The MESV construct was non-allergenic, stable, and highly antigenic. Molecular docking showed a stable and high binding affinity of MESV with human pathogenic toll-like receptors-3 (TLR3). Furthermore, in silico immune simulation revealed significant immunogenic response of MESV. Finally, MEV codons were optimized for its in silico cloning into the Escherichia coli K-12 system, to ensure its increased expression. The MESV developed in this study is capable of generating immune response against COVID-19. Therefore, if designed MESV further investigated experimentally, it would be an effective vaccine candidate against SARS-CoV-2 to control and prevent COVID-19. The MESV developed in this study is capable of generating immune response against COVID-19. Therefore, if designed MESV further investigated experimentally, it would be an effective vaccine candidate against SARS-CoV-2 to control and prevent COVID-19. Shark Bay, Australia, harbours one of the most extensive and diverse systems of living microbial mats that are proposed to be analogs of some of the earliest ecosystems on Earth. These ecosystems have been shown to possess a substantial abundance of uncultivable microorganisms. These enigmatic microbes, jointly coined as 'microbial dark matter' (MDM), are hypothesised to play key roles in modern microbial mats. We reconstructed 115 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) affiliated to MDM, spanning 42 phyla. This study reports for the first time novel microorganisms (Zixibacterial order GN15) putatively taking part in dissimilatory sulfate reduction in surface hypersaline settings, as well as novel eukaryote signature proteins in the Asgard archaea. Despite possessing reduced-size genomes, the MDM MAGs are capable of fermenting and degrading organic carbon, suggesting a role in recycling organic carbon. Several forms of RuBisCo were identified, allowing putative CO incorporation into nucleotide salvaging pas. Our data suggests that these microbial groups are major players in these systems. In light of our findings, we propose H2, ribose and CO/CO2 as the main energy currencies of the MDM community in these mat systems. Video Abstract. COVID-19 has spread all around the world. Italy is one of the worst affected countries in Europe. Although there is a trend of relief, the epidemic situation hasn't stabilized yet. This study aims to investigate the dynamics of the disease spread in Italy and provide some suggestions on containing the epidemic. We compared Italy's status at the outbreak stage and control measures with Guangdong Province in China by data observation and analysis. A modified autonomous SEIR model was used to study the COVID-19 epidemic and transmission potential during the early stage of the outbreak in Italy. We also utilized a time-dependent dynamic model to study the future disease dynamics in Italy. The impact of various non-pharmaceutical control measures on epidemic was investigated through uncertainty and sensitivity analyses. The comparison of specific measures implemented in the two places and the time when the measures were initiated shows that the initial prevention and control actions in Italy were not suffici not sufficiently timely and effective in the beginning. Non-pharmaceutical interventions, including contact restrictions and improvement of case recognition, play an important role in containing the COVID-19 epidemic. The effect of individual behavior changes due to media update of the outbreak cannot be ignored. For policy-makers, early and strict blockade measures, fast detection and improving media publicity are key to containing the epidemic. Sequencing prokaryotic genomes has revolutionized our understanding of the many roles played by microorganisms. However, the cell and taxon proportions of genome-sequenced bacteria or archaea on earth remain unknown. This study aimed to explore this basic question using large-scale alignment between the sequences released by the Earth Microbiome Project and 155,810 prokaryotic genomes from public databases. Our results showed that the median proportions of the genome-sequenced cells and taxa (at 100% identities in the 16S-V4 region) in different biomes reached 38.1% (16.4-86.3%) and 18.8% (9.1-52.6%), respectively. The sequenced proportions of the prokaryotic genomes in biomes were significantly negatively correlated with the alpha diversity indices, and the proportions sequenced in host-associated biomes were significantly higher than those in free-living biomes. Due to a set of cosmopolitan OTUs that are found in multiple samples and preferentially sequenced, only 2.1% of the global prokaryotic taxa are represented by sequenced genomes. Most of the biomes were occupied by a few predominant taxa with a high relative abundance and much higher genome-sequenced proportions than numerous rare taxa. These results reveal the current situation of prokaryotic genome sequencing for earth biomes, provide a more reasonable and efficient exploration of prokaryotic genomes, and promote our understanding of microbial ecological functions. Video Abstract. These results reveal the current situation of prokaryotic genome sequencing for earth biomes, provide a more reasonable and efficient exploration of prokaryotic genomes, and promote our understanding of microbial ecological functions. Video Abstract.Osteoporosis is a common metabolic bone disease, influenced by genetic and environmental factors, that increases bone fragility and fracture risk and, therefore, has a serious adverse effect on the quality of life of patients. However, epigenetic mechanisms involved in the development of osteoporosis remain unclear. There is accumulating evidence that epigenetic modifications may represent mechanisms underlying the links of genetic and environmental factors with increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fracture. Some RNAs, such as microRNAs (miRNAs), long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), and circular RNAs (circRNAs), have been shown to be epigenetic regulators with significant involvement in the control of gene expression, affecting multiple biological processes, including bone metabolism. This review summarizes the results of recent studies on the mechanisms of miRNA-, lncRNA-, and circRNA-mediated osteoporosis associated with osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Deeper insights into the roles of these three classes of RNA in osteoporosis could provide unique opportunities for developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to this disease.