Ghost Immobiliser Installation Ghost immobilisers prevent thieves from copying the key fob of your vehicle and using it to steal. The device is connected to the CAN data network of your vehicle and stops the engine from starting until a pin code has been entered using the buttons on your steering wheel or dash panel. Certain systems allow the owner to temporarily disable the system by using an application on mobile devices such as when lending their vehicle to someone else to valet or service. This is one reason why a lot of insurance companies offer reduced rates for those who have a ghost immobiliser. Covering the Immobiliser Unit A ghost immobiliser is an advanced security system for vehicles that prevents your vehicle from starting unless you enter a pre-set PIN code sequence. It generates a unique code using the buttons on your vehicle, like those on the dashboard, steering wheel and door panels. The device is completely silent, so that thieves won't be able to detect it. It's a popular choice for protecting keys-free entry vehicles. It is also becoming more popular with insurance companies and could lower monthly premiums. The most popular method of stealing a car is through a process called'relay hacking,' where thieves capture and amplify the signal transmitted by the remote key in your car. This enables thieves to unlock and begin your vehicle. Installing a ghost ignition will ensure you are safe from this type of theft by preventing your vehicle from starting even in the presence of the fob. It is essential to follow the steps provided during the installation process. This will ensure that all connections are made correctly and that the Ghost immobiliser works correctly. Use basic hand tools to create precise connections. A multimeter is needed to check the electr