The difficulty of applying deep learning algorithms to biomedical imaging systems arises from a lack of training images. An existing workaround to the lack of medical training images involves pre-training deep learning models on ImageNet, a non-medical dataset with millions of training images. However, the modality of ImageNet's dataset samples consisting of natural images in RGB frequently differs from the modality of medical images, consisting largely of images in grayscale such as X-ray and MRI scan imaging. While this method may be effectively applied to non-medical tasks such as human face detection, it proves ineffective in many areas of medical imaging. Recently proposed generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are able to synthesize new medical images. By utilizing generated images, we may overcome the modality gap arising from current transfer learning methods. In this paper, we propose a training pipeline which outperforms both conventional GAN-synthetic methods and transfer learning methods.Clinically, the Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FA) is a more common mean for Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) detection since the DR appears in FA much more contrasty than in Color Fundus Image (CF). However, acquiring FA has a risk of death due to the fluorescent allergy. Thus, in this paper, we explore a novel unpaired CycleGAN-based model for the FA synthesis from CF, where some strict structure similarity constraints are employed to guarantee the perfectly mapping from one domain to another one. First, a triple multi-scale network architecture with multi-scale inputs, multi-scale discriminators and multi-scale cycle consistency losses is proposed to enhance the similarity between two retinal modalities from different scales. Second, the self-attention mechanism is introduced to improve the adaptive domain mapping ability of the model. Third, to further improve strict constraints in the feather leve