763, =0.777; <.001, respectively), Scale for Assessment and Rating of Ataxia ( =-0.853, =-0.929; <.001, respectively), and Fugl-Meyer Assessment scale (upper extremities =0.520, =0.480 [ =.005, =.011, respectively]; lower extremities =0.744, =0.564 [ <.001, =.002, respectively]) scores. Sitting posturography parameters is clinically useful because they can quantitatively assess post-stroke balance and neurological impairment and predict post-stroke independence of gait even when patients cannot reach their arms forward or stand upright. Sitting posturography parameters is clinically useful because they can quantitatively assess post-stroke balance and neurological impairment and predict post-stroke independence of gait even when patients cannot reach their arms forward or stand upright. Hip fractures mostly require surgical treatment and are associated with increased health-care costs and mortality rates. Patients with cirrhosis have low bone marrow density and inferior immune status which contribute to a higher fracture rate and higher surgical complication rate. This population-based study evaluated the prevalence, complication, and mortality rates due to hip fractures in cirrhotic patients. Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database data were used. The study group included 117,129 patients with hip fractures diagnosed from 2004 to 2010, including 4048 patients with cirrhosis. The overall prevalence, morbidity, and mortality rates of the cirrhosis group with hip fractures were compared with the rates of a general group with hip fractures. The cirrhosis group patients were younger than the general group patients (71.2 vs. 73.96 years, < 0.001). The annual incidence of hip fractures in the cirrhosis and general groups was 46-54 and 7-7.5 per 10,000 person-years, respectively, with an incidence rate ratio of 6.95 (95% confidence interval 6.74-7.18). The rates of infection, urinary tract infection, and peptic ulcer disease were higher in the cirrhosis group (3.46% vs. 1.91%, 9.56% vs. 9.11%, and 8.05% vs. 3.55%, respectively; all < 0.001). The mortality rate after hip fracture was also higher in the cirrhosis group than in the general group (within 3 months 8.76-12.64% vs. 4.96-5.30% and within 1 year 29.72-37.99% vs. 12.84-14.57%). Cirrhotic patients with hip fractures were relatively younger; had a seven times higher annual hip fracture incidence; had higher complication rates of infection, urinary tract infection, and peptic ulcer disease; and had two to three times higher a mortality rate at 3 months and 1 year. Clinicians should pay particular attention to the possibility of osteoporosis and hip fractures in patients with liver cirrhosis. Level III, case-control study. Level III, case-control study. This 6-month prospective longitudinal study investigates the association between hydration status changes using bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) and systolic blood pressure (SBP), pulse pressure (PP), and serum albumin (sAlb) changes in children on peritoneal dialysis (PD). Thirteen patients (median age 12.58 years) were enrolled. Normal hydration, moderate hydration, severe overhydration, and dehydration were defined as -7% ≤ relative overhydration (Re-OH) < +7%, +7% ≤ Re-OH < +15%, Re-OH ≥ +15%, and Re-OH < -7%, respectively. Automated office blood pressure -score, sAlb, and weight -score were recorded. Fifty-two Re-OH measurements were recorded three in five, four in five, five in two, and seven in one patient, respectively. SBP was higher and sAlb lower in cases with severe overhydration (9 readings) ( < 0.001, < 0.001), but distribution of these parameters did not differ between normal hydration/dehydration (28 readings) and moderate overhydration (15 readings) cases. In pati in assessing volume-dependent variations of SBP, PP, and sAlb. Routine BIS application, rather than single BIS measurements, seems useful in the intra-patient monitoring of hydration status. The National Academy of Medicine recommends, and Joint Commission requires, offering non-pharmacologic approaches to pain management, including acupuncture, to reduce opioid overuse in the United States. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/bmh-21.html This study describes 2019 state training requirements to evaluate how they represent opportunities and barriers to increasing access to acupuncture. We searched publicly available databases to identify Acupuncture Practice Acts and additional statutes and regulations pertaining to acupuncture training requirements on state licensure board websites. We then extracted state-specific acupuncture training requirements for individuals with and without a healthcare-related professional license. Thirty-three states allow physicians to provide acupuncture without requiring any additional training requirements, 11 states and the District of Columbia (DC) require 200-300 training hours, and three require physicians to obtain a separate acupuncture license. Three states have no regulatory agency ruling. Forty stat Allowing non-physician medical professionals to complete reduced training requirements for specific indications could be a model to increase access to acupuncture. The influence of training requirements on acupuncture access and opioid overuse needs examination. To report a practice audit of the consequences of a change in protocol in the timing of placement of tympanostomy tubes in infants with cleft lip and palate. All children with a diagnosis of cleft lip and palate, treated between November 1998 and May 2006 under the old protocol, and between December 2012 and July 2016 under a new protocol. Under the old protocol, tympanostomy tubes were first inserted at the time of lip repair at around age 2 months. Under the new protocol, tympanostomy tubes were deferred until the time of palate repair around the age of 9 months. Children with syndromic diagnoses other than Stickler syndrome and Van der Woude syndrome, and children who failed newborn hearing screen were excluded. Incidence of otorrhea from birth to 6 months after palate repair and presence of hearing loss at ages 1 and 2. Deferral of tympanostomy tubes until the time of palate repair decreases the burden of care due to otorrhea as compared to early tympanostomy tubes at the time of lip repair. There was no significant difference in the incidence of hearing thresholds at or below 15 dB at age 1 or 2.