Wnt/β-catenin signaling has been implicated in the terminal asymmetric divisions of neuronal progenitors in vertebrates and invertebrates. However, the role of Wnt ligands in this process remains poorly characterized. Here we used the terminal divisions of the embryonic neuronal progenitors in C. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/kp-457.html elegans to characterize the role of Wnt ligands during this process focusing on a lineage that produces the cholinergic interneuron AIY. We observed that during interphase the neuronal progenitor is elongated along the anteroposterior axis, then divides along its major axis, generating an anterior and a posterior daughter with different fates. Using time-controlled perturbations, we show that three Wnt ligands, which are transcribed at higher levels at the posterior of the embryo, regulate the orientation of the neuronal progenitor and its asymmetric division. We also identified a role for a Wnt receptor (MOM-5) and a cortical transducer APC (APR-1), which are respectively enriched at the posterior and anterior poles of the neuronal progenitor. Our study establishes a role for Wnt ligands in the regulation of the shape and terminal asymmetric divisions of neuronal progenitors, and identifies downstream components. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.How extracellular matrix participates to tissue morphogenesis is still an open question. In the Drosophila ovarian follicle, it has been proposed that after Fat2-dependent planar polarization of the follicle cell basal domain, oriented basement membrane (BM) fibrils and F-actin stress fibers constrain follicle growth, promoting its axial elongation. However, the relationship between BM fibrils and stress fibers and their respective impact on elongation are unclear. We found that Dystroglycan (Dg) and Dystrophin (Dys) are involved in BM fibril deposition. Moreover, they also orient stress fibers, by acting locally and in parallel to Fat2. Importantly, Dg-Dys complex-mediated cell autonomous control of F-actin fibers orientation relies on the previous BM fibril deposition, indicating two distinct but interdependent functions. Thus, the Dg-Dys complex works as a critical organizer of the epithelial basal domain, regulating both F-actin and BM. Furthermore, BM fibrils act as a persistent cue for the orientation of stress fibers that are the main effector of elongation. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.Epithelial tissues undergo cell turnover both during development and for homeostatic maintenance. Cells no longer needed are quickly removed without compromising barrier function of the tissue. During metamorphosis, insects undergo developmentally programed tissue remodeling. However, the mechanisms that regulate this rapid tissue remodeling are not precisely understood. Here, we show that the temporal dynamics of endocytosis modulate physiological cell properties to potentiate larval epidermal cells for cell elimination. Endocytic activity gradually reduces as tissue remodeling progresses. This reduced endocytic activity accelerates cell elimination through the regulation of Myosin II subcellular reorganization, junctional E-cadherin levels, and caspase activation. Whereas the increased Myosin II dynamics accelerates cell elimination, E-cadherin rather plays a protective role against cell elimination. Reduced E-cadherin is involved in the amplification of caspase activation by forming a positive feedback loop with caspase. These findings reveal the role of endocytosis in preventing cell elimination and in the cell property switching initiated by the temporal dynamics of endocytic activity to achieve rapid cell elimination during tissue remodeling. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.Neuronal specification is a protracted process that begins with the commitment of progenitor cells and culminates with the generation of mature neurons. Many transcription factors are continuously expressed during this process, but it is presently unclear how these factors modify their targets as cells transition through different stages of specification. In olfactory bulb adult neurogenesis, the transcription factor PBX1 controls neurogenesis in progenitor cells and survival of migrating neuroblasts. Here we show that, at later differentiation stages, PBX1 also acts as a terminal selector for the dopaminergic fate. PBX1 is additionally required for the morphological maturation of dopaminergic neurons and to repress alternative interneuron fates, findings that expand the known repertoire of terminal-selector actions. Finally, we reveal that the temporal diversification of PBX1 functions in neuronal specification is achieved, at least in part, through the dynamic regulation of alternative splicing. In C. elegans, PBX/CEH-20 also acts as dopaminergic terminal selector what suggests an ancient role for PBX factors in the regulation of dopaminergic terminal differentiation. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.BACKGROUND Monitoring and evaluations of digital health (DH) solutions for the management of chronic diseases are quite heterogeneous and evidences around evaluating frameworks are inconsistent. An evidenced-based framework is needed to inform the evaluation process and rationale of such interventions. We aimed to explore the nature, extent and components of existing DH frameworks for chronic diseases. METHODS This review was conducted based on the five steps of Arksey and O'Malley's scoping review methodology. Out of 172 studies identified from, PubMed, Embase and Web of Science, 11 met our inclusion criteria. The reviewed studies developed DH frameworks for chronic diseases and published between 2010 and 2018. RESULTS According to WHO guidelines for monitoring and evaluation of DH interventions, we identified seven Conceptual frameworks, two Results frameworks, one Logical framework and one Theory of change. The frameworks developed for providing interventions such as self-management, achieving personal goals and reducing relapse for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and severe mental health. A few studies reported evaluation of the frameworks using randomised clinical trials (n=3) and feasibility testing via Likert scale survey (n=2). A wide range of outcomes were reported including access to care, cost-effectiveness, behavioural outcomes, patient-provider communications, technology acceptance and user experience. CONCLUSION There is a lack of evidence on the application of consistent DH frameworks. Future research should address the use of evidence-based frameworks into the research design, monitoring and evaluation process. This review explores the nature of DH frameworks for the management of chronic diseases and provides examples to guide monitoring and evaluation of interventions. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.