89; CI95% 2.16-3.87) were associated with a positive PCR result. According to the analysis of the ROC curve, criterion 5 had the highest capacity for discrimination, although there were no significant differences with the other four criteria. Criterion 5-based on anosmia, close contact with people with COVID-19, and fever as sufficient unique elements-was the most sensitive in identifying suspected cases of COVID-19, a key aspect in controlling the spread of the pandemic. Criterion 5-based on anosmia, close contact with people with COVID-19, and fever as sufficient unique elements-was the most sensitive in identifying suspected cases of COVID-19, a key aspect in controlling the spread of the pandemic.The objective of this article is to describe the characteristics of addressing the linkage of administrative databases and the uses of such linkages in public health research, and also to discuss the opportunities and challenges for implementation in Ecuador. The linkage of databases makes it possible to integrate a person's data that may be scattered across different subsectors such as health, education, justice, immigration, and social programs. It also facilitates research that can inform more efficient management of social and health programs and policies. The main advantages of using linked databases are diversity of data, population coverage, stability over time, and lower cost in comparison to primary data collection. Despite the availability of tools to process, link, and analyze large data sets, there has been minimal use of this approach in Latin American countries. Ecuador is well positioned to implement this approach, due to compulsory use of a unique ID in health services delivery, which permits linkages with other national information systems. However, the country faces several cultural, technical, ethical, legal, and political challenges. To take advantage of its potential, Ecuador needs to develop a data governance strategy that includes standards for data access and data use, as well as mechanisms for data control and quality, greater investment in professional training in data use both within and beyond the health sector, and collaborations between government entities, universities, and civil society organizations. Estimate the acceptability and adoption by health care workers of clinical practice guidelines and treatment protocols for women with preeclampsia/eclampsia and identify the facilitating factors and barriers to their implementation. A qualitative study was conducted, using semi-structured interviews and focus groups in five maternity hospitals. Interviews were compiled for analysis, and barriers and facilitators were characterized. Seventy health professionals (52 female and 18 male) participated, representing different levels of the health system. The majority of workers and managers were aware of the existence and content of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for preeclampsia/eclampsia, especially the participants with more time in the health service. With respect to facilitating factors, both medical and nursing staff were positive about continued development and implementation of high-quality CPGs. There was consensus that limitations exist, especially with respect to a lack of the necessary medicines, supplies, and equipment to meet and implement the established recommendations. The results of the study show the need to strengthen strategies that help close the gap between research and public policy. Studies suggest that research should focus on users, policymakers, and decisionmakers in the health system. The actors in the Dominican health system recognize the GRADE methodology as an appropriate instrument for the development and implementation of CPGs. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/jw74.html Implementation barriers require systemic and comprehensive approaches. The results of the study show the need to strengthen strategies that help close the gap between research and public policy. Studies suggest that research should focus on users, policymakers, and decisionmakers in the health system. The actors in the Dominican health system recognize the GRADE methodology as an appropriate instrument for the development and implementation of CPGs. Implementation barriers require systemic and comprehensive approaches. To identify potential barriers to the implementation of the National Childbirth Guidelines in Brazil based on the best available global evidence. A rapid review of evidence was performed in six databases in March/April 2019. Secondary studies published in English, Spanish, or Portuguese with a focus on barriers of any nature relating to the implementation of the Guidelines were retrieved. Twenty-three documents (21 reviews and two practice guides) were included in the review. The barriers identified were grouped into 52 meaning categories and then reorganized into nine thematic clusters delivery and childbirth care model, human resource management, knowledge and beliefs, gender relations, health care service management, attitudes and behaviors, communication, socioeconomic conditions, and political interests. The results show that combined approaches may be required to address different barriers to the implementation of the Guidelines. For successful implementation, it is essential to engage health care leaders, professionals, and users in the effort to change the delivery and childbirth care model. Also necessary is the development of intersectoral initiatives to improve the socioeconomic conditions of women and families and to curtail gender inequalities. The results show that combined approaches may be required to address different barriers to the implementation of the Guidelines. For successful implementation, it is essential to engage health care leaders, professionals, and users in the effort to change the delivery and childbirth care model. Also necessary is the development of intersectoral initiatives to improve the socioeconomic conditions of women and families and to curtail gender inequalities.About 1/4th of adults have high blood pressure which is the single most important risk for death (including heart disease and stroke).There are effective policies that could facilitate people making healthy choices to prevent raised blood pressure, and if fully implemented, could largely prevent hypertension from occurring.Hypertension is easy to screen and treat for BUT only about 50% of adults with hypertension are aware of their condition and only about 1 in 7 is adequately treated.Preventing and controlling high blood pressure is the major mechanism for NCD prevention and control and a model for other NCD risks.Effective lifestyle and drug treatments could prevent and control hypertension in most individuals if systematically applied to the population, simple interventions are feasible in all settings, and can be used to enhance primary care.Urgent sustained action is needed is needed for effective public policies and health system changes to prevent and control hypertension.