Alkylated DNA repair protein AlkB homolog 8 (ALKBH8) is a member of the AlkB family of dioxygenases. ALKBH8 is a methyltransferase of the highly variable wobble nucleoside position in the anticodon loop of tRNA and thus plays a critical role in tRNA modification by preserving codon recognition and preventing errors in amino acid incorporation during translation. Moreover, its activity catalyzes uridine modifications that are proposed to be critical for accurate protein translation. Previously, two distinct homozygous truncating variants in the final exon of ALKBH8 were described in two unrelated large Saudi Arabian kindreds with intellectual developmental disorder and autosomal recessive 71 (MRT71) syndrome (MIM# 618504). Here, we report a third family-of Egyptian descent-harboring a novel homozygous frame-shift variant in the last exon of ALKBH8. Two affected siblings in this family exhibit global developmental delay and intellectual disability as shared characteristic features of MRT71 syndrome, and we further characterize their observed dysmorphic features and brain MRI findings. This description of a third family with a truncating ALKBH8 variant from a distinct population broadens the phenotypic and genotypic spectrum of MRT71 syndrome, affirms that perturbations in tRNA biogenesis can contribute to neurogenetic disease traits, and firmly establishes ALKBH8 as a novel neurodevelopmental disease gene.Recent studies have highlighted that dead fungal mycelium represents an important fraction of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) inputs and stocks. Consequently, identifying the microbial communities and the ecological factors that govern the decomposition of fungal necromass will provide critical insight into how fungal organic matter (OM) affects forest soil C and nutrient cycles. Here, we examined the microbial communities colonising fungal necromass during a multiyear decomposition experiment in a boreal forest, which included incubation bags with different mesh sizes to manipulate both plant root and microbial decomposer group access. Necromass-associated bacterial and fungal communities were taxonomically and functionally rich throughout the 30 months of incubation, with increasing abundances of oligotrophic bacteria and root-associated fungi (i.e., ectomycorrhizal, ericoid mycorrhizal and endophytic fungi) in the late stages of decomposition in the mesh bags to which they had access. Necromass-associated β-glucosidase activity was highest at 6 months, while leucine aminopeptidase peptidase was highest at 18 months. Based on an asymptotic decomposition model, root presence was associated with an initial faster rate of fungal necromass decomposition, but resulted in higher amounts of fungal necromass retained at later sampling times. Collectively, these results indicate that microbial community composition and enzyme activities on decomposing fungal necromass remain dynamic years after initial input, and that roots and their associated fungal symbionts result in the slowing of microbial necromass turnover with time. Crigler-Najjar syndrome (CNS) is a rare inherited disorder that is characterized by high levels of non-hemolytic, unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia leading to brain damage and even death. Liver transplantation (LT) can correct the metabolic defect, but there are little data regarding LT in this patient cohort. The liver parenchyma has been considered to be structurally normal in CNS, but there is growing evidence of clinically silent but histologically significant fibrosis in CNS patients. We included 13 patients in our retrospective study who underwent LT at our center. Patient survival, graft function, and long-term complications were evaluated over a median follow-up period of 10years (range 1-16years). In addition, the prevalence of histologically relevant fibrosis was characterized. The overall survival among our LT patients was 100%. The graft survival was only 61.5%. During the follow-up period, 5 LT patients had to undergo retransplantation. More than 45% of our patients showed histological signs of fibrosis. LT remains the only definite therapeutic option for severe CNS but needs to be considered thoroughly regarding the clinical risk-benefit-ratio and impact on quality of life. Furthermore, hepatic parenchymal injury needs to be considered while evaluating future therapeutic options for CNS. LT remains the only definite therapeutic option for severe CNS but needs to be considered thoroughly regarding the clinical risk-benefit-ratio and impact on quality of life. Furthermore, hepatic parenchymal injury needs to be considered while evaluating future therapeutic options for CNS. Campaigns to prevent prone sleeping and other modifiable risk factors have greatly reduced the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome in Norway. Sleep-related infant deaths still occur sporadically and may be preventable. We studied infants' sleeping environments and whether parents followed safe sleep recommendations. Parents with infants up to 12months of age were invited to complete an online questionnaire from May to December 2018. It was publicised by health centres and on websites and social media. We received 4886 responses and 4150 met the age criteria and were included. Just under two-thirds (62.7%) reported routine bed-sharing, and this practice was associated with increased nocturnal breastfeeding, single parents and having more than one child. A small number of infants under six months were occasionally placed prone when they were laid down to sleep (2.1%) and 29.7% were placed on their side. Nearly three-quarters (72.6%) of the 2330 parents with infants under six months of age reported previous high-risk behaviour, such as sleeping together on a sofa or bed-sharing after smoking or drinking. Norwegian parents rarely used prone sleeping positions for infants. However, bed-sharing was common, including high-risk scenarios such as smoking, alcohol use and sofas. Norwegian parents rarely used prone sleeping positions for infants. However, bed-sharing was common, including high-risk scenarios such as smoking, alcohol use and sofas.