is a modern-day film that presents an unconventional family dynamic between a biracial elementary-aged girl and her Black and White grandparents. The film portrays social and relational issues such as racial inequality, discrimination, and disparities while introducing interracial grandparenting roles and their associated challenges. This film review serves to first summarize major highlights of the film's plot, followed by exploring the film's cinematographic quality, its relevance to Social Work and social welfare, and ways in which the film can be used as a teaching tool for Social Work students. This review also includes discussion of 's strengths and weaknesses as they pertain to considerations instructors should have before utilizing the film in a college classroom setting. is a modern-day film that presents an unconventional family dynamic between a biracial elementary-aged girl and her Black and White grandparents. #link# The film portrays social and relational issues such as racial inequality, discrimination, and disparities while introducing interracial grandparenting roles and their associated challenges. This film review serves to first summarize major highlights of the film's plot, followed by exploring the film's cinematographic quality, its relevance to Social Work and social welfare, and ways in which the film can be used as a teaching tool for Social Work students. This review also includes discussion of Black or White's strengths and weaknesses as they pertain to considerations instructors should have before utilizing the film in a college classroom setting.The aetiology of pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) varies dramatically according to epidemiology. We studied the cause and spectrum of PUO in Indian adults. A total of 152 patients (112 prospectively and 40 retrospectively) met Petersdorf and Beeson's criteria. The diagnostic evaluation was guided by potentially diagnostic clues, based on a 'st