There are many ways to sell a home, but if you want your listing to get the most eyeballs possible and get top dollar, list it on the MLS. This is where real estate agents and brokers share their listing information so that it's accessible to buyers and other agents. There are -profile sellers that work with agents that choose not to list homes on the MLS, but for most regular people, a listing on the MLS is the best way to get the most exposure. The mls realtor refers to a multiple listing service that is run by the National Association of Realtors. The MLS is a system of brokers and their agents that cooperate to effectively market properties in real estate transactions, according to the NAR. Brokers and their agents who join an MLS agree to abide by rules that govern how they share property listing information with one another. This broker cooperation solves two primary marketplace problems: 1) it gives buyers and sellers more choices, and 2) it streamlines the real estate transaction. In the earliest days of the MLS, local realtors shared property listings via books or index cards that were updated periodically. Today, MLS systems allow brokers to enter listing data online and display that information on websites. The MLS also provides an arbitration process that puts the public's interest first in any dispute between cooperating realtors. There are about 500 different MLSs around the country and in Canada, and they are generally geographically constrained. However, there is a growing trend toward regional MLSs that share listings without the need for agents to become members of multiple MLSs. Unlike some real estate web portals, MLS sites are designed for real estate professionals and consumers. They excel at providing thorough, accurate, and timely real estate information. In addition, MLS websites promote fair practices and cooperation among real estate professionals. They are also trusted sources of real est