ction values after 12 h (P less then 0.0001; 54,291 ng/g) than all test substrates. These data suggest that legumes offer a diverse macronutrient profile and appear to be a source of slowly fermentable fiber, which may have beneficial implications on the ratios of saccharolytic to proteolytic fermentation toward the distal colon.The mitigation of pain associated with common management procedures is a rising concern among veterinarians, producers and consumers. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are vital compounds for this purpose due to their cost, convenience, and efficacy. A transdermal formulation of flunixin meglumine (FM) was approved for the treatment of pain in cattle; however, the efficacy has yet to be determined for small ruminants. The current study had two aims 1) to determine the pharmacokinetics of transdermal flunixin meglumine (TD FM) in bucklings and 2) to evaluate pain mitigation by TD FM following castration. To evaluate pharmacokinetics, 12 male goats (mean age = 6 mo) received 2.2 mg/kg of FM IV (n = 6) or 3.3 mg/kg TD FM (n = 6). Plasma FM concentrations were measured. The mean Cmax, Tmax, and harmonic mean half-life for TD FM were 1.09 ± 0.65 μg/mL, 5.50 ± 2.95 h, and 7.16 ± 2.06 h, respectively. To evaluate the efficacy of pain mitigation, 18 goats were randomly assigned to three treatment groups 1) TD FM agnificantly higher in FM CAST and SHAM groups than the PL CAST group (P = 0.04). Goats in the SHAM group gained weight throughout the study, whereas goats in all other groups lost weight (P = 0.02). Results indicate that TD FM may mitigate pain as demonstrated by increased DMI; however, a single dose may not be sufficient to reduce physiological indicators of pain associated with castration in goats.Optimizing beef production system efficiency requires an understanding of genetic potential suitable for a given production environment. Therefore, the objective of this retrospective analysis was to determine the influence of cow body weight (BW) adjusted to a common body condition score (BCS) of 5 at weaning-influenced cow-calf performance and postweaning steer and heifer progeny performance. Data were collected at the Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory, Whitman, NE, on crossbred, mature cows (n = 1,607) from 2005 to 2017. Cow BCS at calving, prebreeding, and weaning were positively associated (P 0.67) by dam BW. Hot carcass weights of steers were increased (P = 0.01) by 6.48 kg with every additional 100-kg increase in cow BW. In a hypothetical model using the regression coefficients from this study, regardless of pricing method, cow-calf producers maximize the highest amount of profit by selecting smaller cows. Overall, larger-sized cows within this herd and production system of the current study had increased reproductive performance and offspring BW; however, total production output and economic returns would be potentially greater when utilizing smaller-sized cows.The objectives of the study were to determine the effect of coated or noncoated hormone implants on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and serum estradiol-17β (E2) concentrations of Holstein steers fed a grain-based diet for 112 d. Seventy-nine Holstein steers [average initial body weight (BW) = 452 ± 5.5 kg] were stratified by BW and allotted to one of two treatments 1) Holstein steers implanted with a coated implant containing 200 mg of trenbolone acetate (TBA) and 40 mg E2 (Revalor-XS (Merck Animal Health; Summit, NJ)] on day 0 (XS) or 2) Holstein steers implanted two times (days 0 and 56) with a noncoated implant containing 80 mg of TBA and 16 mg of E2 [(2IS) Revalor-IS (Merck Animal Health)]. Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC). There was no effect (P ≥ 0.71) of implant strategy on initial, middle, and final BW. No effect (P ≥ 0.12) of implant strategy was observed on average daily gain, dry matter intake, or gain-to-feed ratio. There were no effects (P ≥ 0.11) of implant strategy on carcass characteristics. There was an implant × day interaction (P less then 0.01) for the circulation of serum E2 concentrations. Serum E2 concentration increased similarly 14 d after Holstein steers were implanted, regardless of implant strategy. At 28 d, after steers were implanted, steers in the XS group had less serum E2 concentration than Holstein steers in the 2IS group. However, at 56 d after the first implantation, both groups, once again, had similar serum E2 concentrations and E2 concentrations were less on day 56 than day 28 for both strategies. Holstein steers implanted with 2IS had greater serum E2 concentration on day 70 and E2 concentrations remained greater than serum E2 of Holstein steers implanted XS for the duration of the trial (day 112). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/zebularine.html In summary, there was no effect of coated or two doses of noncoated implant on growth performance or carcass characteristics of Holstein steers.A digestibility experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary exogenous monocomponent protease on the coefficient of apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) and coefficient apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of amino acids in meat and bones meal (MBM), poultry byproducts meal (PBPM), and feather meal (FM). A total of 512 Cobb-500 male broiler chickens (aged 14 d) were randomly placed into 64 metabolism cages (8 birds per pen) and were allocated to eight treatments with eight replicates in a semi-controlled environmental room. The experimental diets consisted of the basal diet (corn/SBM) and the replacement of 300 g/kg on a weight basis with MBM, PBPM, or FM. The excreta were collected during 3 d (19 to 21 d), and the ileal digesta (using Celite as an indigestible marker) only 1 d (21 d). The protease contained 75,000 PROT units/g. The use of the enzyme increased (P less then 0.05) ATTD for alanine, cysteine, glycine, and threonine in the basal diet and AID for the amino acids alanine, cysteine, glycine, lysine, threonine, and valine for the basal diet (vegetable). Regarding meals, there was an increase (P less then 0.05) in the amino acid digestibility in large part due to the amino acids of MBM (14) and PBPM (9), with only five amino acids for FM. The amino acids glycine and threonine showed increases (P less then 0.05) in both total and ileal digestibility for all animal meals and for the diet based on corn and soybean meal, which indicates a high specificity of the enzyme for these amino acids. The overall results obtained in this study found satisfactory effectiveness of this exogenous protease. The total collection method was lower by 1.83% of amino acids digestibility than the ileal method.