Worldwide pollinator declines lead to pollination deficits in crops and wild plants, and managed bees are frequently used to meet the increasing demand for pollination. However, their foraging can be affected by flower availability and colony size. We investigated how mass-flowering oilseed rape (OSR) can influence the pollen resource use of small and large honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) and bumble bee (Bombus terrestris L.) colonies. Colonies were placed adjacent to strawberry fields along a gradient of OSR availability in the landscapes. We used ITS2 metabarcoding to identify the pollen richness based on ITS2 amplicon sequencing and microscopy for quantification of target pollen. Bumble bees collected pollen from more different plant genera than honey bees. In both species, strawberry pollen collection decreased with high OSR availability but was facilitated by increasing strawberry flower cover. Colony size had no effect. The relationship between next-generation sequencing-generated ITS2 amplicon reads and microscopic pollen counts was positive but pollen type-specific. Bumble bees and, to a lesser degree, honey bees collected pollen from a wide variety of plants. Therefore, in order to support pollinators and associated pollination services, future conservation schemes should sustain and promote pollen plant richness in agricultural landscapes. Both bee species responded to the availability of flower resources in the landscape. Although honey bees collected slightly more strawberry pollen than bumble bees, both can be considered as crop pollinators. Metabarcoding could provide similar quantitative information to microscopy, taking into account the pollen types, but there remains high potential to improve the methodological weaknesses. The exact role of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, and Legionella pneumophila in the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations remains to be elucidated. This study was conducted to identify nonspecific and atypical pathogens associated with acute exacerbations of COPD. Between February 2013 and February 2015, 107 patients were analyzed. Sixty-nine comprised the inpatient and 38 comprised the outpatient treatment group. When nonspecific culture results were taken into consideration only a causative organism could be detected in 46.7% of the patients. The detection rate increased to 85.1% with the additional use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test, and culture methods. More than one causative agent was responsible for COPD exacerbation in 53.3% of patients two agents in 37.3%, three agents in 15%, and four agents in 0.9%. H. influenzae was detected in 63 (58.9%) patients, S. pneumoniae in 57 (53.2%), P. aeruginosa in 15 (14.0%h index of suspicion for P.aeruginosa as a causative organism, particularly in subjects receiving continuous oxygen therapy and/or using NIV and L. pneumophila should certainly be taken into consideration in severe COPD exacerbations.Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers, still characterized by high mortality rates. As lipid metabolism contributes to cancer metabolic reprogramming, several lipid metabolism genes are considered prognostic biomarkers of cancer. Statins are a class of lipid-lowering compounds used in treatment of cardiovascular disease that are currently studied for their antitumor effects. However, their exact mechanism of action and specific conditions in which they should be administered remains unclear. Here, we found that simvastatin treatment effectively promoted antiproliferative effects and modulated lipid metabolism-related pathways in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells and that the antiproliferative effects of statins were potentiated by overexpression of acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 3 (ACSL3). Moreover, ACSL3 overexpression was associated with worse clinical outcome in patients with high-grade NSCLC. Finally, we found that patients with high expression levels of ACSL3 displayed a clinical benefit of statins treatment. Therefore, our study highlights ACSL3 as a prognostic biomarker for NSCLC, useful to select patients who would obtain a clinical benefit from statin administration.Lumbar sympathetic block is a commonly used technique for sympathetically mediated pain syndromes. Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is also accepted to be associated with sympathetic system activation. While sympathetic blocks were utilized for upper-extremity or face-related PHN, there has not been any report regarding lower-extremity PHN, as it is an uncommon region. Here, we present two cases of systemic drug-resistant PHN in lower limb, relieved with lumbar sympathetic block. Both patients had at least 50% reduction in numeric rating scale (NRS) scores at the end of 6 months. Lumbar sympathetic block could be considered in the treatment of lower-limb PHN. More reports and controlled trials are needed for further understanding the role of the intervention in this neuropathic pain syndrome.Innovation in genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics research has created a plethora of state-of-the-art techniques such as nucleic acid sequencing and mass-spectrometry-based proteomics with paramount impact in the life sciences. While current approaches yield quantitative abundance analysis of biomolecules on an almost routine basis, coupling this high content to spatial information in a single cell and tissue context is challenging. Here, current implementations of spatial omics are discussed and recent developments in the field of DNA-barcoded fluorescence microscopy are reviewed. Light is shed on the potential of DNA-based imaging techniques to provide a comprehensive toolbox for spatial genomics and transcriptomics and discuss current challenges, which need to be overcome on the way to spatial proteomics using high-resolution fluorescence microscopy.Vascular access connection configurations during tandem extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) may impact exchange kinetics. In these tandem procedures, typically the TPE inlet line is proximal to the TPE return line with respect to blood flow in the ECMO device, maximizing the opportunity for replacement fluid homogenization within the ECMO circuit. However, if TPE inlet and return line connections are switched, recirculation-a phenomenon in which replacement fluid leaving the TPE return line is prematurely drawn into the TPE inlet line prior to satisfactory homogenization within the ECMO circuit-will occur. Such recirculation could diminish TPE efficacy in patients on ECMO and mitigate therapeutic benefits. Using a mathematical model of recirculation in tandem ECMO and TPE, we demonstrate that the predicted impact of recirculation is negligible and vascular access connection positioning does not appear to be a point of clinical concern with regard to TPE kinetics.