Conclusions The study highlights the requisite components of a first of its kind online training and support program in India by integrating the experiences, motivations, challenges, and expectations of caregivers and professionals involved in dementia care.Clinical Implications The focus group discussions in the current study provide a road map for the development of an online caregiver training and support program underlying the perspectives of the stakeholders for the consolidation of an effective dementia care program for lower resourced settings.Gas gangrene is a necrotizing infection of subcutaneous tissue and muscle that affects mainly ruminants and horses, but also other domestic and wild mammals. Clostridium chauvoei, C. septicum, C. novyi type A, C. perfringens type A, and C. sordellii are the etiologic agents of this disease, acting singly or in combination. Although a presumptive diagnosis of gas gangrene can be established based on clinical history, clinical signs, and gross and microscopic changes, identification of the clostridia involved is required for confirmatory diagnosis. Gross and microscopic lesions are, however, highly suggestive of the disease. Although the disease has a worldwide distribution and can cause significant economic losses, the literature is limited mostly to case reports. Thus, we have reviewed the current knowledge of gas gangrene in mammals.The genus Neorickettsia includes obligate, intracellular bacteria responsible for diseases including Potomac horse fever caused by Neorickettsia risticii and salmon poisoning disease (SPD) caused by Neorickettsia helminthoeca. The Stellanchasmus falcatus (SF) agent is a member of this genus previously associated only with mild clinical signs in dogs. Between 2013 and 2016, 3 dogs in Washington State (USA) presented with disease suggestive of SPD, but N. helminthoeca was not detected by molecular techniques. Clinical signs included depression, anorexia, and diarrhea. Cytologic examination of aspirates supported a diagnosis of granulomatous lymphadenitis with organisms suggestive of Neorickettsia. Dogs either died or were humanely euthanized due to poor response to therapy. Necropsy findings included lymphadenomegaly and hepatomegaly. Histopathology identified granulomatous and lymphoplasmacytic splenitis, lymphadenitis, enteritis, and hepatitis with extensive necrosis. Neorickettsia DNA was detected using genus-specific primers and direct sequencing showed 100% sequence identity to the SF agent in all 3 dogs. This is the first clinicopathologic description of severe disease in dogs attributed to the SF agent. These findings may suggest the emergence of a novel neorickettsial disease in the Pacific Northwest.Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine malignancy in dogs. Dogs and humans are similar in the spontaneous development of thyroid cancer and metastasis to lungs; however, thyroid cancer has a higher incidence of metastasis in dogs. This study developed a preclinical nude mouse model of canine thyroid cancer using a canine thyroid adenocarcinoma cell line (CTAC) and measured the expression of important invasion and metastasis genes in spontaneous canine thyroid carcinomas and CTAC cells. CTAC cells were examined by electron microscopy. Short tandem repeat analysis was performed for both the original neoplasm and CTAC cells. CTAC cells were transduced with luciferase and injected subcutaneously and into the tail vein. Tumors and metastases were monitored using bioluminescent imaging and confirmed with gross necropsy and histopathology. Invasion and metastasis genes were characterized in 8 follicular thyroid carcinomas (FTCs), 4 C-cell thyroid carcinomas, 3 normal thyroids, and CTAC cells. CTAC cells grew well as xenografts in the subcutis, and they resembled the primary neoplasm. Metastasis to the kidney and lung occurred infrequently following subcutaneous and tail vein injection of CTAC cells. STR analysis confirmed that CTAC cells were derived from the original neoplasm and were of canine origin. Finally, 24 genes were differentially expressed in spontaneous canine thyroid carcinomas, CTAC, and normal thyroids. This study demonstrated the usefulness of a nude mouse model of experimental canine thyroid carcinoma and identified potential molecular targets of canine follicular and C-cell thyroid carcinoma.In February 2015, we conducted a field study of causes of mortality of northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) pups on San Miguel Island, California. Autopsies were performed on 18 freshly dead pups. Ages of pups ranged from stillborn to 6-8 wk. Gross and histologic lesions included trauma (9 of 18 pups), multifocal necrotizing myopathy (8 of 18), starvation with emaciation (7 of 18), congenital anomalies (3 of 18), bacterial infections (3 of 18), and perinatal mortality (stillbirths and neonates; 2 of 18). Trauma and emaciation or starvation were the most significant contributors to death. Bacterial infections included hemolytic Escherichia coli isolated from the lungs of 2 pups with pneumonia. Additionally, non-hemolytic Streptococcus sp. and hemolytic E. coli were isolated from the liver of an emaciated pup that had mild multifocal suppurative hepatitis. Other lesions, including a previously described necrotizing myopathy, congenital anomalies, and bacterial infections, were detected concurrently in cases with starvation and/or emaciation or trauma.Lung transplantation in the United States has steadily grown over the last decade. Major attention has been with the understanding of lung ischemia-reperfusion injury and how it relates to primary graft dysfunction. In 2015, our institution implemented the use of a pulmonoplegia solution during recipient surgery of lung transplantation. A unique circuit utilizing the heart lung machine is used to deliver the pulmonoplegia solution. This system is considered to be a key contributing factor to the success of our lung transplant program.The role of type A Clostridium perfringens in canine acute hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome and foal necrotizing enteritis is poorly characterized. However, a highly significant association between the presence of novel toxigenic C. perfringens and these specific enteric diseases has been described. These novel toxigenic strains produce 3 novel putative toxins, which have been designated NetE, NetF, and NetG. Although not conclusively demonstrated, current evidence suggests that NetF is likely the major virulence factor in strains responsible for canine acute hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome and foal necrotizing enteritis. NetF is a beta-pore-forming toxin that belongs to the same toxin superfamily as CPB and NetB toxins produced by C. perfringens. The netF gene is encoded on a conjugative plasmid that, in the case of netF, also carries another putative toxin gene, netE. In addition, these strains consistently also carry a cpe tcp-conjugative plasmid, and a proportion also carry a separate netG tcp-conjugative plasmid.