In this paper, we use Deaton's demand model and Household Budget Survey data from 2006 to 2017 to provide a first robust and reliable estimate of cigarettes price elasticity for Serbia. The case of Serbia is particularly interesting and important as it provides evidence for a country in which tobacco market is characterised by the high tobacco consumption, low prices and large perceived impact of multinational tobacco companies on public revenues, export and employment, given their considerable cigarette production in Serbia. The price elasticity of cigarettes is estimated at -0.639, in line with the previous estimates for the low-income and middle-income countries. Estimated negative cigarettes price elasticity for Serbia suggests that tobacco tax policy could be used effectively to reduce cigarette consumption in Serbia, which could lower the harmful health effects of cigarettes. Furthermore, a calculation based on the estimated elasticity suggests that increasing tobacco taxes could also have positive fiscal effects, as the expected revenue from the taxes would increase. Zimbabwe is the largest producer of tobacco leaf in Africa and the sixth largest globally. Tobacco leaf is a mainstay of the economy, accounting for about 10% of the country's GDP in 2018. We use descriptive and regression analyses from a face-to-face survey of 381 smallholder farmers in three major tobacco-farming areas in Manicaland province to determine the prevalence of tobacco-related debt and some of its covariates. The survey was conducted in June and July 2019. 74% of respondents are contract farmers and 26% are independent farmers. 57% of respondents indicated that they were in tobacco-related debt. The likelihood of being in tobacco-related debt is significantly more than average for farmers with the following characteristics (holding other characteristics constant) being a contract farmer, having a larger farm, employing only family labour and not recording expenses (as a proxy for financial sophistication). 91% of contract farmers would prefer to be independent farmers, while 63% of independent farmers would prefer to be contract farmers. There is no evidence to suggest that tobacco growing, in its current state, has benefited the tobacco farmers in Manicaland province. Tobacco farmers are largely victims, rather than beneficiaries, of the sector. There is a strong case for government intervention to improve the conditions of tobacco farmers, either through direct intervention in the tobacco-growing sector, or by encouraging and promoting crop substitution. There is no evidence to suggest that tobacco growing, in its current state, has benefited the tobacco farmers in Manicaland province. Tobacco farmers are largely victims, rather than beneficiaries, of the sector. There is a strong case for government intervention to improve the conditions of tobacco farmers, either through direct intervention in the tobacco-growing sector, or by encouraging and promoting crop substitution.Mitochondrial damage is considered a hallmark of drug-induced liver injury (DILI). However, despite the common molecular etiology, the evolution of the injury is usually unpredictable, with some cases that are mild and reversible upon discontinuation of the treatment and others characterized by irreversible acute liver failure. This suggests that additional mechanisms of damage play a role in determining the progression of the initial insult. To uncover novel pathways potentially involved in DILI, we investigated in vitro the metabolic perturbations associated with nefazodone, an antidepressant associated with acute liver failure. Several pathways associated with ATP production, including gluconeogenesis, anaerobic glycolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation, were altered in human hepatocellular carcinoma-derived (Huh7) cells after 2-hour exposure to a 50 μM extracellular concentration of nefazodone. In the presence or absence of glucose, ATP production of Huh7 cells was glycolysis- and oxidative phosphorylatioesults arguing that a deficit in hepatic glucose metabolism, concomitant to the mitochondrial injury, might be cardinal in the prognosis of the initial insult to the liver. From a drug development standpoint, coupling anaerobic glycolysis and mitochondrial function assessment might increase the drug-induced liver injury preclinical screening performance.Fibrosis or accumulation of extracellular matrix is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism adopted by an organism as a response to chronic injury. Excessive fibrosis, however, leads to disruption of organ homeostasis and is a common feature of many chronic diseases. G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are important cell signaling mediators and represent molecular targets for many Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs. To identify new targets for fibrosis, we used a synthetic GPCR system named designed receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs) to probe signaling pathways essential for fibrotic response. We found that upon expression in human lung fibroblasts, activation of Gq- and Gs-DREADDs abrogated the induction of TGFβ-induced fibrosis marker genes. Genome-wide transcriptome analysis identified dysregulation of multiple GPCRs in lung fibroblasts treated with TGFβ To investigate endogenous GPCR modulating TGFβ signaling, we selected 13 GPCRs that signal through Gq or Gs and activated them by using specific agonists. We examined the impact of each agonist and how activation of endogenous GPCR affects TGFβ signaling. Among the agonists examined, prostaglandin receptor agonists demonstrated the strongest inhibitory effect on fibrosis. Together, we have demonstrated that the DREADDs system is a valuable tool to identify beneficial GPCR signaling for fibrosis. This study in fibroblasts has served as a proof of concept and allowed us to further develop in vivo models for fibrosis GPCR discovery. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Fibrosis is the hallmark of many end-stage cardiometabolic diseases, and there is an unmet medical need to discover new antifibrotic therapies, reduce disease progression, and bring clinically meaningful efficacy to patients. Our work utilizes designed receptors exclusively activated by designer drug chemogenetic tools to identify beneficial GPCR signaling for fibrosis, providing new insights into GPCR drug discovery.