[Figure see text].The intensive care unit (ICU) is one of the most technically advanced environments in healthcare, using a multitude of medical devices for drug administration, mechanical ventilation and patient monitoring. However, these technologies currently come with disadvantages, namely noise pollution, information overload and alarm fatigue-all caused by too many alarms. Individual medical devices currently generate alarms independently, without any coordination or prioritisation with other devices, leading to a cacophony where important alarms can be lost amongst trivial ones, occasionally with serious or even fatal consequences for patients. We have called this approach to the design of medical devices the single-device paradigm, and believe it is obsolete in modern hospitals where patients are typically connected to several devices simultaneously. Alarm rates of one alarm every four minutes for only the physiological monitors (as recorded in the ICUs of two hospitals contributing to this paper) degrades the quality of the patient's healing environment and threatens patient safety by constantly distracting healthcare professionals. We outline a new approach to medical device design involving the application of human factors principles which have been successful in eliminating alarm fatigue in commercial aviation. Our approach comprises the networked-device paradigm, comprehensive alarms and humaniform information displays. Instead of each medical device alarming separately at the patient's bedside, our proposed approach will integrate, prioritise and optimise alarms across all devices attached to each patient, display information more intuitively and hence increase alarm quality while reducing the number of alarms by an order of magnitude below current levels.Background The left ventricular assist device (LVAD) has become a common medical option for patients with end-stage heart failure. Although patients' chances of survival may increase with an LVAD compared with medical therapy, the LVAD poses many risks and requires major lifestyle changes, thus making it a complex medical decision. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/bupivacaine.html Our prior work found that a decision aid for LVADs significantly increased decision quality for both patients and caregivers and was successfully implemented at 6 LVAD programs. Methods In follow-up, we are conducting a nationwide dissemination and implementation project, with the goal of implementing the decision aid at as many of the 176 LVAD programs in the United States as possible. Guided by the Theory of Diffusion of Innovations, the project consists of 4 phases (1) building a network; (2) promoting adoption; (3) supporting implementation; and (4) encouraging maintenance. Developing an LVAD network of contacts occurs by using a national baseline survey of LVAD clinicians, existing professional relationships, and an internet-based strategy. A suite of resources targeted to promote adoption and support implementation of the decision aid into standard LVAD education processes are provided to the network. Evaluation is guided by the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance framework, where clinician and patient surveys and qualitative interviews determine the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance achieved. Conclusions This project is a true dissemination study in that it targets the entire population of LVAD programs in the United States and is unique in its use of social marketing principles to promote adoption and implementation. The implementation plan is intended to serve as a test case and model for dissemination and implementation of other evidence-based decision support aids and strategies. Computed tomography (CT)-guided biopsy is emerging as a preferred method for obtaining tissue samples from retroperitoneal lesions due to clear visualization of needle and vessels. To assess diagnostic yield and safety of CT-guided biopsy of retroperitoneal lesions and compare CT findings in different disease categories. This retrospective analytical study included 86 patients with retroperitoneal lesions who underwent CT-guided biopsy from December 2010 to March 2020. All procedures were performed with co-axial technique and multiple cores were obtained and subjected to histopathology. Additional tests like immunohistochemistry or microbiological analysis were done depending on clinical suspicion. Diagnostic yield calculation and comparison of imaging findings was done by one-way ANOVA, chi-square, and Fisher's exact tests. CT-guided biopsy was technically successful in all cases with a diagnostic yield of 91.9%. Minor complications in the form of small hematomas were seen in two patients. Major disease categories on final diagnosis were lymphoma, tuberculosis, and metastases. A variety of malignant and benign soft-tissue neoplasms were also noted less commonly. With help of immunohistochemistry, lymphoma subtype was established in 88.8% of cases. Addition of microbiological tests like the GeneXpert assay helped in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in some cases. A mass-like appearance and vascular encasement was common in metastatic group and lymphoma. Percutaneous CT-guided biopsy is a safe method for the sampling of retroperitoneal lesions with high diagnostic yield. Imaging findings are mostly overlapping; however, some features are more common in a particular disease condition. Percutaneous CT-guided biopsy is a safe method for the sampling of retroperitoneal lesions with high diagnostic yield. Imaging findings are mostly overlapping; however, some features are more common in a particular disease condition. Influenza is one of the major causes of morbidity. This study summarized major components that influence college/university students' use of the vaccination using Ecological System Theory; and evaluated racial differences in key predictors of influenza vaccination/intention. Sixteen engines (e.g., PsycINFO, Academic Search Premier, Science Citation Index) were used to search for cross-sectional studies (2009-2019). PI/CO criteria were applied (U.S. students, multidimensional ecological system, influenza vaccination/intention). 25 cross-sectional studies were included from the initial 810 citations. Four reviewers performed the cross-checking. Higher SES (e.g., education, vaccine affordability, healthcare resource) were positively associated with vaccination/intention. Under micro levels, both internal factors (e.g., positive beliefs, perceptions, attitudes) and external factors (e.g., supports/recommendations from physicians, families or peers, information, engagement in campus activities) enhanced influenza vaccination/intention of students.