobar emphysema and bronchogenic cyst. The surgical treatment preferably via thoracoscopy is recommended within the first year of life to avoid the risk of pneumopathy. A monopulmonary ventilation is then required by the surgeon to operate the diseased lung. The anesthetic management of intraoperative mono-pulmonary ventilation in newborns and infants is always challenging for the anesthesiologist. The main objective of this study was to describe anesthetic protocol for thoracoscopy and variations of monitored parameters during a mono-pulmonary ventilation procedure in newborns and infants.Prenatal doppler ultrasound of the ductus venosus plays an important role in the evaluation of fetal circulation and fetal heart function. We aimed to establish the percentile of Resistivity Index (RI) and Pulsatility Index (PI) of the Ductus Venosus (DV) among normal Vietnamese fetuses with a gestation from 22 to 37 weeks in a cohort study. Normal Vietnamese fetuses with a gestation ranging from 22 to 37 weeks were examined in a cohort study. The PI and RI were recorded from the DV. We analyzed 640 participants who all fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria of our study. Results There was a significant correlation between RI, PI and gestational age as shown with the equations y = 0.077x - 0.003x2 + 3.493e - 5x3 (r=0.97) and y = 0.106x - 0.004x2 + 4.5e - 5x3 (r=0.94), respectively. A centile module was constructed for the DV RI and PI indices among normal Vietnamese fetuses with gestation from 22 to 37 weeks.Developmental dyslexia is a reading disorder unrelated to intellectual disability, inadequate teaching systems or poor motivation for schooling. The first attempts to understand such difficulty of learning to read, connected the problem to a primary 'visual defect'. Since then, several models have been developed. In the last decades, autopsy and histopathological studies on the brain of developmental dyslexics provided neuroanatomical evidence of structural and morphological differences between the normal and dyslexic brains. Furthermore, neuroimaging studies allowed to understand the neural systems of reading and dyslexia. According to more recent studies, developmental dyslexia appears as a language-related neurodevelopmental disorder with a deficit in phonological decoding and visuospatial organization of the language code. Therefore, dyslexia is viewed as a multicomponential and complex disorder. Consequently, rehabilitation should be aimed at both the recovery of linguistic decoding processes and the improvement of visuo-spatial and attentional processes. This brief overview should be a valuable tool for a deeper understanding of dyslexic disorder. Literature searches in Medline, PsycINFO, EMBASE, Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science identified one hundred articles focusing attention on how this disorder has been considered over the years.