Learning from, and avoiding mistakes made in, previous publications is one ethical pathway towards this end.Chalcogen bonding is important in numerous aspects of chemistry, both in the solid state and in solution. Surveying the literature, it becomes clear that during its rebranding from chalcogen-chalcogen interactions, some parts of the community have somewhat neglected to recall its discovery and the initial studies referring to it in its previous guise. In this Viewpoint, we trace the path of research into this phenomenon, from its discovery, through its renaming, and to some of the varied and interesting chemistry it has led to so far, ranging from crystal engineering through supramolecular assembly to modern catalysis. Screening for rapidly progressing autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is necessary for assigning and monitoring therapies. Height-adjusted total kidney volume (ht-TKV) is an accepted biomarker for clinical prognostication, but represents only a small fraction of information on abdominal MRI. To investigate the utility of other MR features of ADPKD to predict progression. Single-center retrospective. Longitudinal data from 186 ADPKD subjects with baseline serum creatinine, PKD gene testing, abdominal MRI measurements, and ≥2 follow-up serum creatinine were reviewed. 1.5T, T -weighted single-shot fast spin echo, T -weighted 3D spoiled gradient echo (liver accelerated volume acquisition) and 2D cine velocity encoded gradient echo (phase contrast MRA). Ht-TKV, renal blood flow (RBF), number and fraction of renal and hepatic cysts, bright T hemorrhagic renal cysts, and liver and spleen volumes were independently assessed by three observers blinded to estimated glomerular filtratirenal cysts, renal cyst fraction, liver and spleen volume, hepatic cyst fraction, and renal blood flow enhanced sensitivity for predicting eGFR decline in ADPKD compared to the standard model including only ht-TKV. Level of Evidence 2 Technical Efficacy Stage 2 J. MAGN. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/oligomycin-a.html RESON. IMAGING 2021;53564-576. Combining multiple MR features including hemorrhagic renal cysts, renal cyst fraction, liver and spleen volume, hepatic cyst fraction, and renal blood flow enhanced sensitivity for predicting eGFR decline in ADPKD compared to the standard model including only ht-TKV. Level of Evidence 2 Technical Efficacy Stage 2 J. MAGN. RESON. IMAGING 2021;53564-576.The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of two Zn supplemented levels and two Zn and Cu sources (sulphate and hydroxychloride) on growing-finishing pigs. An in vitro study and an in vivo study were conducted. In the in vitro study, Zn solubility from each source at different Zn supplementation levels was evaluated, as well as the phytic phosphorus (PP) solubility derived from the interaction or not with phytic acid at similar conditions to those found in digestive tract. The most critical interaction of Zn with phytic acid was at pH 6.5 and with Zn sulphate, resulting in the reduction in PP solubility. In the in vivo experiment, a total of 444 pigs ([Duroc × Landrace]×Pietrain; initial BW 18.7 ± 0.20 kg) were allotted to 36 pens in a randomized complete block design (2 × 2) factorial arrangement with two Zn and Cu sources and two Zn supplemental levels (20 and 80 mg/kg). The Cu supplementation was fixed at 15 mg/kg for all diets. There was no effect of the interaction between mineral source × Zn level or Zn level on growth performance or carcass characteristics (p > .10). Apparent total digestibility of Zn and Cu along with carcass yield was higher for pigs fed hydroxychloride than pigs fed the sulphate counterparts (p less then .05). Feeding low levels of Zn decreased Zn (45.5%; p less then .0001) and Cu(18.5%; p = .018) faecal excretion. In conclusion, under commercial conditions, feeding growing-finishing pigs with Zn levels below those established by the European Union regulation did not affect growth performance and carcass characteristics. Reducing dietary mineral (Zn and Cu) diet content resulted in a lower faecal mineral excretion. Pigs fed sulphate minerals had an improved performance during grower period, while pigs fed hydroxychloride minerals showed an improved performance during finishing period and a greater carcass yield and mineral digestibility than those fed sulphates.Poor cyclability and safety concerns caused by the uncontrollable dendrite growth and large interfacial resistance severely restrict the practical applications of metal batteries. Herein, a facile, universal strategy to fabricate ceramic and glass phase compatible, and self-healing metal anodes is proposed. Various amalgam-metal anodes (Li, Na, Zn, Al, and Mg) show a long cycle life in symmetric cells. It has been found that liquid Li amalgam shows a complete wetting with the surface of lanthanum lithium titanate electrolyte and a glass-phase solid-state electrolyte. The interfacial compatibility between the lithium metal anode and solid-state electrolyte is dramatically improved by using an in situ regenerated amalgam interface with high electron/ion dual-conductivity, obviously decreasing the anode/electrolyte interfacial impedance. The lithium-amalgam interface between the metal anode and electrolyte undergoes a reversible isothermal phase transition between solid and liquid during the cycling process at room temperature, resulting in a self-healing surface of metal anodes. Alveolar ridge squamous cell carcinoma (ARSCC) is poorly represented in randomized trials. Adults in the National Cancer Database diagnosed with ARSCC between 2010 and 2014 who should be considered for postoperative radiotherapy (PORT) based on National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)-defined risk factors were identified. Eight hundred forty-five (58%) of 1457 patients meeting the inclusion criteria received PORT. PORT was associated with improved overall survival (OS) on unadjusted (hazard ratio [HR] 0.83, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.70-0.98, P = .02) and multivariable (HR 0.78, 95% CI 0.64-0.94, P = .002) analyses. PORT was associated with significantly improved 5-year OS for patients with 1 (68% vs 58%, P < .001), 2 (52% vs 31%, P < .001), and ≥3 (38% vs 24%, P < .001) NCCN-defined risk factors. Prognostic variables significantly associated with worse OS on multivariable analysis included advanced age, primary tumor size ≥3 cm, high grade, positive margin(s), stage N2-3, level IV/V nodal metastasis, and extranodal extension.