The most common method for isolating cells of interest is an antibody method that recognizes cell surface antigens. However, specific surface antigens for many cell types have not been identified. We have developed the microRNA (miRNA)-responsive synthetic mRNA systems (miRNA switches), which isolate target cells based on endogenous miRNA activity. In this chapter, we describe protocols for isolating human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived cardiomyocytes using miRNA switches with or without cell sorting.The human adult heart consists of approximately four billion cardiomyocytes, which do not possess self-renewal abilities. Severe myocardial infarction and dilated cardiomyopathy result in the loss of more than a billion cardiomyocytes. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can differentiate into various types of cells. Due to this ability, these cells could potentially serve as a new resource for cell therapy. Many studies have utilized cardiomyocytes derived from iPSCs for myocardial regeneration therapy. To obtain large number of cardiomyocytes for transplantation, we need to develop effective methods that would allow us to dissociate multiple cardiomyocyte aggregates simultaneously. Here, we describe a method to efficiently dissociate large number of iPSC-derived cardiomyocyte aggregates.Regenerative medicine using human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) is a promising approach to treat heart failure. However, a large number of cells are required to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. The stirring-type suspension culture method allows a large-scale production of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (more than 1 × 108 cells/100 mL), leading to a stable cell supply. Here, we describe a method to scale-up hiPSC-derived cardiomyocyte production with a high differentiation efficiency.Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are one of the most promising cell sources for regenerative medicine. To realize the promise of hiPSCs for cardiac regenerative therapy, three major obstacles must be overcome the first is the achievement of large-scale production of cardiomyocytes, the second is the successful elimination of non-cardiac cells containing residual pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) to prevent tumor formation, and the third is the achievement of high engraftment efficiency of transplanted cardiomyocytes. In this chapter, we introduce our protocols for cardiac differentiation, purification, and preparation of cardiac spheroids for safe and effective regenerative medicine.The ability to differentiate pluripotent stem cells to cardiomyocyte lineages (PSC-CMs) has opened the door to new disease models and innovative drug and cell therapies for the heart. Nevertheless, further advances in the differentiation protocols are needed to fulfill the promise of PSC-CMs. Obstacles that remain include deriving PSC-CMs with proper electromechanical properties, coalescing them into functional tissue structures, and manipulating the genome to test the impact mutations have on arrhythmias and other heart disorders. This chapter gives a brief consideration of these challenges and outlines current methodologies that offer partial solutions. One of the most problematic expression of ageing is frailty, and an approach based on its early identification is mandatory. The Sunfrail-tool (ST), a 9-item questionnaire, is a promising instrument for screening frailty. To assess the diagnostic accuracy and the construct validity between the ST and a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA), composed by six tests representative of the bio-psycho-social model of frailty; To verify the discriminating power of five key-questions of the ST; To investigate the role of the ST in a clinical-pathway of falls' prevention. In this retrospective study, we enrolled 235 patients from the Frailty-Multimorbidity Lab of the University-Hospital of Parma. The STs' answers were obtained from the patient's clinical information. A patient was considered frail if at least one of the CGAs' tests resulted positive. The ST was associated with the CGA's judgement with an Area Under the Curve of 0.691 (CI 95% 0.591-0.791). Each CGA's test was associated with the ST total score. The five key-question showed a potential discriminating power in the CGA's tests of the corresponding domains. The fall-related question of the ST was significantly associated with the Short Physical Performance Battery total score (OR 0.839, CI 95% 0.766-0.918), a proxy of the risk of falling. The results suggest that the ST can capture the complexity of frailty. The ST showed a good discriminating power, and it can guide a second-level assessment to key frailty domains and/or clinical pathways. The ST is a valid and easy-to-use instrument for the screening of frailty. The ST is a valid and easy-to-use instrument for the screening of frailty.To make assessment of neurocognitive decline in patients with brain metastases more reliable and feasible, Brainlab AG developed an application 'Cognition' for the iPad by gamifying validated paper and pencil tests. This study aims at validating the computerized tests. We assessed reliability and comparability of 'Cognition' with similar well-established paper and pencil tests in two consecutive sessions per participant. The electronic tests used the same assignments with different stimuli than the paper and pencil tests. Domains involved are learning and memory, attention and processing speed, verbal fluency and executive functions. In total 5 employees and 25 cancer patients without disease in the CNS participated, of whom 24 completed both sessions. Reliability was found satisfying for the domains learning and memory (p = 0.08; p = 0.612; p = 0.4445) and verbal fluency (p = 0.064). A learning effect showed for attention and processing speed (p = 0.001) while executive functioning showed a significant decline, possibly due to radiotherapy-related fatigue (p = 0.013). Concerning comparability between electronic and paper results, a significant correlation was found for attention and processing speed (p = 0.000), for verbal fluency (p = 0.03), for executive functions (p = 0.000), but not for learning and memory (p = 0.41; p = 0.25). Overall 'Cognition' showed moderate comparability, probably caused by the consecution of tests during sessions and the unfamiliarity with electronic test in older patients. After improving its functionality, the application needs to be validated in patients with brain metastases before it can detect cognitive decline and possible early radiation toxicity or relapses.