Surgery followed by radiation therapy is the most reported treatment. As a consequence of the rarity of this disease, of its indolent progression and of the lack of adequate follow-up, it is not possible to define it is the best treatment option. MZBCL should be considered in differential diagnosis for dural-based intracranial lesion. Surgery followed by radiation therapy is the most reported treatment. As a consequence of the rarity of this disease, of its indolent progression and of the lack of adequate follow-up, it is not possible to define it is the best treatment option. To evaluate the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system Donasert (also known as Levosert ) compared with the reference product Mirena for the alleviation of heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB). A phase 3 multicentre, non-inferiority, active-controlled study in non-menopausal women with HMB (menstrual blood loss [MBL] ≥ 80 mL) as the primary symptom randomised to either Donasert or Mirena and followed for 6 months. MBL was evaluated using a validated, modified version of the Wyatt pictogram. Overall, 312 were randomised (158 to Donasert and 154 to Mirena ). The mean (standard deviation) absolute change in MBL from baseline to 6 months in the per-protocol population (  = 300) was -130 (71.8) mL and -127 (67.3) mL in the Donasert and Mirena groups, respectively; non-inferiority of Donasert was confirmed ( -value <0.0001). Successful treatment of HMB (MBL <80 mL) and a decrease to ≤50% of baseline MBL was achieved in 139/154 (90.3%) and 126/146 (86.3%) participants in the Donasert and Mirena groups, respectively and the between-treatment difference was non-significant. Most adverse events were mild in severity. Only two device expulsions occurred in the study and there were no uterine perforations. Donasert has equivalent efficacy and safety during the first 6 months foralleviation of HMB compared to the reference device, Mirena . 348 (Clinical Trials Registry of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, http// 348 (Clinical Trials Registry of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, http// new compounds, 11S-methoxy-11,12-dihydro phytuberin (2) and 9S-methoxy-benzocyclononan-7-one (6), together with twenty-six known ones were isolated from Lycium schweinfurthii (Solanaceae). Their planar structure was established by extensive spectroscopic analyses. The absolute configuration of compound 6 was determined by time dependent density functional theory calculations (TDDFT). The cytotoxic potential of the isolates was assessed in cultured skin cancer (G-361) and colon cancer (HCT-116 and CaCo-2) cell lines. Certain flavonoids showed the highest cytotoxic activity, with IC50 values ranging from 7.1 to 63.3 µM; meanwhile 5-flurouracil showed IC50 values ranging from 62.4 to >100 µM. All compounds showed minimal toxicity towards normal cells from skin (NHDF-4) and colon (CCD-841), indicating their potential selectivity and safety as cytotoxic candidates.The information on the circadian characteristics of catfish in shoals is scanty. We examined the circadian locomotor activity rhythm of catfish Heteropneustes fossilis either singly housed (SS1) or in shoals of four (SS4) and six (SS6) under different light regimens. We carried out the study sequentially under LD1 (1212), constant darkness (DD), LD2, continuous light (LL), LD3, and DL (1212). Each condition was for at least 10-12 consecutive days. We analyzed the time-series data by employing Cosinor rhythmometry to detect circadian rhythm characteristics in locomotor activity at a fixed time window with a τ = 24 h. Results indicated that singly housed or shoals exhibited statistically significant (p less then .001) circadian rhythm in locomotor activity under LD conditions with a higher activity level during the dark phase. Further, we observed free-running rhythms in locomotor activity under DD and LL, irrespective of the shoal sizes. In phase inverse DL, both singly housed and shoals demonstrated higher activity in the dark phase. The two-way ANOVA results revealed a significant effect of the factor 'light regimen' on amplitude and acrophase; the factor 'shoal size' produced a statistically significant impact on the mesor only. Both shoals showed significantly higher mesor than singly housed fish. The circadian amplitude declined under constant conditions of DD and LL. The locomotor activity rhythm exhibited a free-running pattern with a τFR greater than 24 h under both DD and LL conditions. We conclude that light is a more prominent factor for the entrainment of circadian activity in catfish H. fossilis. However, the extent of social aggregation (shoal size) has little or no effects on the characteristics of circadian locomotor activity rhythm in H. fossilis. This study investigated the association between quality and quantity of carbohydrate by assessing low carbohydrates diet score (LCDS), carbohydrate quality score (CQI), glycemic index (GI), dietary glycemic load (GL), and dietary carbohydrate intake, and risk of breast cancer (BrCa) among Iranian women. This hospital-based case-control study was carried out in the Cancer Research Center of Imam Khomeini hospital, Iran. We included One hundred and fifty newly diagnosed BrCa cases and one hundred and fifty healthy controls in this study. Socio-demographic and dietary data and anthropometric measures were recorded. We found that a higher CQI than a lower score was associated with a decrease in odds of BrCa (  = 0.04). After adjusting for potential confounders, we observed that CQI was not associated with BrCa development (  = 0.05). An increase in odds of BrCa among women in the highest tertiles of GL (  = 0.12), GI (  = 0.48), and dietary carbohydrate intake (  = 0.06) was seen, which was not statistically significant. There was also a non-significant lower chance of having BrCa with adherence to the LCDS (  = 0.09). Our findings suggest that CQI was not related to BrCa risk among Iranian women. This relation deserves to be investigated in prospective studies. Our findings suggest that CQI was not related to BrCa risk among Iranian women. This relation deserves to be investigated in prospective studies.